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Created April 26, 2019 07:45
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import Data.Functor.Identity
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Indent
example1 = "asdf(1 2 3):\n foo\n x:\n y\n z:\n q\n a"
-- Data structures
data Tree = Node [Value] [Tree]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Value = Val String | Paren [Value]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Top level parse function
parseTree text = runIdentity $ runIndentParserT (root <* eof) () "<input>" text
-- utilities for printing the result
render :: String -> Tree -> String
render indent (Node s children) =
let renderedChildren = concat [
"\n" ++ (render (" " ++ indent) child)
| child <- children ]
body = indent ++ renderVals s
in if null children
then body
else body ++ ":" ++ renderedChildren
renderVals vs = unwords $ map renderVal vs
renderVal :: Value -> String
renderVal (Val s) = s
renderVal (Paren vs) = "(" ++ renderVals vs ++ ")"
-- parsers
-- parses the root of a tree
root = do
try parseParent <|> parseLine
-- parses a node with children
parseParent = withBlock Node parseHeader root
-- parses the header of a node with children
parseHeader = do
header <- values
_ <- string ":\n"
_ <- many (char ' ')
return header
-- parses a line without children
parseLine = do
line <- values
_ <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
_ <- string "\n"
many (char ' ')
return $ Node line []
-- parses values within a line
values = sepBy1 value linearSpace
-- parses a single value or values in parens
value = try parenVals <|> (Val <$> word)
-- parses values in parens
parenVals :: IndentParser String () Value
parenVals = withPos $ do
_ <- string "("
_ <- spaces
vals <- sepEndBy (indented *> value) spaces
_ <- sameOrIndented *> string ")"
return $ Paren vals
-- a single word
word :: IndentParser String () String
word = many1 (noneOf " \n\t:()")
-- spaces without newlines
linearSpace = many1 (char ' ')
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