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Last active March 23, 2023 02:22
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Install + setup github Copilot for Neovim on Ubuntu


  1. You already have access to github's Copilot (Copilot Chat is not yet available for neovim as of Mar 22nd 2023).
  2. Ubuntu 20.04+ (should work for other Debian distros as well).
  3. If you were using vim before, that your .vimrc does not rely on features that are not supported by neovim. I use powerline and YouCompleteme for vim, which don't vibe with neovim, so I had to make a couple of changes to my .vimrc. Take a look at this commit for an example on how to do that.

Step 1 - Install Neovim


The version on Ubuntu 20.04's package manager was deemed "too old" by Copilot, so I had to do the following:

curl -LO
chmod u+x nvim.appimage
./nvim.appimage  # symlink and update $PATH accordingly 

Setup neovim's config file:

mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
touch ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

Add the following to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim if you want to reuse your .vimrc:

set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc

Step 2 - Install NodeJS


curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - &&\
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Step 3 - Configure Copilot


git clone \

And on neovim, follow the prompts for setting up access to your github:

:Copilot setup
:Copilot enable

To check status (should say Copilot: Enabled and online):

:Copilot status

Then once you're on neovim, start typing away, using TAB to accept Copilot's suggestions.

Step 4 - Neovim keybindings (Optional)

Example bindings for a 65% keyboard (Reddit): Example bindings

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