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Last active February 7, 2021 19:30
Privacy policies for my browser extensions

Privacy policies for my browser extensions

This document outlines the information that is used and sometimes shared by my browser extensions.

If you have any questions regarding the data that is used/shared by any of these extensions, do not hesitate to open an issue in one of the repositories linked below or to send me an email at jaspervmerle (at) gmail (dot) com.

Competitive Companion extracts problem data from online judges. This only happens when the user triggers the page action. The extracted problem data does not contain personal data.

The extracted problem data is shared with various ports on localhost. These are port 4243, the ports in this file and any custom ports specified by the user in the extension's settings. Extracted problem data is never sent to non-localhost hosts.

Glo Web Clipper requires the user to login using a personal access token. This token is only stored locally and is only used to communicate with the GitKraken Glo API. This token is deleted when the extension is uninstalled.

Glo Web Clipper allows for the user to create (partial) screenshots and to attach those screenshots to cards on a GitKraken Glo card. These screenshots may contain personal data, but only if the user chooses to create a screenshot of that data. These screenshots are shared with GitKraken Glo over their HTTPS API and are not stored locally.

CG Local facilitates the communication between the CG Local desktop application and the CodinGame IDE. It receives code from the user from the desktop application over a WebSocket server running on localhost port 53135. If the user has enabled two-way sync between the CG Local desktop application and the CodinGame IDE, this code is then shared with CodinGame by pasting it in their code editor.

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