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Last active August 25, 2019 17:42
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  • Save jmbeach/0bddd12bbebc19835536 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jmbeach/0bddd12bbebc19835536 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotkey Console Log/WriteLine Equivalent
;Inspired by thread:
;Based on script by user Hachi.
;Edit by Jared Beach.
; #include this script in a script you want to debug.
; "#Include, ./debug.ahk"
; Add debug messages by writing `debug("your message here")`
; See live debug messages by running:
; AutoHotkey myscript.ahk debug | Write-Host
; Exit the script by pressing Win + x.
; Determine if this is a debug session
Gosub, SubCheckDebugArgs
; Works regardless if debug argument is passed in.
debug(string) {
string .= "`n"
FileAppend %string%,* ;* goes to stdout
; win + x ends script so you can see output in command-line
if (isDebug = true) {
Gosub, SubExit
ExitApp ;Terminate for debug
isDebug := false
i := 0
Loop %0% { ; for all commandline arguments
param = %A_Index%
if (%param% = "debug") {
isDebug := true
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