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Last active December 14, 2015 21:49
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Get the 32-bit CRC code for a string in base 62 (0-9A-Za-z)
* Get the 32-bit CRC code for a string in base 62
* @param string $str The string to get the CRC for
* @param array $chars Optional. An array mapping the integer keys 0-61 to distinct characters.
* If not supplied, the character for each value will be calculated on the fly.
* @return string The base 62 CRC code
function str_crc62($str, $chars = null){
// Get the CRC code for the string
$crc = intval(sprintf('%u', crc32($str)));
$crc62 = '';
// Convert CRC from base 10 to base 62 (0-9A-Za-z)
// Get the mod of the current CRC
$m = $crc%62;
// Convert the mod value to a character and add it to the
if($chars !== null)
$crc62 = $chars[$m].$crc62;
$crc62 = chr((($m>35)?61:(($m>9)?55:48))+$m).$crc62;
// Set the CRC to the integer division value
$crc = ($crc-$m)/62;
} while($crc > 0);
return $crc62;
// Generate the character map
$chars = array();
for($m = 0; $m < 62; $m++){
$chars[$m] = chr((($m>35)?61:(($m>9)?55:48))+$m);
// Both should return '2ygOVa'
str_crc62('*_TeSt.StRiNg_*', $chars);
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