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Created June 10, 2016 16:28
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This is a photo hog, written in Perl, used to collect animated gifs from reddit. My OAuth information has been suppressed, get your own easily through Reddit.
#!/bin/perl -w
# the original Reddit::Client does not pass the time context parameter
# the class below inherits from Reddit::Client with intent to pass the time context parameter
package MyRedditClient {
@ISA = qw(Reddit::Client);
# this is the default for the time context parameter
use constant T_DEFAULT => 'year';
sub my_fetch_links {
my ($self, %param) = @_;
my $query = {};
my $subreddit = $param{subreddit} || '';
my $view = $param{view} || $self->SUPER::VIEW_DEFAULT;
# accept time context paramter or set to default
my $t = $param{t} || T_DEFAULT;
# include time context parameter in query string
$query->{t} = $t;
$query->{before} = $param{before} if $param{before};
$query->{after} = $param{after} if $param{after};
if (exists $param{limit}) { $query->{limit} = $param{limit} || 500; }
else { $query->{limit} = $self->SUPER::DEFAULT_LIMIT; }
# NOTE: line below causes 404 error on request so it is skipped
# $subreddit = $self->SUPER::subreddit($subreddit);
my $args = [$view];
unshift @$args, $subreddit if $subreddit;
my $result = $self->SUPER::api_json_request(
api => ($subreddit ? $self->SUPER::API_LINKS_FRONT : $self->SUPER::API_LINKS_OTHER),
args => $args,
data => $query,
return [
map {Reddit::Client::Link->new($self, $_->{data})} @{$result->{data}{children}}
# this is the application package
package Application {
use Moose;
use Reddit::Client;
use Term::ProgressBar::Simple;
use LWP::Simple;
use Archive::Tar;
use Try::Tiny;
use feature 'say';
use feature 'state';
use feature 'switch';
# below is the application authentication using OAuth for Reddit
use constant REDDIT_USER_AGENT => 'moar-squee-gifs v0.01 by /u/jwmcveigh';
use constant REDDIT_CLIENT_ID => '8j7I89-Th6P2LQ';
use constant REDDIT_USERNAME => 'jwmcveigh';
use constant REDDIT_SUBREDDIT => 'babyelephantgifs';
# I have suppressed my authentication information to be safe
# Feel free to add your own. It should only take a moment
use constant REDDIT_SECRET => '';
use constant REDDIT_PASSWORD => '';
use namespace::autoclean;
# this is an instance of my own Reddit::Client
has '_client' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'MyRedditClient',
required => 1,
default => sub {
user_agent => REDDIT_USER_AGENT,
client_id => REDDIT_CLIENT_ID,
secret => REDDIT_SECRET,
username => REDDIT_USERNAME,
password => REDDIT_PASSWORD,
# this is the process for downloads
sub proc {
my ($self) = @_;
my @items;
my $after;
# this is the first iteration of the fetch_links loop
# fetch 100 links
my $posts = $self->_client->my_fetch_links(subreddit => REDDIT_SUBREDDIT, limit => 100, view => Reddit::Client::VIEW_TOP, t => 'year');
for (@{$posts}) {
# push imgur urls
push @items, $_ if ($_->{url} =~ m/i\.imgur\.com/);
print '.';
# next fetch_links will fetch all links after our last item
$after = $items[-1]->{name};
# contine to fetch links until no more are available
while ($#{$posts} >= 1) {
# fetch 100 links
$posts = $self->_client->my_fetch_links(subreddit => REDDIT_SUBREDDIT, limit => 100, view => Reddit::Client::VIEW_TOP, after => $after, t => 'year');
my $new_after;
try {
# next fetch_links will fetch all links after our last item
$new_after = $posts->[-1]->{name};
last if $new_after eq $after;
$after = $new_after;
# push imgur urls
for (@{$posts}) {
push @items, $_ if ($_->{url} =~ m/i\.imgur\.com/);
print '.';
} catch {
# No safe test for the last url known by me, so we'll exit the loop on exception
say '';
# print the number of items found
say '';
say "Found " . $#items . " items";
say '';
# this progress bar sure comes in handy
my $progress = Term::ProgressBar::Simple->new($#items);
# create folder to contain downloads
my $idx = 0;
for (@items) {
# match the imgur item tag as well as the extension
$_->{url} =~ m/(\w+)\.(\w+)$/;
my $tag = $1;
# watch for GIFV which is really a web document for a player
my $ext = "." . $2;
chop $ext if ($ext =~ m/v$/);
# get the item
my $buf = get("${tag}");
if ($buf) {
# set folder named after the subreddit with the subreddit as a prefix and a 4 digit numeric index
my $tmp_photo_outfile_basename = REDDIT_SUBREDDIT . '-' . sprintf("%04d", $idx) . $ext;
# save file to disc
open OUTFILE, ">", REDDIT_SUBREDDIT . "/" . $tmp_photo_outfile_basename;
print OUTFILE $buf;
close OUTFILE;
# this is the 4 digit numeric index
last if $idx == 4;
# update progress bar
sub main {
my ($self) = @_;
# begin
my $app = Application->new->main unless caller;
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