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Last active January 22, 2019 22:13
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Basic tuples in Coq
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive tuple : forall {n : nat}, Vector.t Set n -> Type :=
| unit : tuple []
| push : forall {T : Set} (x : T)
{n : nat} {ts : Vector.t Set n},
tuple ts -> tuple (T :: ts).
Check unit.
Check push true unit.
Check push 5 (push true unit).
Module TupleNotations.
Notation "(| |)" := unit (format "(| |)") : tuple_scope.
Notation "(| x |)" := (push x unit) : tuple_scope.
Notation "(| x1 , .. , xn |)" :=
(push x1 .. (push xn unit) .. ) : tuple_scope.
End TupleNotations.
Import TupleNotations.
Open Scope tuple_scope.
Example unitTupleNotation: (||) = unit.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example oneElementTupleNotation: (| false |) = push false unit.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example manyElementTupleNotation: (| 5, true |) = push 5 (push true unit).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition length : forall {n:nat} {ts:Vector.t Set n}, tuple ts -> nat :=
fun n _ _ => n.
Example lengthOfUnitIsZero: length (||) = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Example lengthOfTwoElementTupleIsTwo: length (| 5, true |) = 2.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition typeSig : forall {n:nat} {ts:Vector.t Set n},
tuple ts -> Vector.t Set n :=
fun _ ts _ => ts.
Example complexTypeSig: typeSig (|true, Some false, 5|) =
[bool; option bool; nat].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Close Scope tuple_scope.
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do these not come built in?

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