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Created September 13, 2013 19:40
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Examples of usage of sugarcrm7-api-wrapper-class at
/* Instantiate and authenticate */
$sugar = new \Spinegar\Sugar7Wrapper\Rest();
/* Retrieve all records in the Cases module */
/* Retrieve all records in the Cases module where the name = 'Case1 Name' or 'Case2 Name' */
$sugar->search('Cases', array(
'q' => '"Case1 Name" "Case2 Name"'
/* Retrieve the name field for all records in the Cases module */
$sugar->search('Cases', array(
'fields' => 'name'
/* Retrieve a specific record from the Cases module */
$sugar->retrieve('Cases', $record_id);
/* Create a case */
$sugar->create('Cases', array(
'name' => 'Case Name',
'status' => 'Assigned'
/* Update a case */
$sugar->update('Cases', $record_id, array(
'status' => 'Closed'
/* Favorite a case */
$sugar->favorite('Cases', $record_id);
/* Unfavorite a case */
$sugar->unfavorite('Cases', $record_id);
/* Retrieve cases related to an account */
$sugar->related('Accounts', $record_id, 'cases');
/* Relate a case to an account */
$sugar->relate('Accounts', $record_id, 'cases', $related_record_id);
/*Relate a contact to an opportunity and set relationship data */
$sugar->relate('Opportunities', $record_id, 'contacts', $related_record_id, array(
'contact_role' => 'Influencer'
/* Delete relationship between an account and case */
$sugar->unrelate('Accounts', $record_id, 'cases', $related_record_id);
/* Update relationship data */
$sugar->updateRelationship('Opportunities', $record_id, 'contacts', $related_record_id, array(
'contact_role' => 'Influencer'
/* Retrieve a list of attachments for a case */
$attachments = $sugar->related('Cases', $record_id, 'notes');
foreach($attachments['records'] as $attachment)
$output[] = $sugar->files('Notes', $attachment['id'])
return $output;
/* Delete the file associated to the filename field of a note */
$sugar->deleteFile('Notes', $record_id, 'filename')
/* Download the file associated to the filename field of a note to the server */
$sugar->download('Notes', $record_id, 'filename', '/path/to/destination');
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