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Last active December 28, 2018 21:47
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Functions: `with` statement

Functions: with statement

A compilation of my favorite functions and patterns in functional programming

The with statement may be my favorite feature of Elixir since the pipe operator. It enables the chaining of uncertainty. It affords elegance to the otherwise unsavory business of nested control structures.

There are few things in code more corrupting of beauty than:

case fetch_token() do
  {:ok, token} ->
    case call_outside_server(token) do
      {:ok, resp} ->
        case write_to_db(resp) do
          {:ok, db_entry} -> db_entry
          error -> error

      error ->

  error ->

I encounter this pattern all the time, and I never fail to shudder. Let's try again:

with {:ok, token} <- fetch_token(),
     {:ok, resp} <- call_outside_server(token),
     {:ok, db_entry} <- write_to_db(resp) do
  error -> error

What's happening? with evaluates each expression to the right of <-. Provided the result matches, it continues down the chain; if the entire chain is successful, code following do is executed. Provided any result in the chain doesn't match, its value is passed to the else statement. Hence, we can flatten our nested control structures to resemble something more like a pipeline, as well as consolidate redundant error handling in one place.

with also permits evaluation of bare expressions. Let's say we need to perform a calculation on the response of call_outside_server/1 before passing it to write_to_db. Turns out that's easy:

with {:ok, token} <- fetch_token(),
     {:ok, resp} <- call_outside_server(token),
     resp = groom_response(resp),
     {:ok, db_entry} <- write_to_db(resp) do
  error -> error

Further reading

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