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Mod 0 Session 2 Readings

Session 2 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 60 minutes.

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1. Learning Fluency by Turing alum Sara Simon (30 min)

  • Your key take-aways OR how you're going to implement specific points (minimum 3):
  1. I have also experienced many people questioning my ability to do things that seemed far fetched, or I wasn't a natural at. "No, it's hard though." "You will hate it." "Others are better at it than you, Jean." "Thailand?! How ya gonna do that, Jean? Insert Maine accent" Hearing others' stories about these types of experiences helps me to normalize that others will second guess me, and that's okay, as long as I push through!
  2. "Building software is half strategy and half improvization." This took me back to the logic game portion of my interview where I had to let go of nerves, use the strategies I was familiar with and, well, improvize.
  3. Immersion is tough but it works.
  4. I'm still trying to wrap my head around these ones, but am keeping an eye out for situations where this rings true. "Fluency before understanding." "Discipline before imagination."

5/4 - This is my second time reading the article and, in addition to the above, what stuck out to me was her method for studying vocab when she was in her language immersion program at Middlebury. The repition and how it always builds off of each other seems like a good mindset when trying new concepts.

  • Your key take-aways OR how you're going to implement specific points (minimum 3):
  1. Google is the most POWERFUL tool.
  2. Be pithy.
  3. Tip... go from specific to more general.
  4. Thinking of Googling as a "learning opportunity."
  5. Google not to find a solution byt to "understand problems"

#4 and #5 helped me with my Practice Tasks.


Happy to have read this because I actually did not realize that I could filter my search results to be withint 365 days. I will definitely be using this feature in the future.

  • Your key take-aways OR how you're going to implement specific points (minimum 2):
  1. Never copy and paste (see question on Practice Tasks fork)
  2. "Never memorize something that you can look up." -Albert Einstein I am still deciding what I think about this quote.
  3. Out of 23 Google searches, writer mostly uses StackOverflow, Netty4Website, GitHub, and JavaDocs.

5/4 - In reading this article again I gain perspective on how Googling is like resource sharing for developers. In my opinion, this is a pretty cool way to think about Googling. It means we have a global community actively working together to figure out problems. It's like a new type of teamwork being for the first time in history!

  • Briefly describe (in your own words) each of the tips below AND provide an example of a search that captures the sentiment of the tip
  • Tip 2: Use quotes to search for specific phrases. This will help to narrow down results and get what is desired. Instead of searching for each word individually, it will search for the phrase.

example: search: "Cute cat videos"

5/4 example: search: Where to buy "Pathologies of Power" Denver bookstore

  • Tip 3: Using a hyphen to exclude certain words. Maybe I want to go to a school where I learn how to rock'n roll, but I don't want to see any searches related to the movie with Jack Black.

example: search: school of rock -movie

5/4 example: search: bike helmet types -motorcycle

  • Tip 4: To narrow down results to specific sites use a colon.

example: search: DYI bedroom decorations

5/4 example: search: chocolate pie recipe

  • Tip 9: Searching multiple searches at once. I can see how this could be helpful when trying to find an appropriate recipe.

example: search: "vegan chocolate cake recipe" OR "vegan chocolate cookie recipe"

5/4 example: search: hardware store Denver OR hardware store near me

  • Tip 13: Use words and phrasing that that industry/field would use. Use professional jargon.

example: Instead of... search: how to keep my kid in school, try... search: truancy intervention

5/4 example: Instead of... search: education for small children, try... search: early childhood education primary program

  • Tip 14: Try and use keywords only, keep it pithy. Using too many words narrows down the search in an unhelpful way.

example: Instead of... search: will too much sunlight, water, shade, or plant food hurt my window box flowers? Try... search: tulip care window boxes

5/4 example: Instead of... search: what kind of plants are toxic for cats and dogs? Try... search: plant toxicicity pets

  • Tip 17: Try rephrasing your searches.

example: if search: locally made catfood, doesn't work... try, search: colorado made cat food

5/4 example: if search: music festivals in Colorado, doesn't work... try, search: concert calendar Colorado 2019

5. Questions/Comments/Confusions

If you have any questions, comments, or confusions from any of the readings that you would an instructor to address, list them below:

5/4 Being that this is my second time around, I improvised. I did tell Sarah I would be doing the homework again but also referencing what I've already completed and they said that'd be fine. I tried to honor that and so please let me know if I need to add something else on this or future assignments. Thank you!

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Great job, @jmevans0211! I'm sorry to hear that people have said discouraging comments like "you will hate it" or "others are better at it", but I'm glad that you realize that you will still push through! When I told people that I was quitting my teaching job in Oklahoma and moving to Denver to become a software developer, there was definitely a confused and negative reaction of "why would you do that?" But now I've never been happier with my career and where I'm headed! I hope that Turing will give you good results too!

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