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Forked from MikeMcmanus95/
Last active July 10, 2020 13:35
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Infosys Mock Interview Questions

Compiled from previous class quizzes, and Glassdoor


  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What types of development environments have you used in the past?
  • What would you do if you were asked to perform a task and weren't sure how to complete it?
  • Can you tell me about a work situation where you delivered excellent customer service?
  • Can you give me an example of a time that you’ve been flexible in a workplace?
  • What makes you stand out as a candidate?

General Technical

  • Tell me how the internet works.
  • Pretend I’m not a tech person. Can you explain Application Support in simple terms?
  • What is the difference between a GUI and a CLI?

App Support

  • What’s your process in troubleshooting a crashing application?
  • How would you go about automating your systems weekly maintenance tasks?


  • What is OOP?
  • what is an interface?
  • What is class?
  • Tell me about constructors.
  • What is an object?
  • What are methods?
  • How do you instantiate an object from a class?
  • What is the difference between final and finally?
  • What is the difference between Arrays and ArrayLists?


  • What is a database?
  • What is database management software?
  • What is DDL/DML?
  • What is the difference between DML and DDL and give one example of each?
  • What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?
  • How do you write a SQL SELECT statement?
  • What is a primary key?
  • How does an INNER JOIN work?
  • What is normalization? What is its purpose?
  • Given a Company table that contains all Companies in a particular state (fields: Name, Address, City, Zip, Phone), write a query that counts all the Companies within a given zip code.
  • Continuing with the above example, there is another table “Employees” with fields: company_id (referencing the Company table), Employee Name, Title, Phone, Position Type (P=part-time, F=Full-time), list all employees of a company within a specific zip code.
  • Given a Student table that contains information about students at a school (fields: Name, GPA, Phone, Address, DateOfBirth), describe how I can return the names and GPAs of the students that have a GPA of at least 3.5 AND were born IN or BEFORE the year 2008 as well as students that have a GPA under 2.0 AND were born AFTER the year 2008.
  • Continuing the previous query, how can I change it if I wanted to see the results in descending order from the most recent birthyear? (ORDER BY DateOfBirth DESC)


  • What is ITIL?
  • What are some of the main benefits to implementing ITIL in an organization?
  • You are an employee working at the help desk of a large technology company. You receive a ticket from a user requesting help, stating that they cannot reach the company website. What might be a possible cause of this?
  • What are some of the guiding principles of the ITIL framework?


  • What is SSH? How is it useful to us in the context of Linux?
  • What is the difference between UNIX and Linux?
  • Explain the UNIX architecture . What are the different pieces?
  • What are the three types of data streams in BASH?

Linux and Linix Commands

  • What Linux command would I use to view the files or contents of my current directory? (follow up: What about if I wanted to view all the files including hidden files?)
  • What is the Linux command to change permissions of a file or directory?
  • What Linux command would I use to view the permissions of the files in my current directory?
  • Describe 2 different ways to create a general file in the Linux terminal. (Example: touch new_file OR cat > new_file )
  • What are the 3 types of users in Linux? (General/regular, Root, Service) (follow up: why do we have service users? [security])
  • What are the 3 main file types in Linux? (General, Directory and Device) (follow up: which is most commonly used?[general])
  • What Linux command would I use to create a new directory? (follow up: What about to delete an empty directory?)
  • Describe how you would go about renaming a file in Linux. (mv original_filename new_filename) (follow up: what if I wanted to delete the file? [rm file_name])
  • How could you see a list of all the commands you've entered since the start of a terminal session in Linux? (history)
  • Describe a way to append text to an existing file. (example: echo 'some text' >> existing_file.txt)
  • Describe a way to concatenate the contents of 2 files into a new file. (example: cat file1 file2 > new_file)
  • What is redirection in Linux and please provide an example?
  • Describe what a pipe does in Linux.
  • What is the grep command used for in Linux? (follow-up: can you provide an example?)
  • Imagine you have a text file that is a list of students' names. In Linux, how could I see the output of the file in reverse alphabetical order? (Example: sort -r file_name.txt)

Oracle DB and PL / SQL

  • How would I set up a database server? What are my options?
  • What is PL/SQL, how is it different from SQL?
  • What is the difference between a Stored Procedure and a Function?
  • What is a trigger?
  • What is the difference between a primary and foreign key constraint?


  • What is WebLogic?
  • In WebLogic, and other servers, we have the ability to create clusters. What is a clu ster? And what is the benefit of using them?
  • What are some of the ways to monitor the performance of your WebLogic server?

Tomcat Administration

  • What is Tomcat used for?
  • How are web applications deployed on Tomcat?
  • How can we monitor the performance of our Tomcat server?

Generic Skills - Alert Monitoring

  • What is one tool that can be used to monitor alerts and the status of devices on a network?

Generic Skills - Job Monitoring

  • What are Job Codes in Linux/Unix?
  • What is an example of a CRON job?

Generic Skills - Application Health Check

  • What are some of the ways to check the health/status of an application?

Computer Fundamentals (Cont.)

a. Name a few Object Oriented programming languages b. How is OOP different from a Procedural language like C c. Name 4 key concepts from OOP

a. Given an array of numbers, describe a logic to find the smallest number b. Given an array of Strings, describe a logic to find the total number of Strings with length less than 5 characters

a. Write the logic in 2(b) above in the form of a program with 2 functions, one for finding the length of a string, and another for finding the number of strings with less than N characters.

a. In the following code find the error:

String[] myList = [“red”,”blue”,”green”];
for (int i=0; myList.length; i++);
    if (myList[i] == “blue”) printFound blue\n”;

b. Write a BASH script that prompts a user for their name, stores it to a variable, prompts a user for their age, stores it to another variable, and finally prints out a string with the values of the variables.

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