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Last active March 5, 2023 18:58
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File Operations

File Sync Script


write some bash that can be used as a cronjob. The script will take two arguments: A filepath for origin file and a filepath of a destination file. Use a sha hash to compare the files. If there is a difference, write the origin file contents to the destination file. Create a comment block that explains the operation.


Here's a sample bash script that can be used as a cronjob, which takes two arguments - a filepath for origin file and a filepath of a destination file. It uses a sha hash to compare the files and if there is a difference, it writes the origin file contents to the destination file.


# Script:      File Sync Script
# Description: This script compares the sha hash of two files and if there is a
#              difference, writes the origin file contents to the destination file.
# Arguments:   arg1 - origin file path
#              arg2 - destination file path


# Get the sha256 hash of the origin file
ORIGIN_HASH=$(sha256sum "$ORIGIN_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')

# Get the sha256 hash of the destination file
if [ -f "$DESTINATION_FILE" ]; then
  DESTINATION_HASH=$(sha256sum "$DESTINATION_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')

# Compare the sha256 hash of the origin file with the destination file
if [ "$ORIGIN_HASH" != "$DESTINATION_HASH" ]; then
  # Copy the origin file to the destination file
  echo "File copied from $ORIGIN_FILE to $DESTINATION_FILE"
  echo "No changes found"

You can save this script to a file (e.g.,, make it executable (chmod +x, and run it as a cronjob by adding an entry to your crontab file (crontab -e):

* * * * * /path/to/ /path/to/origin_file /path/to/destination_file

Markdown Gist Updater Script


write a script that can be executed as a cronjob. The script should list all markdown files in a subfolder have a property named gist defined in the top matter. For each file with such a defined property that is not null, apply the command gist -u [gist property value] [filepath]


Sure! Here's a script that you can execute as a cronjob to list all markdown files in a subfolder that have a property named gist defined in the YAML front matter. For each file with such a defined property that is not null, the script will apply the gist -u command to update the specified Gist with the contents of the file.


# Markdown Gist Updater Script
# This script lists all markdown files in a subfolder that have a property named gist defined in the YAML front matter.
# For each file with such a defined property that is not null, the script will apply the gist -u command to update the specified Gist with the contents of the file.

# Change directory to the subfolder containing the markdown files
cd /path/to/markdown/files

# Find all markdown files with a YAML front matter that contains a "gist" property
find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l '^---$.*gist:' | while read file; do
  # Get the Gist ID from the YAML front matter
  gist_id=$(awk '/^gist:/ {print $2}' "$file")

  # Check if the Gist ID is not null
  if [ -n "$gist_id" ]; then
    # Apply the gist -u command to update the specified Gist with the contents of the file
    gist -u "$gist_id" "$file"
    echo "File $file updated in Gist $gist_id"

Here's how this script works:

  • Change directory to the subfolder containing the markdown files.
  • Use the find command to find all markdown files with a YAML front matter that contains a "gist" property.
  • Use xargs and grep to extract the filenames of the matching files.
  • Loop through each matching file and extract the Gist ID from the YAML front matter using awk.
  • Check if the Gist ID is not null.
  • If the Gist ID is not null, apply the gist -u command to update the specified Gist with the contents of the file.
  • Echo a message to the console to indicate that the file has been updated in the specified Gist.

To execute this script as a cronjob, you can add the following line to your crontab file:

*/5 * * * * /path/to/
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