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Created July 1, 2021 15:39
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Testing readr::read_csv(), data.table::fread() and vroom::vroom()
# Test done to check/answer the question at
# Downloaded CSV file on 2021-07-01 from:
# and then compressed it with gzip
# $ zcat vacunas_covid.csv.gz | wc -l
# 7311644
csv_file <- "vacunas_covid.csv.gz"
t <- read_csv(csv_file, col_types=cols())
write_csv(t, csv_file)
t <- fread(csv_file)
fwrite(t, csv_file, sep=",")
t <- vroom(csv_file, delim=",", show_col_types = F)
vroom_write(t, csv_file, delim=",")
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> # Test done to check/answer the question at
> # Downloaded CSV file on 2021-07-01 from:
> #
> # and then compressed it with gzip
> library(readr)
> library(vroom)
> library(data.table)
> library(microbenchmark)
> csv_file <- "vacunas_covid.csv.gz"
> microbenchmark(
+ readr={
+ t <- read_csv(csv_file, col_types=cols())
+ write_csv(t, csv_file)
+ },data.table={
+ t <- fread(csv_file)
+ fwrite(t, csv_file, sep=",")
+ },vroom={
+ t <- vroom(csv_file, delim=",", show_col_types = F)
+ vroom_write(t, csv_file, delim=",")
+ },
+ times=5
+ )
Unit: seconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
readr 101.72094 105.75384 109.16869 106.08111 108.06967 124.21788 5 c
data.table 28.18751 30.32570 31.06592 30.44838 33.12746 33.24055 5 a
vroom 48.65399 51.52445 55.78264 52.89823 53.83582 72.00071 5 b
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
1065.499 39.475 990.722
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