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Last active July 12, 2022 19:46
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alternative quarto rendering function
#' Render quarto files
#' Render quarto files
#' @details
#' The `.qmd` input file is copied as a temporary file, which is then used for
#' rendering. The output of this is then copied over to the intended output
#' file.
#' @inheritParams quarto::quarto_render
#' @param metadata A named list of metadata values
#' @noRd
quarto_render2 <- function(input, output_file = NULL, ...) {
stopifnot(tools::file_ext(input) == "qmd")
temp_qmd <- basename(tempfile(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(input)), fileext = ".qmd"))
temp_qmd <- file.path(dirname(input), temp_qmd)
file.copy(input, temp_qmd)
temp_html <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(temp_qmd)
temp_html <- paste0(temp_html, ".html")
if (is.null(output_file)) {
output_file <- file.path(
paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(intput), ".html")
quarto_render_(temp_qmd, ...)
file.rename(temp_html, output_file)
# mostly quarto::quarto_render() but with metadata
quarto_render_ <- function(
input = NULL,
output_format = NULL,
metadata = NULL, # new
output_file = NULL,
execute = TRUE,
execute_params = NULL,
execute_dir = NULL,
execute_daemon = NULL,
execute_daemon_restart = FALSE,
execute_debug = FALSE,
use_freezer = FALSE,
cache = NULL,
cache_refresh = FALSE,
debug = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
pandoc_args = NULL,
as_job = getOption("quarto.render_as_job", "auto")
) {
# provide default for input
if (is.null(input)) {
input <- getwd()
input <- path.expand(input)
# get quarto binary
quarto_bin <- quarto::quarto_path()
# see if we need to render as a job
if (identical(as_job, "auto")) {
as_job <- utils::file_test("-d", input)
# render as job if requested and running within rstudio
if (as_job && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
message("Rendering project as backround job (use as_job = FALSE to override)")
script <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
c("library(quarto)", deparse(,
name = "quarto render",
workingDir = getwd(),
importEnv = TRUE
return (invisible(NULL))
# build args
args <- c("render", input)
if (!missing(output_format)) {
args <- c(args, "--to", paste(output_format, collapse = ","))
if (!missing(output_file)) {
args <- c(args, "--output", output_file)
if (!missing(execute)) {
args <- c(args, ifelse(isTRUE(execute), "--execute", "--no-execute"))
if (!missing(execute_params)) {
params_file <- tempfile(pattern = "quarto-params", fileext = ".yml")
yaml::write_yaml(execute_params, params_file)
args <- c(args, "--execute-params", params_file)
if (!missing(metadata)) {
meta_names <- names(metadata)
meta_values <- sapply(metadata, paste, collapse = "")
metadata <- paste0(meta_names, ":", meta_values)
for (i in seq_along(metadata)) {
args <- c(args, "--metadata", metadata[i])
if (!missing(execute_dir)) {
args <- c(args, "--execute-dir", execute_dir)
if (!missing(execute_daemon)) {
args <- c(args, "--execute-daemon", as.character(execute_daemon))
if (isTRUE(execute_daemon_restart)) {
args <- c(args, "--execute-daemon-restart")
if (isTRUE(execute_debug)) {
args <- c(args, "--execute-debug")
if (isTRUE(use_freezer)) {
args <- c(args, "--use-freezer")
if (!missing(cache)) {
args <- c(args, ifelse(isTRUE(cache), "--cache", "--no-cache"))
if (isTRUE(cache_refresh)) {
args <- c(args, "--cache-refresh")
if (isTRUE(debug)) {
args <- c(args, "--debug")
if (isTRUE(quiet)) {
args <- c(args, "--quiet")
if (!is.null(pandoc_args)) {
args <- c(args, pandoc_args)
# run quarto
processx::run(quarto_bin, args, echo = TRUE)
# no return value
quarto_render2_ <- function(
input = getwd(),
output_format = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
output_file = NULL,
execute = TRUE,
execute_params = NULL,
execute_dir = NULL,
execute_daemon = NULL,
execute_daemon_restart = FALSE,
execute_debug = FALSE,
use_freezer = FALSE,
cache = NULL,
cache_refresh = FALSE,
debug = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
pandoc_args = NULL,
as_job = getOption("quarto.render_as_job","auto")
) {
# helpers ----
true <- function(x, y = character(), z = NULL) {
if (isTRUE(x)) y else z
format_args <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
args <- args[!vapply(args, is.null, NA)] # remove NULL arguments
nms <- gsub("_", "-", trimws(names(args))) # tidy up names
args <- vapply(args, paste, NA_character_, collapse = " ") # collapse
paste(trimws(paste0("--", nms)), args, collapse = " ") # collapse again!
format_format_params <- function(x = NULL) {
if (is.null(x)) {
if (is.character(x)) {
vapply(x, is.list, NA),
(nms <- names(x)) %in% c("html", "pdf")
out <- sapply(x, function(i) {
ind <- vapply(i, is.logical, NA)
i[ind] <- lapply(i[ind], tolower)
ind <- lengths(ind) > 1
i[ind] <- lapply(i[ind], paste, collapse = " ")
sprintf("--%s:%s", gsub("_", "-", names(i)), as.character(i))
paste(nms, paste(out, collapse = " "), collapse = ", --to ")
format_key_value <- function(x) {
nm <- names(x)
vals <- sapply(x, paste0, collapse = "")
vals <- paste0('"', vals, '"')
paste0(nm, ":", vals, collapse = " ")
try_remove_file <- function(x) {
if (!file.exists(x)) {
suppressWarnings(try(file.remove(x), silent = TRUE))
norm_path <- function(x, check = FALSE) {
normalizePath(x, .Platform$file.sep, mustWork = check)
## body ----
input <- norm_path(input, check = TRUE)
if (identical(as_job, "auto")) {
as_job <- utils::file_test("-d", input)
# borrowed from original function
if (as_job && rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
message("Rendering project as backround job (use as_job = FALSE to override)")
script <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
writeLines(c("library(quarto)", deparse(, script)
name = "quarto render",
workingDir = getwd(),
importEnv = TRUE
if (is.null(execute_dir) & isFALSE($isdir)) {
execute_dir <- dirname(input)
# normalize path to use a separate output and a separate temporary file
output_file <- norm_path(output_file)
temp_file <- basename(tempfile(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(output_file)), fileext = ".html"))
temp_file <- norm_path(file.path(execute_dir, temp_file))
on.exit(try_remove_file(temp_file), add = TRUE)
# create new variable
if (!is.null(execute_params)) {
params_file <- tempfile(pattern = "quarto-params", fileext = ".yml")
yaml::write_yaml(execute_params, params_file)
params_file <- norm_path(params_file, check = TRUE)
} else {
params_file <- NULL
# format arguments -- removes any that are NULL
args <- format_args(
to = format_format_params(output_format),
output = temp_file,
# metadata = format_key_value(metadata),
metadata = NULL,
execute = true(execute),
no_execute = true(!execute),
execute_params = params_file,
execute_dir = NULL,
execute_daemon = execute_daemon,
execute_daemon_restart = true(execute_daemon_restart),
execute_debug = true(execute_debug),
use_freezer = true(use_freezer),
cache = true(cache),
no_cache = if (!isTRUE(cache)) character(),
cache_refresh = true(cache_refresh),
debug = true(debug),
quiet = true(quiet),
pandoc_args = if (!is.null(pandoc_args)) pandoc_args
# use an error file
error_file <- tempfile()
on.exit(try_remove_file(error_file), add = TRUE)
# use system2() over processx::run()
quarto_path <- norm_path(quarto::quarto_path(), check = TRUE)
if (!quiet) writeLines(paste(quarto_path, "render", input, args))
system2(quarto_path, c("render", input, args))
# try to copy the files over
# try(file.copy(temp_file, output_file, copy.mode = TRUE, = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
# return the file that is created
# output_file
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