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Created June 14, 2016 22:10
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ATTN: Phillip Bradey RE: Tk Options
#!/bin/perl -w
package Application {
use Moose;
use Tk;
require Tk::BrowseEntry;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'state';
use feature 'switch';
use namespace::autoclean;
has '_mw' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Tk::MainWindow',
has '_packdirs' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
required => 1,
default => sub { [] },
has '_top' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Tk::Widget',
sub _build_mw {
my ($self) = @_;
my $numWidgets = 4;
$self->_mw(MainWindow->new(-title => "Tk Options"));
my $ft1 = $self->_mw->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove',
-side => 'top',
-fill => 'y',
my $f1 = $ft1->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $f2 = $ft1->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $f3 = $ft1->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $f4 = $ft1->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $ft2 = $self->_mw->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove',
-side => 'bottom',
-fill => 'y',
my $f5 = $ft2->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $f6 = $ft2->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
-fill => 'x'
my $f7 = $ft2->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $f8 = $ft2->Frame(
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'groove'
-side => 'left',
my $i = 0;
my $lbl1 = $f1->Label(-text => 'Configuration 1')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl2 = $f2->Label(-text => 'Configuration 2')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl3 = $f3->Label(-text => 'Configuration 3')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl4 = $f4->Label(-text => 'Configuration 4')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl5 = $f5->Label(-text => 'Configuration 5')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl6 = $f6->Label(-text => 'Configuration 6')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl7 = $f7->Label(-text => 'Configuration 7')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $lbl8 = $f8->Label(-text => 'Configuration 8')->pack(-ipady => 5);
foreach (0..$numWidgets)
$self->_packdirs->[$_] = 'Skip';
my $be1 = $f1->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be2 = $f2->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be3 = $f3->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be4 = $f4->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be5 = $f5->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be6 = $f6->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be7 = $f7->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $be9 = $f8->BrowseEntry(-label => "Setting $_:",
-choices => ["On", "Off", "Skip"],
-variable => \$self->_packdirs->[$_], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn1 = $f1->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 1')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn2 = $f2->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 2')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn3 = $f3->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 3')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn4 = $f4->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 4')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn5 = $f5->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 5')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn6 = $f6->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 6')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn7 = $f7->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 7')->pack(-ipady => 5);
my $btn8 = $f8->Button(-text => 'Commence New Process 8')->pack(-ipady => 5);
$self->_top($self->_mw->Toplevel(-title => "output window"));
my $c;
my $idx = 0;
foreach (@{$self->_packdirs})
my $b = $self->_top->Button(-text => "Open Folder ${idx}", -font => "Courier 20 bold")->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
sub main {
my ($self) = @_;
my $app = Application->new->main unless caller;
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