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Created November 24, 2013 01:56
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Grab data from various organizations from Github.
import requests
import operator
companies = ["facebook", "aws", "google", "yahoo", "dropbox", "twitter", "paypal", "linkedin", "mozilla", "adobe"]
api_url = "{}/repos"
data = {}
for company in companies:
data[company] = {'forks': 0, 'stars': 0, 'repos': 0, 'languages': {}}
r = requests.get(api_url.format(company))
json = r.json()
while "next" in r.links:
r = requests.get(r.links['next']['url'])
json += r.json()
for repo in json:
data[company]['repos'] += 1
data[company]['forks'] += repo['forks_count']
data[company]['stars'] += repo['watchers_count']
data[company]['languages'][repo['language']] = data[company]['languages'].get(repo['language'], 0) + repo['size']
for company in data:
print company, data[company]['repos'], data[company]['forks'], data[company]['stars'], max(data[company]['languages'].iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
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