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Last active November 8, 2016 19:01
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Push a sample app to Pez, connect an SQL backend and scale it, blue-green deploy.
## Push a sample application to pez
# Login to PeZ and create an account:
# Grab a working cf binary for your platform (this assumes osx):
$ curl -L "" | tar -zx
$ mv cf /usr/local/bin/
# Take a look at cf help options
$ cf help | less -r
# Login to Pez
$ cf api
$ cf login -sso
# Once logged in, you can view your target like this:
$ cf target
# List your organization
$ cf orgs
# List current users
$ cf org-users pivot-<username>
# Download a sample application
$ git clone
$ cd spring-music
# Compile and Package your project
$ ./gradlew assemble
# Push the application to CF running in Pez
$ cf push
# Get the URL of your app
$ cf apps
# Go to the URL and view your app running.
# You can also generate some logs from the cmdline:
# curl http://$(cf apps|grep ^spring|awk '{print $NF}')
# Check the application logs
$ cf logs --recent spring-music
# List available service plugins
$ cf marketplace
# In a browser click on the info button (top right) you will see it uses an
# in-memory database (profiles: cloud,in-memory).
# Change to SQL backend.
# Deploy a mysql backend, the service: p-mysql profile: 100mb-dev instance: music-db
$ cf create-service p-mysql 100mb-dev music-db
$ cf bind-service spring-music music-db
# Restart the service
$ cf restart spring-music
# Verify it's properly bound
$ cf services
# Scale the app to two instances
$ cf scale spring-music -i 2
# Verify the scale is working
$ cf app spring-music
# Decrease Memory usage for each instance
$ cf scale spring-music -m 500M
# Decrease Disk usage for each instance
$ cf scale spring-music -k 512M
# Log back into PeZ and poke around on the dashboard and review your changes.
## Using Spaces
# List your organizations spaces
$ cf spaces
# Create a new space called 'labtest'
$ cf space-create labtest
# Target the labtest space
$ cf target -o "pivot-<username>" -s "labtest"
# Push to labtest
$ cf push
## Push your own application
$ mkdir app-php
$ cd app-php/
# Create a simple index file
$ vim index.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello World v1</title>
Hello world<?php echo " Version: v1"; ?>
# Push the php app
$ cf push "app-php"
# View the app in a browser
$ cf app app-php|grep ^url
# Create an application deployment manifest
$ cf create-app-manifest app-php -p manifest.yml
## Blue Green deploy (live migrate from v1 to v2)
# Scale v1 of the app to 3 instances
$ cf scale app-php -i 3
# Create a second version of the app (v1 and v2)
$ rsync -aP app-php/ app-php-a/
# Increment the new app version to v2
$ perl -pi -e 's/v1/v2/g' app-php-a/index.php
$ perl -pi -e 's/app-php/app-php-a/g' app-php-a/manifest.yml
$ cd app-php-a
$ cf push
# Create a new route in v2 of the app, which points to v1 of the app
$ cf map-route app-php-a -n app-php
# Request the URL a bunch of times and note that you get a mix of v1/v2
$ for i in {1..20}; do curl -s; done|grep Version
# Now that we're happy with v2, unmap the route for v1
$ cf unmap-route app-php -n app-php
# Re-request the original URL to see only app v2 running.
$ for i in {1..20}; do curl -s; done|grep Version
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