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Last active July 21, 2018 18:32
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BBC micro:bit car game
from microbit import *
from random import randint
[False, False, True, True, True, ],
[True, False, False, True, True, ],
[True, True, False, False, True, ],
[True, True, True, False, False, ],
roadside_row_indices = None
car_x = None
time_of_last_advance = None
time_of_last_move = None
time_of_last_speedup = None
delay = None
def init():
global roadside_row_indices
global car_x
global time_of_last_advance
global time_of_last_move, time_of_last_speedup, delay
roadside_row_indices = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
car_x = 2
time_of_last_advance = None
time_of_last_move = None
time_of_last_speedup = None
def did_detect_collision_while_drawing_scene():
has_collided = False
car_y = 3
display.set_pixel(car_x, car_y, 9)
for y, state_index in enumerate(roadside_row_indices):
row = POSSIBLE_ROADSIDE_ROWS[state_index]
for x, px in enumerate(row):
if x == car_x and y == car_y:
has_collided = px
display.set_pixel(x, y, 5 if px else 0)
return has_collided
def roadside_row_indices_by_scrolling():
next_state_index = roadside_row_indices[0] + randint(-1, 1)
if next_state_index == -1 or next_state_index == len(POSSIBLE_ROADSIDE_ROWS):
return roadside_row_indices
new_roadside = roadside_row_indices[:-1]
new_roadside.insert(0, next_state_index)
return new_roadside
def car_x_by_detecting_inputs():
direction = 0
if button_a.was_pressed(): direction -= 1
if button_b.was_pressed(): direction += 1
return max(min(car_x + direction, SCENE_WIDTH), 0)
while True:
now = running_time()
if time_of_last_advance == None: time_of_last_advance = now
if time_of_last_move == None: time_of_last_move = now
if time_of_last_speedup == None: time_of_last_speedup = now
if now - time_of_last_move >= 100:
car_x = car_x_by_detecting_inputs()
time_of_last_move = now
if now - time_of_last_advance >= delay:
roadside_row_indices = roadside_row_indices_by_scrolling()
time_of_last_advance = now
if now - time_of_last_speedup >= 1000:
delay -= 10
time_of_last_speedup = now
collided = did_detect_collision_while_drawing_scene()
if collided:
score = INITIAL_DELAY - delay
display.scroll('Game Over', delay=50, wait=True, loop=False)
display.scroll(str(score), delay=150, wait=True, loop=False)
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