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Created November 12, 2011 07:36
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Save jmhobbs/1360200 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hubot script to track deadlines.
# Tracks when stuff is due.
# deadlines - List what you have due
# add deadline 2011-10-30 Thing - Add a deadline for October 10, 2011
# remove deadline Thing - Remove a deadline named "Thing"
# clear deadlines - Remove all the deadlines
# Written by @jmhobbs
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /(create|add|set) deadline (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d) (.*) ?$/i, (msg) ->
due = msg.match[2]
what = msg.match[3] ?= [] { what: what, due: due }
msg.send 'Got it! "' + what + '" is due on ' + due
robot.respond /(clear|flush) deadlines/i, (msg) -> = []
msg.send "Deadlines cleared. Go do whatever you want."
robot.respond /(delete|remove|complete) deadline (.*) ?$/i, (msg) ->
what = msg.match[2] ?= []
length_before =
index_of = -1
for deadline, i in
if deadline.what == what
index_of = i index_of, 1 ) if -1 != index_of
if length_before >
msg.send 'Removed deadline "' + what + '", nice job!'
msg.send 'I couldn\'t find that deadline.'
robot.respond /deadlines/i, (msg) -> ?= []
if > 0
deadlines = (deadline) ->
today = new Date()
due_date = new Date( deadline.due )
days_passed = Math.round( ( due_date.getTime() - today.getTime() ) / 86400000 )
interval_string = days_passed + ' days left'
interval_string = ( -1 * days_passed ) + ' days overdue' if days_passed < 0
interval_string = 'due today' if days_passed == 0
'"' + deadline.what + '" is due on ' + deadline.due + ' (' + interval_string + ')'
msg.send "Here are your upcoming deadlines:\n\n" + deadlines.join "\n"
msg.send "I'm not currently tracking any deadlines. Why don't you add one?"
Hubot: deadlines
I'm not currently tracking any deadlines. Why don't you add one?
Hubot: add deadline 2011-11-20 Wireframes
Got it! "Wireframes" is due on 2011-11-20
Hubot: add deadline 2011-01-01 New Year
Got it! "New Year" is due on 2011-01-01
Hubot: deadlines
Here are your upcoming deadlines:
"Wireframes" is due on 2011-11-20 (8 days left)
"New Year" is due on 2011-01-01 (315 days overdue)
Hubot: delete deadline New Year
Removed deadline "New Year", nice job!
Hubot: deadlines
Here are your upcoming deadlines:
"Wireframes" is due on 2011-11-20 (8 days left)
Hubot: clear deadlines
Deadlines cleared. Go do whatever you want.
Hubot: deadlines
I'm not currently tracking any deadlines. Why don't you add one?
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