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Last active March 29, 2018 06:30
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import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits.{catsSyntaxEither => _, _}
import fs2._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.multipart._
import org.http4s.util._
/** A low-level multipart-parsing pipe. Most end users will prefer EntityDecoder[Multipart]. */
object MultipartParser2 {
def decoder[F[_]: Sync]: EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]] =
EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`multipart/*`) { msg =>
msg.contentType.flatMap(_.mediaType.extensions.get("boundary")) match {
case Some(boundary) =>
DecodeResult {
.map[Either[DecodeFailure, Multipart[F]]](parts =>
Right(Multipart(parts, Boundary(boundary))))
.handleError {
case e: InvalidMessageBodyFailure => Left(e)
case e => Left(InvalidMessageBodyFailure("Invalid multipart body", Some(e)))
case None =>
InvalidMessageBodyFailure("Missing boundary extension to Content-Type"))
/** Converts ASCII encoded byte stream to a stream of `String`. */
private def asciiDecode[F[_]]: Pipe[F, Byte, String] =
private def asciiCheck(b: Byte) = 0x80 & b
/** Converts ASCII encoded `Chunk[Byte]` inputs to `String`. */
private def asciiDecodeC[F[_]]: Pipe[F, Chunk[Byte], String] = { in =>
def tailRecAsciiCheck(i: Int, bytes: Array[Byte]): Stream[F, String] =
if (i == bytes.length)
Stream.emit(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII))
else {
if (asciiCheck(bytes(i)) == 0x80) {
new IllegalArgumentException("byte stream is not encodable as ascii bytes"))
} else {
tailRecAsciiCheck(i + 1, bytes)
in.flatMap(c => tailRecAsciiCheck(0, c.toArray))
private val CRLFBytesN = Array[Byte]('\r', '\n')
private val DoubleCRLFBytesN = Array[Byte]('\r', '\n', '\r', '\n')
private val DashDashBytesN = Array[Byte]('-', '-')
private val BoundaryBytesN: Boundary => Array[Byte] = boundary => boundary.value.getBytes("UTF-8")
val StartLineBytesN: Boundary => Array[Byte] = BoundaryBytesN.andThen(DashDashBytesN ++ _)
private val ExpectedBytesN: Boundary => Array[Byte] =
BoundaryBytesN.andThen(CRLFBytesN ++ DashDashBytesN ++ _)
private val EndlineBytesN: Boundary => Array[Byte] =
BoundaryBytesN.andThen(CRLFBytesN ++ DashDashBytesN ++ _ ++ DashDashBytesN)
def parseStreamed[F[_]: Sync](
boundary: Boundary,
limit: Int = 1024): Pipe[F, Byte, Multipart[F]] = { st =>
ignorePreludeStage[F](boundary, st, limit)
.fold(Vector.empty[Part[F]])(_ :+ _)
.map(Multipart(_, boundary))
def parseToPartsStream[F[_]: Sync](
boundary: Boundary,
limit: Int = 1024): Pipe[F, Byte, Part[F]] = { st =>
ignorePreludeStage[F](boundary, st, limit)
private def splitAndIgnorePrev[F[_]](
values: Array[Byte],
state: Int,
c: Chunk[Byte]): (Int, Stream[F, Byte]) = {
var i = 0
var currState = state
val len = values.length
while (currState < len && i < c.size) {
if (c(i) == values(currState)) {
currState += 1
} else if (c(i) == values(0)) {
currState = 1
} else {
currState = 0
i += 1
if (currState == 0) {
(0, Stream.empty)
} else if (currState == len) {
(currState, Stream.chunk(c.drop(i)))
} else {
(currState, Stream.empty)
/** Split a chunk in the case of a complete match:
* If it is a chunk that is between a partial match
* (middleChunked), consider the prior partial match
* as part of the data to emit.
* If it is a fully matched, fresh chunk (no carry over partial match),
* emit everything until the match, and everything after the match.
* If it is the continuation of a partial match,
* emit everything after the partial match.
private def splitCompleteMatch[F[_]: Sync](
state: Int,
middleChunked: Boolean,
sti: Int,
i: Int,
acc: Stream[F, Byte],
carry: Stream[F, Byte],
c: Chunk[Byte]
): (Int, Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte]) =
if (middleChunked) {
//Emit the partial match as well
acc ++ carry ++ Stream.chunk(c.take(i - sti)),
Stream.chunk(c.drop(i))) //Emit after the match
} else if (state == 0) {
//Ignore the partial match (carry)
acc ++ Stream.chunk(c.take(i - sti)),
} else {
acc, //block completes partial match, so do not emit carry
Stream.chunk(c.drop(i))) //Emit everything after the match
/** Split a chunk in the case of a partial match:
* If it is a chunk that is between a partial match
* (middle chunked), the prior partial match is added to
* the accumulator, and the current partial match is
* considered to carry over.
* If it is a fresh chunk (no carry over partial match),
* everything prior to the partial match is added to the accumulator,
* and the partial match is considered the carry over.
* Else, if the whole block is a partial match,
* add it to the carry over
def splitPartialMatch[F[_]: Sync](
state: Int,
middleChunked: Boolean,
currState: Int,
i: Int,
acc: Stream[F, Byte],
carry: Stream[F, Byte],
c: Chunk[Byte]
): (Int, Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte]) = {
val ixx = i - currState
if (middleChunked || state == 0) {
val (lchunk, rchunk) = c.splitAt(ixx)
(currState, acc ++ carry ++ Stream.chunk(lchunk), Stream.chunk(rchunk))
} else {
(currState, acc, carry ++ Stream.chunk(c))
/** Split a chunk as part of either a left or right
* stream depending on the byte sequence in `values`.
* `state` represents the current counter position
* for `values`, which is necessary to keep track of in the
* case of partial matches.
* `acc` holds the cumulative left stream values,
* and `carry` holds the values that may possibly
* be the byte sequence. As such, carry is re-emitted if it was an
* incomplete match, or ignored (as such excluding the sequence
* from the subsequent split stream).
def splitOnChunk[F[_]: Sync](
values: Array[Byte],
state: Int,
c: Chunk[Byte],
acc: Stream[F, Byte],
carry: Stream[F, Byte]): (Int, Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte]) = {
var i = 0
var currState = state
val len = values.length
var middleChunked = false
while (currState < len && i < c.size) {
if (c(i) == values(currState)) {
currState += 1
} else if (c(i) == values(0)) {
middleChunked = true
currState = 1
} else {
currState = 0
i += 1
if (currState == 0) {
(0, acc ++ carry ++ Stream.chunk(c), Stream.empty)
} else if (currState == len) {
splitCompleteMatch(state, middleChunked, currState, i, acc, carry, c)
} else {
splitPartialMatch(state, middleChunked, currState, i, acc, carry, c)
/** The first part of our streaming stages:
* Ignore the prelude and remove the first boundary
private def ignorePreludeStage[F[_]: Sync](
b: Boundary,
stream: Stream[F, Byte],
limit: Int): Stream[F, Part[F]] = {
val values = StartLineBytesN(b)
def go(s: Stream[F, Byte], state: Int, strim: Stream[F, Byte]): Pull[F, Part[F], Unit] =
if (state == values.length) {
streamStageIgnoreRest(b, strim ++ s, limit).pull.echo
} else {
s.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chnk, rest)) =>
val bytes = chnk
val (ix, strim) = splitAndIgnorePrev(values, state, bytes)
go(rest, ix, strim)
case None =>
Pull.raiseError(MalformedMessageBodyFailure("Malformed Malformed match"))
stream.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chnk, strim)) =>
val (ix, rest) = splitAndIgnorePrev(values, 0, chnk)
go(strim, ix, rest)
case None =>
Pull.raiseError(MalformedMessageBodyFailure("Cannot parse empty stream"))
private def parseToPartStreamed[F[_]: Sync](s: Stream[F, Byte], limit: Int): Stream[F, Part[F]] =
splitLimited[F](DoubleCRLFBytesN, s, limit).flatMap {
case (l, r) =>
l.pull.uncons.flatMap {
case None =>
MalformedMessageBodyFailure("Invalid Separation between headers and body"))
case Some(_) =>
parseHeaders[F](l).map(Part[F](_, r)).pull.echo *> Pull.done
private def parseHeaders[F[_]: Sync](strim: Stream[F, Byte]): Stream[F, Headers] = {
def tailrecParse(s: Stream[F, Byte], headers: Headers): Pull[F, Headers, Unit] =
splitHalf[F](CRLFBytesN, s).flatMap {
case (l, r) =>
.fold("")(_ ++ _)
.map { string =>
val ix = string.indexOf(':')
if (string.indexOf(':') >= 0)
headers.put(Header(string.substring(0, ix), string.substring(ix + 1).trim))
.echo *> r.pull.uncons.flatMap {
case Some(_) =>
tailrecParse(r, headers)
case None =>
tailrecParse(strim, Headers.empty).stream
.fold(Headers.empty)(_ ++ _)
private def streamStageIgnoreRest[F[_]: Sync](
boundary: Boundary,
s: Stream[F, Byte],
limit: Int
): Stream[F, Part[F]] = {
val endlineBytes = EndlineBytesN(boundary)
val values = ExpectedBytesN(boundary)
splitOrFail[F](endlineBytes, s).flatMap {
case (l, _) =>
streamStageParsePart[F](boundary, values, l ++ Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes(values)), limit).pull.echo
private def streamStageParsePart[F[_]: Sync](
boundary: Boundary,
values: Array[Byte],
s: Stream[F, Byte],
limit: Int
): Stream[F, Part[F]] =
splitHalf[F](values, s).flatMap {
case (l, r) =>
r.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case None =>
parseToPartStreamed[F](l, limit).pull.echo *>
case Some(_) =>
tailrecParts[F](boundary, values, l, r, limit)
private def tailrecParts[F[_]: Sync](
b: Boundary,
values: Array[Byte],
last: Stream[F, Byte],
next: Stream[F, Byte],
limit: Int
): Pull[F, Part[F], Unit] =
parseToPartStreamed[F](last, limit).pull.echo *> splitHalf[F](values, next).flatMap {
case (l, r) =>
r.pull.uncons.flatMap {
case None =>
case Some(_) =>
tailrecParts[F](b, values, l, r, limit)
private def splitHalf[F[_]: Sync](
values: Array[Byte],
stream: Stream[F, Byte]): Pull[F, Nothing, (Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte])] = {
def go(
s: Stream[F, Byte],
state: Int,
lacc: Stream[F, Byte],
racc: Stream[F, Byte]): Pull[F, Nothing, (Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte])] =
if (state == values.length) {
Pull.pure((lacc, racc ++ s))
} else {
s.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chnk, str)) =>
val (ix, l, r) = splitOnChunk[F](values, state, chnk, lacc, racc)
go(str, ix, l, r)
case None =>
Pull.pure((lacc, racc))
stream.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chunk, rest)) =>
val (ix, l, r) = splitOnChunk[F](values, 0, chunk, Stream.empty, Stream.empty)
go(rest, ix, l, r)
case None =>
Pull.pure((Stream.empty, Stream.empty))
private def splitOrFail[F[_]: Sync](
values: Array[Byte],
stream: Stream[F, Byte]): Pull[F, Nothing, (Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte])] = {
def go(
s: Stream[F, Byte],
state: Int,
lacc: Stream[F, Byte],
racc: Stream[F, Byte]): Pull[F, Nothing, (Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte])] =
if (state == values.length) {
Pull.pure((lacc, racc ++ s))
} else {
s.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chnk, str)) =>
val (ix, l, r) = splitOnChunk[F](values, state, chnk, lacc, racc)
go(str, ix, l, r)
case None =>
Pull.raiseError(MalformedMessageBodyFailure("Invalid boundary - partial boundary"))
stream.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chunk, rest)) =>
val (ix, l, r) = splitOnChunk[F](values, 0, chunk, Stream.empty, Stream.empty)
go(rest, ix, l, r)
case None =>
Pull.raiseError(MalformedMessageBodyFailure("Invalid boundary - partial boundary"))
/** Split a chunk in the case of a complete match:
* If it is a chunk that is between a partial match
* (middleChunked), consider the prior partial match
* as part of the data to emit.
* If it is a fully matched, fresh chunk (no carry over partial match),
* emit everything until the match, and everything after the match.
* If it is the continuation of a partial match,
* emit everything after the partial match.
private def splitCompleteLimited[F[_]: Sync](
state: Int,
middleChunked: Boolean,
sti: Int,
i: Int,
acc: Stream[F, Byte],
carry: Stream[F, Byte],
c: Chunk[Byte]
): (Int, Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte], Int) =
if (middleChunked) {
//Emit the partial match as well
acc ++ carry ++ Stream.chunk(c.take(i - sti)),
//Emit after the match
state + i - sti)
} else if (state == 0) {
//Ignore the partial match (carry)
acc ++ Stream.chunk(c.take(i - sti)),
i - sti)
} else {
acc, //block completes partial match, so do not emit carry
Stream.chunk(c.drop(i)), //Emit everything after the match
/** Split a chunk in the case of a partial match:
* If it is a chunk that is between a partial match
* (middle chunked), the prior partial match is added to
* the accumulator, and the current partial match is
* considered to carry over.
* If it is a fresh chunk (no carry over partial match),
* everything prior to the partial match is added to the accumulator,
* and the partial match is considered the carry over.
* Else, if the whole block is a partial match,
* add it to the carry over
def splitPartialLimited[F[_]: Sync](
state: Int,
middleChunked: Boolean,
currState: Int,
i: Int,
acc: Stream[F, Byte],
carry: Stream[F, Byte],
c: Chunk[Byte]
): (Int, Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte], Int) = {
val ixx = i - currState
if (middleChunked || state == 0) {
val (lchunk, rchunk) = c.splitAt(ixx)
acc ++ carry ++ Stream.chunk(lchunk), //Emit previous carry
state + ixx)
} else {
//Whole thing is partial match
(currState, acc, carry ++ Stream.chunk(c), 0)
def splitOnChunkLimited[F[_]: Sync](
values: Array[Byte],
state: Int,
c: Chunk[Byte],
acc: Stream[F, Byte],
carry: Stream[F, Byte]): (Int, Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte], Int) = {
var i = 0
var currState = state
val len = values.length
var middleChunked = false
while (currState < len && i < c.size) {
if (c(i) == values(currState)) {
currState += 1
} else if (c(i) == values(0)) {
middleChunked = true
currState = 1
} else {
currState = 0
i += 1
if (currState == 0) {
(0, acc ++ carry ++ Stream.chunk(c), Stream.empty, i)
} else if (currState == len) {
splitCompleteLimited(state, middleChunked, currState, i, acc, carry, c)
} else {
splitPartialLimited(state, middleChunked, currState, i, acc, carry, c)
private def splitLimited[F[_]: Sync](
values: Array[Byte],
stream: Stream[F, Byte],
limit: Int): Pull[F, Nothing, (Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte])] = {
def go(
s: Stream[F, Byte],
state: Int,
lacc: Stream[F, Byte],
racc: Stream[F, Byte],
limitCTR: Int): Pull[F, Nothing, (Stream[F, Byte], Stream[F, Byte])] =
if (limitCTR >= limit) {
MalformedMessageBodyFailure(s"Part header was longer than $limit-byte limit"))
} else if (state == values.length) {
Pull.pure((lacc, racc ++ s))
} else {
s.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chnk, str)) =>
val (ix, l, r, add) = splitOnChunkLimited[F](values, state, chnk, lacc, racc)
go(str, ix, l, r, limitCTR + add)
case None =>
Pull.pure((lacc, racc))
stream.pull.unconsChunk.flatMap {
case Some((chunk, rest)) =>
val (ix, l, r, add) =
splitOnChunkLimited[F](values, 0, chunk, Stream.empty, Stream.empty)
go(rest, ix, l, r, add)
case None =>
Pull.pure((Stream.empty, Stream.empty))
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