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Created March 19, 2010 20:30
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#Create a new issue in Jira from the Python XMLRPC interface. You'll have to
#provide the server and user credentials and match up your own fields
import sys
from xmlrpclib import Server
user = "username"
passwd = "passwd"
serverurl = ""
projectname = "demoproject"
s = Server(serverurl)
auth = s.jira1.login(user, passwd)
#Search for existing issues
issuetable = s.jira1.getIssuesFromTextSearch(auth, "test")
print issuetable
#Get a specific issue by ID
anotherissue = s.jira1.getIssue(auth, "ExampleIssueID1")
print anotherissue
#Create a new issue and add some comments
newissue = s.jira1.createIssue(auth, {'project': projectname, 'type': '3',
'summary':'Issue Created via XML-RPC epsilon',
'description':'Created with Python client again again',
'environment':'Windows 7/Python 2.6',
'components':[{'name': 'componentname', 'id': '10111'}],
'customFieldValues': [{'customfieldId': 'customfield_10012', 'values': ['10020']},
{'customfieldId': 'customfield_10012', 'values': ['10060'], 'key': '1'},
{'customfieldId': 'customfield_10018', 'values': ['Thing']},
{'customfieldId': 'customfield_10001', 'values': ['More Text']}],
print "Created %s/browse/%s" % (s.jira1.getServerInfo(auth)['baseUrl'],
print "Commenting on issue.."
s.jira1.addComment(auth, newissue['key'], 'Comment added with XML-RPC')
print "Modifying issue..."
s.jira1.updateIssue(auth, newissue['key'], {
"summary": ["[Updated] issue created via XML-RPC"], })
print "Done!"
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