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Last active January 12, 2020 21:12
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The Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan

The Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan

Step 1: Create a Calendar

What will a typical week look like for me?

I would like to incorporate a solid amount of time for self care and times for meet ups. I would also like to take advantage of really, this time off (got the rest of my life to work) to enjoy taking my time programming and learning. Will be the first time ever that I won't feel so rushed.

What is a realistic way to spend my time?

Thinking realistically, I think 3 applications a week. I have gotten a very nice ratio of applications to responses and I think that is because I took the time to really taylor my cover letters. That takes time. I think doing one a day isn't realistic. Especially because I want to continue working on cross poll and other fun side projects to grow my skills.

When do I work best during the day?


My Calendar

Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 1 54 43 PM

Step 2: Helping You Help Me!

What motivates you?

  • Depends on what I am doing. In terms of the job search, what motivates me is the fact that I have been working really hard to improve my life and I am very close to taking that final step in making it happen! That's exciting. I also try and remember that this whole process is a massive priviledge and that there are many people in this world who would happily have the stress that comes along with the potential of getting into an amazing career!

How will you keep yourself going when faced with rejection in the job search?

  • See the above! Also, I like what Louisa said that if the interview felt like it went well, even if I don't get the job, that feeling in itself is a great sign. It is part of the process to get rejected and keep putting in those applications. I've got some great people in my corner and I will continue to lean on them as resources of support.

How will you hold yourself accountable to your plans? (Ex: Attend Mod 5, meet with cohortmates, attend Kayt's coffee shop hours, etc.)

  • Continue to meet with mod 5 folks outside of the scheduled time. Looking forward to mod 5!

How do you like to communicate?

  • Slack and in person. I also don't mind a phone call.

What is your ideal job?

  • Safe and respectful work enviornment.

  • Job where I am continuously learning and have support from senior devs/a mentor

  • Creating a product thats main purpose is to make other's lives easier (as opposed to making a few people at the top a bunch of money)

What has been your approach to the job search so far?

  • find a job I'm interested in and/OR qualified for >> contact the person who posted the job >> schedule an informational interview >> apply!

What could you use help with?

  • I'd like to practice with interview questions more. Just to get the reps in.

Anything else you'd like Kayt to know?

If you are not using Huntr, please include a link here to the job tracker you're using so that Kayt can follow along with your progress.

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