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Last active September 13, 2019 16:30
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  • Save jmeggitt/6d2f9665cbcdca19025b463ace4717e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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An idea I had for how storage could be managed in nphysics.
//! The idea of this system is to abstract the Set type, remove the need for `pop_insertion_event`
//! and `pop_removal_event`, and abstract the maintain functions of both worlds. The only issue I
//! have had so far is trying to figure out what WorldStorage should be responsible over compared to
//! GeometricalWorld.
//! Goal:
//! - Give ecs control over how storages are maintained
//! - Make the implementation of Set consistent for bodies, colliders, and constraints
//! - Bundle all of the storages into one convenient struct (low priority)
use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap};
use nalgebra::RealField;
use crate::joint::{DefaultJointConstraintHandle, DefaultJointConstraintSet, JointConstraint};
use crate::object::{
Body, BodyHandle, BodySet, Collider, ColliderAnchor, ColliderHandle, DefaultBodyHandle,
DefaultBodySet, DefaultColliderHandle, DefaultColliderSet,
use crate::volumetric::Volumetric;
/// A set of unknown elements corresponding to handles.
pub trait Set<Handle> {
type Item: ?Sized;
fn get(&self, handle: Handle) -> Option<&Self::Item>;
fn get_mut(&mut self, handle: Handle) -> Option<&mut Self::Item>;
fn contains(&self, handle: Handle) -> bool;
fn foreach(&self, f: impl FnMut(Handle, &Self::Item));
fn foreach_mut(&mut self, f: impl FnMut(Handle, &mut Self::Item));
/// A set for managing entries.
/// I originally created this trait so that I could implement the add/remove body/collider/constraint
/// methods inside the WorldStorage trait and handle everything there so it wouldn't need to be
/// implemented again every time WorldStorage is used. However, I would have needed to either add
/// more arguments to add/remove methods to pass in details from the geometric world or add a bunch
/// of one-time use functions to the WorldStorage to be used exclusivly by those specific
/// implementations of the add/remove methods.
/// TL;DR Not currently needed, but if I continue this idea I might add it back in later.
pub trait MutableSet<Handle>: Set<Handle> {
type InsertType;
/// Add a new element to this set. This function is unsafe because it has the potential to cause
/// unknown issues when called directly. Any insertion for a Collider, Body, or Constraint must
/// be accompanied with checks in at least one other set to avoid situations such as colliders
/// without bodies. Use the corresponding insert method in `WorldStorage` instead.
unsafe fn insert(&mut self, item: Self::InsertType) -> Handle;
unsafe fn remove(&mut self, handle: Handle);
/// Needs to cover the abilities of a BodySet, ColliderSet and JointConstraintSet
pub trait WorldStorage<
N: RealField,
Handle: BodyHandle,
CollHandle: ColliderHandle,
ConstrHandle: Copy,
> where
<Self::Bodies as Set<Handle>>::Item: Body<N>,
<Self::Constraints as Set<ConstrHandle>>::Item: JointConstraint<N, Self::Bodies>,
// The internal data storage types
type Bodies: MutableSet<Handle> + BodySet<N>;
// TODO: Remove BodySet<N> when possible
type Colliders: MutableSet<CollHandle> + Set<CollHandle, Item = Collider<N, Handle>>;
type Constraints: MutableSet<ConstrHandle>;
fn bodies(&self) -> &Self::Bodies;
fn colliders(&self) -> &Self::Colliders;
fn constraints(&self) -> &Self::Constraints;
fn bodies_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Bodies;
fn colliders_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Colliders;
fn constraints_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Constraints;
/// Break up the world storage into its unique components
fn split(
&mut self,
) -> (
&mut Self::Bodies,
&mut Self::Colliders,
&mut Self::Constraints,
// insert entities
fn insert_body(&mut self, body: <Self::Bodies as MutableSet<Handle>>::InsertType) -> Handle;
fn insert_collider(
&mut self,
body: <Self::Colliders as MutableSet<CollHandle>>::InsertType,
) -> CollHandle;
fn insert_constraint(
&mut self,
body: <Self::Constraints as MutableSet<ConstrHandle>>::InsertType,
) -> ConstrHandle;
// remove entities
fn remove_body(&mut self, handle: Handle);
fn remove_collider(&mut self, handle: CollHandle);
fn remove_constraint(&mut self, handle: ConstrHandle);
// Due to ecs being fundamentally different in how it manages relations between entities, this method
// will likely look very different in an ecs implementation.
fn body_colliders(&self, body: Handle) -> Option<&[CollHandle]>;
/// Basically just wraps the three storage structs and provides all the basic functionality plus
/// `MechanicalWorld::maintain` and `GeometricalWorld::maintain` built in.
/// This could potentially be generified over the set type in the future
pub struct DefaultWorldStorage<N: RealField> {
pub bodies: DefaultBodySet<N>,
pub colliders: DefaultColliderSet<N, DefaultBodyHandle>,
pub constraints: DefaultJointConstraintSet<N, DefaultBodySet<N>>,
pub(crate) body_colliders: HashMap<DefaultBodyHandle, Vec<DefaultColliderHandle>>,
impl<N: RealField> Default for DefaultWorldStorage<N> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
bodies: DefaultBodySet::new(),
colliders: DefaultColliderSet::new(),
constraints: DefaultJointConstraintSet::new(),
body_colliders: HashMap::default(),
impl<N: RealField> DefaultWorldStorage<N> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// Note: I ended up just ignoring MutableSet for the ease of making this example
impl<N: RealField>
WorldStorage<N, DefaultBodyHandle, DefaultColliderHandle, DefaultJointConstraintHandle>
for DefaultWorldStorage<N>
type Bodies = DefaultBodySet<N>;
type Colliders = DefaultColliderSet<N, DefaultBodyHandle>;
type Constraints = DefaultJointConstraintSet<N, DefaultBodySet<N>>;
fn bodies(&self) -> &Self::Bodies {
fn colliders(&self) -> &Self::Colliders {
fn constraints(&self) -> &Self::Constraints {
fn bodies_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Bodies {
&mut self.bodies
fn colliders_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Colliders {
&mut self.colliders
fn constraints_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Constraints {
&mut self.constraints
fn split(
&mut self,
) -> (
&mut Self::Bodies,
&mut Self::Colliders,
&mut Self::Constraints,
) {
(&mut self.bodies, &mut self.colliders, &mut self.constraints)
fn insert_body(
&mut self,
body: <Self::Bodies as MutableSet<DefaultBodyHandle>>::InsertType,
) -> DefaultBodyHandle
fn insert_collider(
&mut self,
mut collider: <Self::Colliders as MutableSet<DefaultColliderHandle>>::InsertType,
) -> DefaultColliderHandle
// TODO: Figure out how to call `register_collider` here, or move responsibilities
match collider.anchor() {
ColliderAnchor::OnBodyPart {
} => {
let body = self
.expect("Invalid parent body part handle.");
// Update the parent body's inertia.
if !collider.density().is_zero() {
let (com, inertia) = collider
.transformed_mass_properties(collider.density(), position_wrt_body_part);
body.add_local_inertia_and_com(body_part.1, com, inertia);
// Set the position and ndofs (note this will be done in the `sync_collider` too.
let ndofs = body.status_dependent_ndofs();
let part = body
.expect("Invalid parent body part handle.");
let pos = part.position() * position_wrt_body_part;
_ => {}
fn insert_constraint(
&mut self,
constr: <Self::Constraints as MutableSet<DefaultJointConstraintHandle>>::InsertType,
) -> DefaultJointConstraintHandle
let (body1, body2) = constr.anchors();
if let Some(body1) = self.bodies.get_mut(body1.0) {
if let Some(body2) = self.bodies.get_mut(body2.0) {
fn remove_body(&mut self, handle: DefaultBodyHandle) {
let colliders = match self.body_colliders.get(&handle) {
Some(x) => x.to_owned(),
None => Vec::new(),
for collider in colliders {
let mut constraints_to_remove = Vec::new();
self.constraints.foreach(|h, c| {
let (b1, b2) = c.anchors();
if !Set::contains(&self.bodies, b1.0) || !Set::contains(&self.bodies, b2.0) {
for to_remove in constraints_to_remove {
fn remove_collider(&mut self, handle: DefaultColliderHandle) {
if let Some(collider) = self.colliders.get_mut(handle) {
// removal_data will always return Some() so this is currently safe to unwrap
let removed = collider.removal_data().unwrap();
// Activate the body the deleted collider was attached to.
if let Some(body) = self.bodies.get_mut(removed.anchor.body()) {
// Update the parent body's inertia.
if !removed.density.is_zero() {
if let ColliderAnchor::OnBodyPart {
} = &removed.anchor
let (com, inertia) = removed
.transformed_mass_properties(removed.density, position_wrt_body_part);
body.add_local_inertia_and_com(body_part.1, -com, -inertia)
// Remove the collider from the list of colliders for this body.
match self.body_colliders.entry(removed.anchor.body()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
if let Some(i) = e.get().iter().position(|h| *h == handle) {
let _ = e.get_mut().swap_remove(i);
if e.get().is_empty() {
let _ = e.remove_entry();
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => {}
// TODO: Remove proxies and handle the graph index remapping.
let _ = self.colliders.remove(handle);
fn remove_constraint(&mut self, handle: DefaultJointConstraintHandle) {
if let Some(joint) = self.constraints.get(handle) {
let (body1, body2) = joint.anchors();
if let Some(body1) = self.bodies.get_mut(body1.0) {
if let Some(body2) = self.bodies.get_mut(body2.0) {
let _ = self.constraints.remove(handle);
fn body_colliders(&self, body: DefaultBodyHandle) -> Option<&[DefaultColliderHandle]> {
self.body_colliders.get(&body).map(|c| &c[..])
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