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Created March 28, 2017 18:25
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Using Redshift table column names for use in generated SQL
* Have tried to generate SQL statements by first retrieving table column names
* from Redshift pg_* tables?
* You probably give up due to errors regarding invalid types.
* Here is my suggestion for accomplishing this.
* First, use the create table statement below to create a temp table with the col_names for our table of interest.
* We must create a table otherwise we get an error that listagg must be used on a user-created table.
SELECT attrelid::int as tableid, attname::text AS column_name, attnum AS column_num
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid in
(SELECT pg_class.oid FROM pg_class INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
WHERE relname = '<table_with_desired_columns>' AND nspname = '<table_schema>' ) AND
attname NOT IN ('insertxid', 'deletexid', 'oid', 'tableoid', 'xmin', 'cmin', 'xmax', 'cmax', 'ctid') AND
-- Then you can LISTAGG the columns to get a string of the column names.
SELECT LISTAGG(column_name, ', ') FROM col_names;
-- You can do interesting things like ordering your column names:
SELECT LISTAGG(column_name, ', ') FROM col_names group by column_name order by column_name;
-- You can also use this to do pretty advanced SQL generation.
-- For example, I want to generate JSON objects for each row per tables.
-- I did not want to hand type the SQL statement for each of the 10+ tables I wanted this for.
-- The following SQL statement gave me the expression that I used in a select statement.
LISTAGG('COALESCE(\\' || '''' || '"' || column_name || '"' || ':"\\'
|| '''' || ' || ' || column_name || ' || CHR(34), \\' || '''' || '"' || column_name || '"' || ':\\' || '''' || ') ' || ' || '','' || \n ' ) within group (order by column_num)
,'\',\' \\|\\| \n $'
FROM col_names
-- It outputs:
COALESCE(\'"id":"\' || id || CHR(34), \'"id":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"npi":"\' || npi || CHR(34), \'"npi":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"first_name":"\' || first_name || CHR(34), \'"first_name":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"last_name":"\' || last_name || CHR(34), \'"last_name":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"address_line_1":"\' || address_line_1 || CHR(34), \'"address_line_1":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"address_line_2":"\' || address_line_2 || CHR(34), \'"address_line_2":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"city":"\' || city || CHR(34), \'"city":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"state":"\' || state || CHR(34), \'"state":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"zip_code":"\' || zip_code || CHR(34), \'"zip_code":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"specialty_type":"\' || specialty_type || CHR(34), \'"specialty_type":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"_partition_id":"\' || _partition_id || CHR(34), \'"_partition_id":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"full_name":"\' || full_name || CHR(34), \'"full_name":\') ||
-- Which I use in a SELECT statement to output each row as a JSON object:
id as key,
'{' ||
COALESCE(\'"id":"\' || id || CHR(34), \'"id":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"npi":"\' || npi || CHR(34), \'"npi":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"first_name":"\' || first_name || CHR(34), \'"first_name":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"last_name":"\' || last_name || CHR(34), \'"last_name":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"address_line_1":"\' || address_line_1 || CHR(34), \'"address_line_1":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"address_line_2":"\' || address_line_2 || CHR(34), \'"address_line_2":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"city":"\' || city || CHR(34), \'"city":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"state":"\' || state || CHR(34), \'"state":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"zip_code":"\' || zip_code || CHR(34), \'"zip_code":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"specialty_type":"\' || specialty_type || CHR(34), \'"specialty_type":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"_partition_id":"\' || _partition_id || CHR(34), \'"_partition_id":\') || ',' ||
COALESCE(\'"full_name":"\' || full_name || CHR(34), \'"full_name":\') ||
FROM provider
-- Note: I am escaping the single quotes because this query is stored in a file which is read into a Python script.
-- Single quotes have special meaning in Python, thus we need to escape them.
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