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Created April 14, 2014 07:45
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Execute Grunt tasks iteratively based on external config. It will allow you to modify the input parameters for the same tasks without modifying the Gruntfile.
"description": "Distribution for Spain",
"distros": [
"id": "dev",
"title": "Development Version",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:3000/"
"id": "qa",
"title": "QA Version",
"endpoint": "http://qa.hi.inet/"
"id": "prod",
"title": "Production Version",
"endpoint": ""
//The build task is in charge of creating a compilation enforcing
//one parameter in the HTML code: the url
build: {
//The default options for the build task
options: {
//The source file
src: 'app/index.html'
* We will create here configurations dinamycally,
* one for each distribution in the external config distro file
* we will generate:
dev: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/'
dest: 'dist/dev/index.html'
qa: {
url: 'http://qa.hi.inet/',
dest: 'dist/qa/index.html'
prod: {
url: '',
dest: 'dist/prod/index.html'
* Schedules a Grunt task to be run for a distro determined by
* the distro.js configuration file
* @param {String} task the task name to execute
* @cb {Function} cb Callback that returns a grunt
* configuration for that task
function schedule(task, cb) {
//Get the config for task ('build' in the example)
var config = grunt.config.get(task),
//Get the stored config for the distro (the distro.js file)
distros = grunt.config('distro').distro;
.forEach(function(configItem, index) {
var distroId = distros[index].id;
//Set the config for build:[dev, qa, prod]
config[distroId] = configItem;
//Schedule task to be run. build:[dev, qa, prod][task + ':' + distroId]);
//Store the config for 'build';
//It has now the config for build:[dev, qa, prod]
grunt.config.set(task, config);
grunt.registerTask('distros:build','Generate the distributions', function() {
//DO the MAGIC here: We schedule a task, (build)
//But we set the config for the specific distro in the
//iterator function
schedule('build', function iterator(distro) {
//We generate the configuration for the build task and this distro
return {
url: distro.endpoint,
dest: 'dist/' + + '/index.html'
//Here we have configured the build task with three new subtasks (dev, qa, prod)
//And we have scheduled its running.
grunt.registerTask('readDistributionFile', 'reads and configures Grunt for several distributions', function() {
var distroFile = grunt.option('distro') ?
'build/config/samples/distro.' + grunt.option('distro') + '.json' :
var distro = grunt.file.readJSON(distroFile);
grunt.config.set('distro', distro);
grunt.registerTask('build','Generate the distributions', [
# Generate the software for dev, qa & production for Spain
grunt build --distro=es
# Generate the software dev, qa & production for Brazil
grunt build --distro=br
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