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jmiserez / gist:744116545d7f595923966f883c4f1b5d
Last active December 11, 2024 16:41
CyberChef: Parse Google Authenticator QR Code (single export) using protobuf schema and extract TOTP secret as Base32
1. Go to
2. Download CyberChef (top left), extract .zip and open .html file
3. Click "Load Recipe" in the top middle
4. Enter the following recipe:
Regular_expression('User defined','otpauth-migration\\:\\/\\/offline\\?data\\=(.*)',true,false,true,false,false,false,'List capture groups')
Protobuf_Decode('syntax = "proto3";\n\noption java_package = "com.beemdevelopment.aegis";\noption java_outer_classname = "GoogleAuthProtos";\n\nmessage MigrationPayload {\n enum Algorithm {\n ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED = 0;\n ALGORITHM_SHA1 = 1;\n ALGORITHM_SHA256 = 2;\n ALGORITHM_SHA512 = 3;\n ALGORITHM_MD5 = 4;\n }\n\n enum DigitCount {\n DIGIT_COUNT_UNSPECIFIED = 0;\n DIGIT_COUNT_SIX = 1;\n DIGIT_COUNT_EIGHT = 2;\n }\n\n enum OtpType {\n OTP_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;\n OTP_TYPE_HOTP = 1;\n OTP_TYPE_TOTP = 2;\n }\n\n message OtpParameters {\n bytes secret = 1;\n string name = 2;\n str
jmiserez / rightclick-element-ios-safari-bookmarklet.js
Last active October 22, 2018 08:27 — forked from foobear/copy-element-text-bookmarklet.js
JavaScript bookmarklet to right click an element in Safari Mobile. Only works when "Request Desktop Site" is used, tested on 12.0.1. Adapted from (license: MIT).
# Bookmarklet on one line:
javascript:(function(){var x=0;var y=0;var overlay=document.createElement('div');Object.assign(,{position:'fixed',top:0,left:0,width:'100vw',height:'100vh',zIndex:99999999,background:'transparent',cursor:'crosshair'});document.body.append(overlay);overlay.addEventListener('click',function(event){Object.assign(,{width:0,height:0});x= event.clientX;y=event.clientY; var element=document.elementFromPoint(x,y);var position=element.getBoundingClientRect();Object.assign(,{background:'rgba(0,128,255,0.25)',outline:'1px solid rgba(0,128,255,0.5)',top:'''px',left:''+position.left+'px',width:''+position.width+'px',height:''+position.height+'px'});setTimeout(function(){var ev1=new MouseEvent("mousedown",{bubbles:true,cancelable:false,view:window,button:2,buttons:2,clientX:x,clientY:y});element.dispatchEvent(ev1);var ev2=new MouseEvent("mouseup",{bubbles:true,cancelable:false,view:window,button:2,buttons:0,clientX:x,clientY:y});element.dispatc
jmiserez /
Last active June 27, 2024 12:49
Bash on WSL or Cygwin: suspend and resume Windows processes by name and optionally command line part
# Add this to your Cygwin or WSL Ubuntu .bashrc
# Args:
# - process name
# - optional: commandline (use '%' as wildcards)
# Example: suspendps name commandline
# - suspendps notepad.exe %mytextfile.txt%
# - resumeps notepad.exe
# Note: pssuspend64.exe must be installed and available (
getwin32processid() {
# WSL / Windows 10 suitable version without spawning a shell
jmiserez /
Last active June 12, 2019 13:48
Bash: "Execute for all subdirectories", execute commands in all subdirectorys, cache output and print sequentially with locking
# Add this to your .bashrc and source it (source ~/.bashrc)
# Example: forallsubdirs basedir commands
# - forallsubdirs . "ls | wc -l; git status"
# - forallsubdirs . "git fetch --all; git merge --ff-only"
# Note:
# - To include hidden directories (starting with a "."), set the dotglob option in Bash: shopt -s dotglob
# - Silencing job control (see comments) is only partially possible, in certain cases job control output will still be printed (see
forallsubdirs() {
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
jmiserez / extensions.zotfile.wildcards.user
Created May 27, 2016 19:21
Zotero ZotFile Renaming user json for setting: zotfile.wildcards.user. Simplifies series field (remove all non-words, e.g. "PLDI '14" -> "PLDI14") for journal articles and conference papers. Use like this: "{%a_}{%y_}{%1|%w_}{%t}" in ZotFile settings. Also see this bug report:
# Make default camera /dev/video0 point to the "best" camera present.
# Source: Jason Eisner
# on question
setdefaultwebcam() {
if [ -h /dev/video0 ]; then
sudo rm /dev/video0 # not first run: remove our old symlink
elif [ -e /dev/video0 ]; then
sudo mv /dev/video0 /dev/video0.original # first run: rename original video0
jmiserez /
Last active May 11, 2016 06:13

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jmiserez on github.
  • I am jmiserez ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB1Z3r-6WbG1JJ12os9xUuXhFMe5QElabQLKWD_M29nPQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

jmiserez / vm.c
Created January 6, 2016 14:54
X86 (subset) interpreter, prototype. Reads instructions from plaintext file, instructions separated by spaces.
* vm.c - Simple X86 interpreter
* Copyright (c) 2013, Jeremie Miserez <>
* Highlights/Features not specified in assignment
* ===============================================
* - Memory simulation of all 4GB with paging
jmiserez /
Created December 4, 2015 18:59
Decrypt files encrypted by (
# Author: Jeremie Miserez <>
# Latest version:
# This script will decrypt encrypted images generated by,
# (, when given a .key.enc file
# and if all related files are in the same directory as the .key.enc file.
jmiserez /
Last active January 6, 2016 13:53
Offline backup (cold, with shutdown/startup) of a XenServer VM with gzip, rate-limiting (pv), and public key + AES256 encryption (openssl). See ( for decryption. Note: You *must* trust both the remote and local server, as well as the SSH connection.
# Author: Jeremie Miserez <>
# Latest version:
# This script will:
# 1. Connect to a remote XenServer server over SSH
# 2. Shutdown the specified VM