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Created November 12, 2012 15:52
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MSI Software Accounting Development
<h3>Development Setup for MSI Software Accounting Webapp</h3>
<p>Setup RVM, used to manage your ruby environment.
%\curl -L | bash -s
<p>Configure your current shell session to use RVM.</p>
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
<p>Optionally, you can also add the following line to <code>$HOME/.bashrc</code> to always setup RVM.</p>
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
<p>Setup an RVM environment for ruby 1.8.7 and install bundler (bundler in turn will be used to install gems needed for software accounting page).</p>
% rvm install 1.8.7
% rvm use 1.8.7
% gem install bundler
<p>Check out the software accounting code base:</p>
% git clone
% cd msi_software_accounting
% bundle install
<p>Setup test database</p>
% rake db:migrate
<p>Make changes then test.</p>
% rake
<h3>Deploying Changes</h3>
<p>Once local changes have been made and pushed to github, they may be deployed using Capistrano (installed as part of <code>bundle install</code> above).</p>
<p>Deploying via Capistrano requires that you first have an SSH key setup so that you may ssh into the <code>softacct</code> account on the production server <code></code>. If you already have an ssh key configured, you can skip the following step.</p>
% ssh-keygen -t dsa
Next, send your public key <code>$HOME/.ssh/</code> to John ( and he will install it on appdev-dom0 for you.
Once the key is in place, all you should need to do to deploy the latest code in githup to appdev-dom0 is run the following command:
% cap deploy
<p>Ruby/Rails Environment</p>
<a href="">Rails</a> | <a href="">Setting up a Rails database migration</a>
<a href="">RSpec</a>
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