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Created January 2, 2017 07:33
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Definitions of various ADTs

Abstract Data Types (ADTs)


A collection of elements.



  • Insertion of element e into the ith position of the list
    • insert(e, i)
  • Removal of element at the ith position in the list
    • remove(i)


Starting with the empty list []:

  • insert(1, 0) yields [1]
  • insert(3, 1) yields [1, 3]
  • insert(5, 2) yields [1, 3, 5]
  • insert(2, 1) yields [1, 2, 3, 5]
  • remove(2) yields [1, 2, 5]


  • Concatenation of lists
    • L = concatenate(L1, L2)


  • concatenate([1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 8]) = [1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 8]


  • Get element at the ith position of the list
    • get(i)
  • Set element at the ith position of the list to the value e
    • set(e, i)


  • Length
    • Total number of elements in the list


Two lists, L1, L2, are equal iff.:

  1. L1 and L2 have the same elements
  2. L1 and L2 have the same ordering of elements


  • [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]
  • [1, 2, 3] != [1, 3, 2]
  • [1, 1, 1, 2] != [1, 2]


A list L' is a sublist of the list L iff.:

  1. L' has at least one element that is also in L
  2. L' has the same ordering of these elements as the elements in L


  • [1, 2, 3] is a sublist of [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • [] is a sublist of every list
  • [1] is a sublist of [1, 2]
  • [1] is a sublist of [1]
  • [2, 3] is not a sublist of [1, 3, 2]
  • [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] is not a sublist of [1, 2, 3]


A collection of elements.



  • Push element e onto the top of the stack
    • push(e)
  • Pop element at the top of the stack off of the stack
    • pop()


Starting with the empty stack []:

  • push(1) yields [1]
  • push(2) yields [2, 1]
  • push(3) yields [3, 2, 1]
  • pop() yields [2, 1]
  • push(4) yields [4, 2, 1]


  • Get the element at the top of the stack
    • peek()


  • Height
    • The total number of elements in the stack


Two stacks, S1, S2, are equal iff.:

  1. S1 and S2 have the same elements
  2. S1 and S2 have the same ordering of elements


  • [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]
  • [1, 2, 3] != [1, 3, 2]
  • [1, 1, 1, 2] != [1, 2]


A stack S' is a substack of the stack S iff.:

  1. S' has at least one element that is also in S
  2. S' has the same ordering of these elements as the elements in S


  • [1, 2, 3] is a substack of [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • [] is a substack of every stack
  • [1] is a substack of [1, 2]
  • [1] is a substack of [1]
  • [2, 3] is not a substack of [1, 3, 2]
  • [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] is not a substack of [1, 2, 3]


A collection of elements.



  • Push element e onto the back of the queue
    • push(e)
  • Pop the element at the front of the queue off of the queue
    • pop()


Starting with the empty queue []:

  • push(1) yields [1]
  • push(2) yields [1, 2]
  • push(3) yields [1, 2, 3]
  • pop() yields [2, 3]
  • pop() yields [3]


  • Get the element at the front of the queue
    • peek()


  • Length
    • The total number of elements in the queue


Two queues, Q1, Q2, are equal iff.:

  1. Q1 and Q2 have the same elements
  2. Q1 and Q2 have the same ordering of elements


  • [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]
  • [1, 2, 3] != [1, 3, 2]
  • [1, 1, 1, 2] != [1, 2]


A queue Q' is a subqueue of the queue Q iff.:

  1. Q' has at least one element that is also in Q
  2. Q' has the same ordering of these elements as the elements in Q


  • [1, 2, 3] is a subqueue of [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • [] is a subqueue of every queue
  • [1] is a subqueue of [1, 2]
  • [1] is a subqueue of [1]
  • [2, 3] is not a subqueue of [1, 3, 2]
  • [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] is not a subqueue of [1, 2, 3]


A collection of elements that does not allow repetition (i.e. every element of the collection is unique) and is unordered.



  • Add the element e to the set
    • add(e)
  • Remove the element e from the set
    • remove(e)


Starting with the empty set, {}:

  • add(1) yields {1}
  • add(1) yields {1}
  • remove(1) yields {}


  • Intersection of sets
    • S = intersect(S1, S2)
  • Union of sets
    • S = union(S1, S2)
  • Difference of sets
    • S = difference(S1, S2)


  • intersect({1, 2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5, 6}) = {3, 4}
  • union({1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
  • difference({1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}) = {1, 2}


  • Carindality
    • The total number of elements in the set


Two sets, S1, S2, are equal iff.:

  1. S1 and S2 have the same elements

A corrollary of this is that both sets are subsets of each other.


  • {1, 2, 3} == {1, 2, 3}
  • {3, 2, 1} == {2, 3, 1} == {1, 2, 3}
  • {} != {0}
  • {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2} == {1, 2}


A set S' is a subset of the set S iff.:

  1. If an element e is in S', it is also in S


  • {} is a subset of every set
  • Every set is a subset of itself
  • {1} is a subset of {1, 2}
  • {1, 2, 3} is a subset of {3, 2, 1}
  • {1, 2, 3} is not a subset of {1, 2, 4}


A collection of elements that is unordered.



  • Add the element e to the multiset
    • add(e)
  • Remove the element e from the multiset
    • remove(e)


Starting with the empty multiset, {}:

  • add(1) yields {1}
  • add(1) yields {1, 1}
  • add(1) yields {1, 1, 1}
  • add (2) yields {1, 1, 1, 2}
  • remove(1) yields {1, 1, 2}
  • remove(2) yields {1, 1}


  • Intersection of multisets
    • insersect(M1, M2)
  • Union of multisets
    • union(M1, M2)
  • Difference of multisets
    • difference(M1, M2)


  • Cardinality
    • Total number of elements in multiset
  • Multiplicity
    • The number of times a given element occurs in the multiset


Two multisets, M1, M2, are equal iff.:

  1. M1 and M2 have the same elements
  2. M1 and M2 have the same multiplicities of these elements


  • {1, 1, 2, 3} == {3, 1, 2, 1}
  • {1, 2, 3} != {1, 1, 2, 3}
  • {1} != {1, 1}


A multiset M' is a submultiset of the set M iff.:

  1. If an element e is in M', it is also in M


  • {} is a submultiset of every multiset
  • Every multiset is a submultiset of itself
  • {1} is a submultiset of {1, 2}
  • {1, 2, 3} is a submultiset of {1, 1, 3, 2}
  • {1, 2, 3} is not a submultiset of {1, 2, 4}
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