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Last active November 27, 2017 18:00
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Functional datatypes & abstractions for Kotlin
package kategory
import io.kotlintest.matchers.*
import io.kotlintest.specs.FreeSpec
import kategory.Problem.*
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
/*** documentation as runnable code ***/
class DataTypeExamples : FreeSpec() { init {
* Option
"Option: Some or None?" - {
val someValue: Option<Int> = Some(42)
val noneValue: Option<Int> = None
"getOrElse" {
someValue.getOrElse { -1 }.shouldBe(42)
noneValue.getOrElse { -1 }.shouldBe(-1)
"is it None?" {
(someValue is None) shouldBe false
(noneValue is None) shouldBe true
"When statement" {
// Option can also be used with when statements:
val msg = when (someValue) {
is Some -> "ok"
Option.None -> "ko"
msg shouldBe "ok"
"Functor/Foldable style operations" {
// An alternative for pattern matching is performing Functor/Foldable style operations.
// This is possible because an option could be looked at as a collection or foldable structure with either one or zero elements.
// One of these operations is map. This operation allows us to map the inner value to a different type while preserving the option { msg -> msg / 6 } shouldBe Some(7) { msg -> msg / 6 } shouldBe None
"Fold" {
// Fold will extract the value from the option, or provide a default if the value is None
someValue.fold({ 1}, { it * 3}) shouldBe 126
noneValue.fold({ 1}, { it * 3}) shouldBe 1
"Applicative" {
// Computing over independent values
val tuple = Option.applicative().tupled(Option(1), Option("Hello"), Option(20.0))
tuple shouldBe Some(Tuple3(a=1, b="Hello", c=20.0))
"Monad" {
// Computing over dependent values ignoring absence
val six = Option.monad().binding {
val a = Option(1).bind()
val b = Option(1 + a).bind()
val c = Option(1 + b).bind()
yields(a + b + c)
six shouldBe Some(6)
val none = Option.monad().binding {
val a = Option(1).bind()
val b = noneValue.bind()
val c = Option(1 + b).bind()
yields(a + b + c)
none shouldBe None
"Try and recover" - {
"Old school" {
val dollars = try {
} catch (e: AuthorizationException) {
dollars shouldBe 0
"Try { .. } " {
val gain: Try<Int> = Try { playLottery(9) }
gain shouldBe aFailureOfType(AuthorizationException::class)
gain.getOrElse { 0 } shouldBe 0
"filter" {
// If you want to perform a check on a possible success,
// you can use filter to convert successful computations in failures if conditions aren’t met:
val tryJackpot = Try { playLottery(10) }.filter { it > 500 }
tryJackpot shouldBe aFailureOfType(TryException.PredicateException::class)
"Recover" {
val gain = Try { playLottery(99) }
gain.recover { 0 } shouldBe Try.Success(0)
gain.recoverWith { Try { playLottery(42)} } shouldBe Try.Success(1000)
"Fold" {
// When you want to handle both cases of the computation you can use fold.
// With fold we provide two functions,
// one for transforming a failure into a new value,
// the second one to transform the success value into a new one:
val gain = Try { playLottery(99) }
gain.fold({ 4 }, { error("not expected") }) shouldBe 4
val jackPot = Try { playLottery(42) }
jackPot.fold({ error("not expected") }, { it * 100 }) shouldBe 100_000
"Functor" {
// Transforming the value, if the computation is a success:
val actual = Try.functor().map(Try { "3".toInt() }, { it + 1})
actual shouldBe Try.Success(4)
"Applicative" {
// Computing over independent values:
val tryHarder = Try.applicative().tupled(
Try { "3".toInt() },
Try { "5".toInt() },
Try { "nope".toInt() }
tryHarder shouldBe aFailureOfType(NumberFormatException::class)
// Either
"Either left or right" - {
fun parse(s: String): ProblemOrInt = Try { s.toInt().right() }.getOrElse { invalidInt.left() }
fun reciprocal(i: Int) : Either<Problem, Double> = when(i) {
0 -> noReciprocal.left()
else -> Either.Right(1.0 / i)
fun magic(s: String): Either<Problem, String> =
parse(s).flatMap{ reciprocal(it) }.map{ it.toString() }
var either : ProblemOrInt
"Right" {
either = 5.right()
either shouldBe Either.Right(5)
either.getOrElse { 0 } shouldBe 5 { it+1 } shouldBe 6.right()
either.flatMap { 6.right() } shouldBe 6.right()
either.flatMap { somethingWentWRong.left() } shouldBe somethingWentWRong.left()
"Left" {
// either is right-biaised
either = Either.Left(somethingWentWRong)
either shouldBe somethingWentWRong.left()
either.getOrElse { 0 } shouldBe 0 { it + 1 } shouldBe either
either.flatMap { somethingExploded.left() } shouldBe either
"Either rather than exception" {
parse("Not an number") shouldBe invalidInt.left()
parse("2") shouldBe 2.right()
"Combinators" {
magic("0") shouldBe noReciprocal.left()
magic("Not a number") shouldBe invalidInt.left()
magic("1") shouldBe "1.0".right()
fun aFailureOfType(expected: KClass<*>): Matcher<Try<Int>> = object : Matcher<Try<Int>> {
override fun test(value: Try<Int>): Result = when (value) {
is Success -> Result(false, "Expected a failure, got $value")
is Failure -> {
val javaClass = value.exception.javaClass
Result(, "Expected Try.Failure(${}), got $value")
private typealias ProblemOrInt = Either<Problem, Int>
private enum class Problem(val message: String) {
somethingWentWRong("Something went wrong"),
somethingExploded("Something somethingExploded"),
invalidInt("This is not an integer"),
noReciprocal("Cannot take noReciprocal of 0.")
private open class GeneralException: Exception()
private object NoConnectionException: GeneralException()
private object AuthorizationException: GeneralException()
fun playLottery(guess: Int): Int {
return when (guess){
42 -> 1000 // jackpot
in 10..41 -> 1
in 0..9 -> throw AuthorizationException
else -> throw NoConnectionException
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