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Last active March 5, 2019 20:25
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running example
require 'benchmark'
require_relative './connection.rb'
require_relative './person.rb'
require_relative './command_create_person.rb'
require_relative './documents_repository.rb'
$DB ||= Connection.db_cqrs
x = nil
z = nil
time = Benchmark.realtime do
x = DocumentsRepository.get_person_by_ssn '333558888' #NOT my real ssn :)
z = x.mailing_address
pp x.to_h
pp z.to_h
puts "Time elapsed #{time*1000} milliseconds"
# {"first_name"=>"Joseph",
# "last_name"=>"Meirow",
# "government_id"=>{"type"=>"SSN", "value"=>"333558888"},
# "date_of_birth"=>"1964-09-11 00:00:00 -0400",
# "mailing_address"=>
# {"aggregate_type"=>"mailing_address",
# "aggregate_id"=>"{720195BE-DB5C-4399-8C69-25E0A1FE81C8}", <= Note, this is just a pointer to the real record.
# "class_name"=>"AggregatePointer"},
# "aggregate_lookup_value"=>"333558888",
# "aggregate_info"=>
# {"aggregate_type"=>"person",
# "aggregate_id"=>"{41BD9BEC-BADA-47FB-B484-04FFE918EA1B}",
# "version"=>"1",
# "most_recent_transaction"=>"{851058E9-37A1-4335-80D4-1C77BAAEC191}"}}
# {"address1"=>"123 Elm Street ",
# "address2"=>" ",
# "city"=>"Detroit ",
# "state_province"=>"MI",
# "zip_postal"=>"48201 ",
# "country"=>"USA",
# "aggregate_lookup_value"=>
# "dbc70e06df9e05b2f2e6c998db78418e780dc287a0040aa41b7096b430baccf5",
# "aggregate_info"=>
# {"aggregate_type"=>"mailing_address",
# "aggregate_id"=>"{720195BE-DB5C-4399-8C69-25E0A1FE81C8}",
# "version"=>"1",
# "most_recent_transaction"=>"{D23E884F-4CA4-4FD2-9BCF-A6A79483F107}"}}
# Time elapsed 15.6 milliseconds
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