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Created July 6, 2016 10:57
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Non-blocking version of core.async ping-pong game
(ns ping-pong-go
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! >!]]))
(defn ping [ch]
(println "Ping")
(>! ch :ping)
(<! (async/timeout 500)))
(defn pong [ch]
(println "Pong")
(>! ch :pong)
(<! (async/timeout 500)))
(defn return [ch]
(let [ball (<! ch)]
(if (= ball :ping)
(pong ch)
(ping ch))))
(defn play []
(let [ch (async/chan 1)]
(async/go-loop [cnt 0]
(if (= cnt 0)
(ping ch)
(return ch))
(if (< cnt 10)
(recur (inc cnt))
(println "Game over!")))))
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