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Created July 25, 2015 17:27
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iMac-de-Pablo:~ Jorge$ ethminer --help
Usage ethminer [OPTIONS]
Work farming mode:
-F,--farm <url> Put into mining farm mode with the work server at URL (default:
--farm-recheck <n> Leave n ms between checks for changed work (default: 500).
--no-precompute Don't precompute the next epoch's DAG.
Ethash verify mode:
-w,--check-pow <headerHash> <seedHash> <difficulty> <nonce> Check PoW credentials for validity.
Benchmarking mode:
-M,--benchmark Benchmark for mining and exit; use with --cpu and --opencl.
--benchmark-warmup <seconds> Set the duration of warmup for the benchmark tests (default: 3).
--benchmark-trial <seconds> Set the duration for each trial for the benchmark tests (default: 3).
--benchmark-trials <n> Set the duration of warmup for the benchmark tests (default: 5).
--phone-home <on/off> When benchmarking, publish results (default: on)
DAG creation mode:
-D,--create-dag <number> Create the DAG in preparation for mining on given block and exit.
Mining configuration:
-C,--cpu When mining, use the CPU.
-G,--opencl When mining use the GPU via OpenCL.
--opencl-platform <n> When mining using -G/--opencl use OpenCL platform n (default: 0).
--opencl-device <n> When mining using -G/--opencl use OpenCL device n (default: 0).
-t, --mining-threads <n> Limit number of CPU/GPU miners to n (default: use everything available on selected platform)
--allow-opencl-cpu Allows CPU to be considered as an OpenCL device if the OpenCL platform supports it.
--list-devices List the detected OpenCL devices and exit.
--current-block Let the miner know the current block number at configuration time. Will help determine DAG size and required GPU memory.
--cl-extragpu-mem Set the memory (in MB) you believe your GPU requires for stuff other than mining. Windows rendering e.t.c..
--cl-local-work Set the OpenCL local work size. Default is 64
--cl-global-work Set the OpenCL global work size as a multiple of the local work size. Default is 4096 * 64
--cl-ms-per-batch Set the OpenCL target milliseconds per batch (global workgroup size). Default is 0. If 0 is given then no autoadjustment of global work size will happen
General Options:
-v,--verbosity <0 - 9> Set the log verbosity from 0 to 9 (default: 8).
-V,--version Show the version and exit.
-h,--help Show this help message and exit.
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@Milesx86 -U is for Nvidias cards but for -S I don't know yet.

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