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Created May 7, 2010 17:18
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Storytlr Requirements Check
class Check {
protected static $errors = 0;
protected static $include_found = true;
public static function no_errors () {
return true;//( 0 == self::$errors );
public static function error_count () {
return self::$errors;
protected static function show_check_div ( $string, $class ) {
echo '<div class="' . $class . '">' . $string . '</div>';
public static function good ( $string ) { self::show_check_div( $string, 'good' ); }
public static function bad ( $string ) { self::$errors++; self::show_check_div( $string, 'bad' ); }
public static function warn ( $string ) { self::show_check_div( $string, 'warn' ); }
// Check the level of php available
public static function PHP ( $required ) {
if( 1 == version_compare( $required, phpversion() ) )
Check::bad( "Your PHP version is too low, the minimum required is $required." );
Check::good( "PHP Version " . phpversion() . " meets requirement." );
public static function SettingValue ( $setting, $expected ) {
if( $expected != ini_get( $setting ) )
Check::bad( "PHP Setting '$setting' should be '". var_export( $expected, true ) . "'." );
Check::good( "PHP Setting '$setting' is '" . var_export( $expected, true ) ."'." );
// Check if a class exists
public static function ClassExists ( $class, $name, $warn_only=false ) {
if( class_exists( $class, false ) )
Check::good( "Found $name." );
else if( $warn_only )
Check::warn( "Can not find $name." );
Check::bad( "Can not find $name." );
// Check if a function exists.
public static function FunctionExists ( $function, $name, $warn_only=false ) {
if( function_exists( $function ) )
Check::good( "Found $name." );
else if( $warn_only )
Check::warn( "Can not find $name." );
Check::bad( "Can not find $name." );
// Check if a file can be included, is on the path.
public static function CanInclude ( $include, $name, $warn_only=false ) {
self::$include_found = true;
set_error_handler( 'Check::include_error_handler', E_WARNING );
include_once( $include );
if( self::$include_found )
Check::good( "Found $name." );
else if( $warn_only )
Check::warn( "Can not find $name." );
Check::bad( "Can not find $name." );
return self::$include_found;
protected static function include_error_handler ( $errno, $errstr ) {
self::$include_found = false;
// Checks an extension existence by phpversion. Doesn't work for all extensions.
public static function ExtensionExists ( $extension, $name, $warn_only=false ) {
if( false !== phpversion( $extension ) )
Check::good( "Found $name." );
else if( $warn_only )
Check::warn( "Can not find $name." );
Check::bad( "Can not find $name." );
public static function PathWritable ( $path, $warn_only=false ) {
$root = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../';
if( is_writable( $root . $path ) )
Check::good( "$path is writable." );
else if( $warn_only )
Check::warn( "$path is not writable." );
Check::bad( "$path is not writable." );
} // Class Check
<title>Storytlr Requirements Check</title>
<style type="text/css">
.good, .bad, .warn {
padding: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #AAA;
color: #FFF;
.good {
background-color: #00BF00;
.bad {
background-color: #BF2C00;
.warn {
background-color: #BFB900;
<div style="width: 500px; margin: 0 auto;">
<h1>Storytlr Requirements Check</h1>
Check::PHP( "5.0" );
Check::SettingValue( "magic_quotes_gpc", false );
if( Check::CanInclude( 'Zend/Version.php', 'Zend Framework' ) )
if( Zend_Version::compareVersion( '1.0.0' ) > 0 )
warn( 'Zend Version 1.0.0 or newer is recommended' );
Check::FunctionExists( 'mcrypt_module_open', 'mcrypt' );
Check::FunctionExists( 'curl_init', 'cURL' );
Check::ExtensionExists( 'PDO', 'PDO' );
Check::ExtensionExists( 'tidy', 'Tidy');
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