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Last active November 9, 2018 16:35
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## Install Utils:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tmux youtube-dl htop ccze vlc
## Install and use youtube-dl
$ youtube-dl
$ youtube-dl -F <video> (list video formats)
$ youtube-dl -f <index> <video> download video at <format> --output fish.webm
## Example
$ youtube-dl -f 43 --output file.webm
## tmux (Terminal Multiplexer)
$ ctrl+b <command>
## Panes (tiles)
$ ctrl+b % (split vertical)
$ ctrl+b " (split horizontal)
$ ctrl+b z (zoom pane)
$ ctrl+b o (next pane)
$ ctrl+b :setw synchronize-panes
## Windows
$ ctrl+b c (new window)
$ ctrl+b , (rename window)
$ ctrl+b p (previous window)
$ ctrl+b n (next window)
$ ctrl+b w (list windows)
## Sessions
$ tmux new -s <session>
$ ctrl+b d (detach session)
$ tmux list-sessions
$ tmux attach -t <session>
## SSHuttle
$ sshuttle --ssh-cmd "ssh -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine" -r user@ -D
## CF Push icecast-server
$ cf push video-server --docker-image jmcdice/icecast2-server:latest -d --random-route --no-start
$ cf set-env video-server ICECAST_PW <password>
$ cf start video-server
## Install Asciiquarium
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ytvwld/asciiquarium
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install asciiquarium
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