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Forked from PhilterPaper/
Created March 15, 2018 01:30
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Wrapper to add page numbers to TOC and links for wkhtmltopdf processing
# wrapper for wkhtmltopdf and pdftk to update links with actual page numbers
# TOC entries get leader dots and page number . . . NN
# internal links (#id) get [page NN]
# written by Phil M Perry
# (c) copyright 2015, Phil M Perry
# license: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v3
use warnings;
# it's a quick & dirty job that doesn't have many safeguards. use at your own
# risk. anyone is welcome to improve upon it!
# input: HTML file to be converted (parameter 1)
# WARNING: input file will be overwritten several times! save a backup first.
# output: PDF file (parameter 2)
# requires: toPDF.bat, wkhtmltopdf.exe, pdftk.exe
# limitations: each link (<a>...</a>) must be on one line
# *TOC links (to receive leader dots) include class="toc"
# any nbsp's used to indent TOC entries must be within link label
# or else the leader dots and page numbers won't align
# (and use only 0 or more &nbsp;'s to left pad link label)
# assumes all links have href= (no name= anchor "links")
# *link with class="external" do not get [page NN]
# <A>, </A>, CLASS=, HREF=, etc. not recognized (must be l/c)
# TBD: could use regex to do case-insensitive matches?
# * see configuration
# configuration ==========================================================
# haven't figured out yet why replacing separate .bat file with inline isn't
# working... get very cryptic errors. for now, using toPDF.bat
# where to find wkhtmltopdf
##$wkhtmltopdf = "\"C:\\Program Files\\wkhtmltopdf\\bin\\wkhtmltopdf.exe\"";
# parameters for wkhtmltopdf
##$WKparms = "-s Letter " . # paper size
## "-B .5in -T .5in -L .5in -R .5in " . # margins
## "--header-right \"page [page]\"" . # page number at upper right
## "--footer-center \"Confidential, property of someone\"
## "--header-spacing 4 --footer-spacing 4";
# default class="toc" to mark a TOC entry line
$tocClass = "toc";
# default class="external" to mark a link that is NOT to get [page NN]
# TBD: look at href= and if it starts with #, it's internal (no extClass needed)
$extClass = "external";
# when the (TOC) page number updated with the actual number, it is left
# justified (i.e., does not ovewrite any leader dots), so be sure to leave
# room for the largest page number! for narrower pages, reduce size.
$TOCtemplate = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9999";
# default page template for internal links, added to end of link label
$page99 = "&nbsp;[page&nbsp;99]";
# name of scratch file for HTML rewrite
$tempHTML = "TEMP.HTML";
# name of scratch file for PDF unpack and analyze (a big file!)
$tempPDF = "TEMP.PDF";
# minimum 2 passes needed. it's rare to go more than 3
$maxLoops = 10;
# 0: leave (modified) inFile, 1: erase it when done
$eraseInFile = 1;
# end configuration ======================================================
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print "require input and output file names\n";
$inFile = $ARGV[0];
$outFile = $ARGV[1];
$tempFile = $tempPDF;
# initialize multipass variables
@objList = ();
# initial update of input HTML file is:
# TOC <a> (with class="toc") add leader dots and 99 page number
# <a> links without class="external" add &nbsp;[page&nbsp;99]
# other <a> (external sites) leave alone
# note that this section will need to be updated for any other formats
# of HTML file being processed
print "adding initial page numbers to input HTML file\n";
for ($loop=1; $loop<=$maxLoops; $loop++) {
print "pass $loop: create PDF and unpack it\n";
$pageChange = 0; # no page change seen yet in this loop
# make PDF
system("toPDF $inFile $outFile");
##system("$wkhtmltopdf $WKparms $inFile $outFile");
# uncompress the PDF file
system("pdftk $outFile output $tempFile uncompress");
# warning! $tempFile can be huge!
# tempFile is the readable, uncompressed PDF produced by pdftk
open(IN, $tempFile) || die "can't open temp file $tempFile\n";
# go through tempFile and get the lines starting with /file
# save #id objid objid2 at end
# we may not need to do this more than once, but if an id moves from
# one page to another, it is conceivable that the objid may change from
# pass to pass
print " build list of targeted objects\n";
while ($line=<IN>) {
if ($line =~ m#^/file:.*\#23(.*) (.*) (.*) R#) {
if ($loop == 1) {
# first time, initialize (build objList)
# page -1 (uninitialized page number)
push (@objList, [$1, $2, $3, -1]);
} else {
# subsequent pass, update object id if necessary
for ($i=0; $i<=$#objList; $i++) {
if ($objList[$i][0] eq $1) {
if ($objList[$i][1] != $2 || $objList[$i][2] != $3) {
print "#$1 has changed object id from $objList[$i][1] $objList[$i][2] to $2 $3\n";
$objList[$i][1] = $2;
$objList[$i][2] = $3;
} # end processing a /file: line
} # end of loop through lines in tempFile
seek(IN, 0, 0); # we'll read tempFile again
# now read through to find each object id that's in objList, and record
# its page number. set flag if changed.
print " update list of targeted objects with their page numbers\n";
$page = 0;
while ($line=<IN>) {
if ($line =~ m#^/pdftk_PageNum (.*)#) {
$page = $1;
if ($line =~ m#^(.*) (.*) obj #) {
# found an obj... is it in objList?
for ($i=0; $i<=$#objList; $i++) {
if ($objList[$i][1] == $1 && $objList[$i][2] == $2) {
if ($objList[$i][3] != $page) {
if ($loop > 1) {
print "#$objList[$i][0] has changed page number from $objList[$i][3] to $page\n";
$objList[$i][3] = $page;
$pageChange = 1;
last; # exit for loop, since this line has been processed
} # end of processing an object line
} # end of loop through lines in tempFile
if (!$pageChange) { last; } # no page numbers changed? done!
# note: we are not checking if an id disappeared or was new in later passes...
# assume that set of ids is constant, and that object id and page may change
# final step in loop, if page numbers have changed, is to update the input
# HTML file's page numbers.
print "update page numbers in links and TOC\n";
updateHTML($inFile, \@objList);
# too many loops?
if ($loop == $maxLoops) {
print "Page numbering did not settle down within $maxLoops passes.\n";
print "Use output PDF file with caution.\n";
} # 2+ loops to create PDF/update HTML and repeat
if ($eraseInFile) {
unlink($inFile); # since inFile has been modified, OK to erase
# end of main program
# ==============================================================
# add to TOC entries leader dots and "9" at fixed length entry
# add to other <a> without class="external" &nbsp;[page&nbsp;99]
# note: <A> and </A> are not matched!
# could use a page number other than 99, such as 999 for large documents
# fixed length of TOC entry (number of leader dots) could be varied, depending
# on desired page width (TOC will be printed with fixed pitch font to ensure
# that dots align horizontally)
sub initialUpdateHTML {
my $inFile = shift;
my $tempFile = $tempHTML;
my $me = "initialUpdateHTML()";
my ($line, $pos, $pos2, $tocLine, $label, $len, $i);
open(IN, $inFile) || die "$me can't open input file $inFile\n";
open(OUT, ">$tempFile") || die "$me can't open output file $tempFile\n";
while ($line=<IN>) {
chomp $line;
# assume there might be more than one <a> in a line
$pos = 0;
while (($pos2 = index($line, "<a ", $pos)) >= 0) {
# there IS a[nother] <a> in this line
$pos = $pos2;
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos) + 3; # pos..pos2 s/b entire <a>
if ($pos2 <= $pos) {
print "line =>$line<=\n seems to be missing its </a>!\n";
die "This program cannot continue until HTML source is fixed.\n";
if (index(substr($line, $pos, $pos2-$pos+1), "class=\"$tocClass\"") >= 0) {
# between pos and pos2, is there class="toc"? if so, is TOC
$pos = index($line, ">", $pos)+1; # start of link label text
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos)-1; # end of link label text
# at this point pos..pos2 is just a label between <a> and </a>
$label = substr($line, $pos, $pos2-$pos+1); # raw label
$tocLine = $TOCtemplate;
# first, convert any leading &nbsp; in the label to spaces,
# remembering the number of &nbsp;'s found
if ($label =~ m#((&nbsp;)+)#) {
$len = length($1)/6; # count of non-breaking spaces
substr($label, 0, $len*6) = ' ' x $len;
} else {
$len = 0;
# next, overwrite the template at left with the label+one space (nbsp)
# pos2-pos+1 is original length of label (with nbsp's)
# overwrite first part of tocLine by label and non-breaking space
# (so label . . doesn't first get squeezed to label . .)
$label .= '&nbsp;';
# finally, restore $len leading blanks to nbsp's
if ($len > 0) {
substr($label, 0, $len) = '&nbsp;' x $len;
# -5 for trailing nbsp (want to count as one space)
# -len*5 for any leading nbsp's (want to count as len spaces)
$tocLine = $label . substr($tocLine, length($label)-5-$len*5);
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . $tocLine . substr($line, $pos2+1);
$pos2 += length($tocLine) - ($pos2-$pos+1); # length of added text
} elsif (index(substr($line, $pos, $pos2-$pos), "class=\"$extClass\"") < 0) {
# between pos and pos2, is there NOT class="external"? if so, add [page]
$pos = index($line, ">", $pos)+1; # start of link label text
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos)-1; # end of link label text
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos2+1) . $page99 . substr($line, $pos2+1);
$pos2 += length($page99); # length of added text
$pos = $pos2; # see if there's another <a> to process
} # done (possibly) updating $line
print OUT $line."\n"; # output the (sometimes) updated line
} # reading input HTML file and writing back out modified version
rename $tempFile, $inFile;
# ==============================================================
# update NN page number at end of TOC entries and [page NN] entries
# with current value in objList
# unfortunately, there is no reasonable way to determine which page a link
# is on. if there was, we could use "[previous page]" (target's page = link's
# page - 1), "[this page]" (target's page = link's page), and "[next page]"
# (target's page = links's page + 1) instead of always using "[page NN]".
sub updateHTML {
my $inFile = shift;
my $objListRef = shift;
my @objList = @$objListRef;
my $tempFile = $tempHTML;
my $me = "updateHTML()";
my ($line, $pos, $pos2, $i, $len);
# read in HTML, line by line. requires that full <a...>text</a> is all on
# one line
open(IN, $inFile) || die "$me can't open input file $inFile\n";
open(OUT, ">$tempFile") || die "$me can't open output file $tempFile\n";
while ($line=<IN>) {
chomp $line;
# assume there might be more than one <a> in a line
$pos = 0;
while (($pos2 = index($line, "<a ", $pos)) >= 0) {
# there IS a[nother] <a> in this line
$pos = $pos2;
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos) + 3; # pos..pos2 s/b entire <a>
if ($pos2 <= $pos) {
print "line =>$line<=\n seems to be missing its </a>!\n";
die "This program cannot continue until HTML source is fixed.\n";
if (index(substr($line, $pos, $pos2-$pos+1), "class=\"$tocClass\"") >= 0) {
# between pos and pos2, is there class="toc"? if so, is TOC
# find href="#id"
$pos2 = index($line, "href=", $pos); # assume there IS an href
substr($line, $pos2) =~ m/href="#([^"]+)"/;
for ($i=0; $i<=$#objList; $i++) {
if ($objList[$i][0] eq $1) { last; } # $i is objList row number
$pos = index($line, ">", $pos)+1; # start of link label text
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos)-1; # end of link label text
# pos..pos2 is full label between <a> and </a>
# we're interested in finding the number at the end and overwriting it
$pos = rindex($line, ' ', $pos2)+1;
# pos..pos2 should be the old page number \d+
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . $objList[$i][3] . substr($line, $pos2+1);
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos); # may have changed slightly
} elsif (index(substr($line, $pos, $pos2-$pos), "class=\"$extClass\"") < 0) {
# between pos and pos2, is there NOT class="external"? if so,
# update page number
$pos2 = index($line, "href=", $pos);
substr($line, $pos2) =~ m/href="#([^"]+)"/;
for ($i=0; $i<=$#objList; $i++) {
if ($objList[$i][0] eq $1) { last; } # $i is index in objList
$pos = index($line, ">", $pos)+1; # start of link label text
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos)-1; # end of link label text ']'
$pos = rindex($line, "&nbsp;", $pos2)+6; # pos = start of page number
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . $objList[$i][3] . substr($line, $pos2);
$pos2 = index($line, "</a>", $pos);
$pos = $pos2; # see if there's another <a> to process
} # done (possibly) updating $line
print OUT $line."\n"; # output the (sometimes) updated line
} # reading input HTML file and writing back out modified version
rename $tempFile, $inFile;
echo off
set input=%1
set output=%2
"c:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe" -s Letter -B .5in -T .5in -L .5in -R .5in --header-right "page [page]" --footer-center "Confidential, property of someone" --header-spacing 4 --footer-spacing 4 %input% %output%
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