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Created January 31, 2020 14:24
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My interpretation of Twan van Laarhoven's great Nonograms write-up.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..),(<|))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set (Set)
newtype Id = Id Int deriving (Eq,Ord)
blank,filled :: Id -> Bool
blank (Id n) = n < 0
filled = not . blank
genIds :: [Int] -> [Id]
genIds = Id . go 1 where
go n [] = [-n,-n]
go n (w:ws) = [-n,-n] ++ [n+1..n+w] ++ go (n+w+1) ws
newtype C a = Cell (Set a) deriving (Eq,Foldable,Semigroup,Monoid)
type Cell = C Id
certainCell :: Id -> Cell
certainCell = Cell . S.singleton
cellFromIds :: [Id] -> Cell
cellFromIds = Cell . S.fromList
cellScore :: Cell -> Int
cellScore (Cell s) = S.size s
cellIntersection :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
cellIntersection (Cell a) (Cell b) = Cell (S.intersection a b)
genSuccessor :: [Id] -> Id -> Cell
genSuccessor is =
let after = M.fromListWith S.union ( is ( S.singleton (L.tail is)))
in \i -> Cell (M.findWithDefault S.empty i after)
data CellState = Blank | Filled | Unknown | Absurd deriving Eq
cellState :: Cell -> CellState
cellState (Cell s) | S.null s = Absurd
| all blank s = Blank
| all filled s = Filled
| otherwise = Unknown
data Line = Line { cells :: NonEmpty Cell
, prd, scs :: Id -> Cell
, start, end :: Cell }
instance Eq Line where (==) = (==) `on` cells
lineStates :: Line -> NonEmpty CellState
lineStates = cellState . cells
lineDone,lineFailed :: Line -> Bool
lineDone = notElem Unknown . lineStates
lineFailed = elem Absurd . lineStates
genLine :: Pos -> [Int] -> Line
genLine lg ws = Line (replicateNE lg (cellFromIds ids))
(genSuccessor (L.reverse ids))
(genSuccessor ids)
(certainCell (L.head ids))
(certainCell (L.last ids))
where ids = genIds ws
reverseLine :: Line -> Line
reverseLine Line{..} = Line (NE.reverse cells) scs prd end start
propagF,propagB :: Line -> Line
propagB = reverseLine . propagF . reverseLine
propagF l = l { cells = scanlTailNE f (start l) (cells l) }
where f (Cell from) to = cellIntersection to (foldMap (scs l) from)
solveLine :: Line -> Line
solveLine = propagB . propagF
data Nonogram = Nonogram { rows, columns :: NonEmpty Line } deriving Eq
done,failed :: Nonogram -> Bool
done Nonogram{..} = all lineDone (rows <> columns)
failed Nonogram{..} = any lineFailed (rows <> columns)
nonogram :: NonEmpty [Int] -> NonEmpty [Int] -> Nonogram
nonogram cs rs = Nonogram ( (genLine (lengthNE cs)) rs)
( (genLine (lengthNE rs)) cs)
transposeNonogram :: Nonogram -> Nonogram
transposeNonogram Nonogram{..} = Nonogram columns rows
constrainRows,constrainCols :: Nonogram -> Nonogram
constrainRows n = n { rows = solveLine (rows n) }
constrainCols n =
n { columns = NE.zipWith filterLine
(NE.transpose ( lineStates (rows n)))
(columns n) }
filterLine :: NonEmpty CellState -> Line -> Line
filterLine states l = l { cells = NE.zipWith filterCell states (cells l) }
filterCell :: CellState -> Cell -> Cell
filterCell Blank = \(Cell s) -> Cell (S.filter blank s)
filterCell Filled = \(Cell s) -> Cell (S.filter filled s)
filterCell _ = id
stabilize :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
stabilize f = go where go x = case f x of fx | fx == x -> x
| otherwise -> go fx
constrain :: Nonogram -> Nonogram
constrain = stabilize (step . step) where
step = transposeNonogram . constrainCols . constrainRows
data Scored f a = Scored { best :: f a, score :: Int } deriving Functor
instance Semigroup (Scored f a) where
a <> b | score a >= score b = a
| otherwise = b
mapBest :: (Functor f,Semigroup (f (NonEmpty a)))
=> (a -> f a) -> NonEmpty a -> f (NonEmpty a)
-- mapBest :: (a -> Scored [] a) -> NonEmpty a -> Scored [] (NonEmpty a)
mapBest f (NE.uncons -> (x,mxs)) = case mxs of
Nothing -> fmap pure (f x)
Just xs -> (f x <&> (<| xs)) <> ((x <|) <$> mapBest f xs)
mapBestLine :: (Functor f,Semigroup (f (NonEmpty Cell)))
=> (Cell -> f Cell) -> Line -> f Line
-- mapBestLine :: (Cell -> Scored [] Cell) -> Line -> Scored [] Line
mapBestLine f l = fmap setCells (mapBest f (cells l))
where setCells cs = l { cells = cs }
mapBestNonogram :: ( Functor f,Semigroup (f (NonEmpty Line))
, Semigroup (f (NonEmpty Cell)) )
=> (Cell -> f Cell) -> Nonogram -> f Nonogram
-- mapBestNonogram :: (Cell -> Scored [] Cell) -> Nonogram -> Scored [] Nonogram
mapBestNonogram f n = fmap setRows (mapBest (mapBestLine f) (rows n))
where setRows rs = n { rows = rs }
guessCell :: Cell -> Scored [] Cell
guessCell cell = Scored ( certainCell (toList cell)) (cellScore cell)
guess :: Nonogram -> [Nonogram]
guess = best . mapBestNonogram guessCell
solve :: Nonogram -> [Nonogram]
solve n = do let n' = constrain n
guard $ not (failed n')
if done n' then pure n' else guess n' >>= solve
-- The Data.List.NonEmpty missing utilities:
newtype Pos = UnsafePos { getPos :: Int }
-- converting Int to Pos needs checking its >0
-- converting Pos to Int is always safe
lengthNE :: NonEmpty a -> Pos
lengthNE = UnsafePos . (1 +) . length . NE.tail
-- safe by construction: length is ≥0
scanlTailNE :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b
scanlTailNE f z = NE.fromList . L.tail . L.scanl f z . toList
-- safe by construction: scanl returns one more element that its input
replicateNE :: Pos -> a -> NonEmpty a
replicateNE n = takeNE (getPos n) . NE.repeat where
takeNE n' (x :| xs) = x :| L.take (n'-1) xs
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