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Created September 28, 2012 19:08
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Think Stats 1.4 -- high on functions
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import ifilter, imap
from operator import attrgetter, not_
import survey
def caller(method_name, *args, **kwargs):
def call_obj(obj):
return getattr(obj, method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
return call_obj
def counts(xs):
c = {}
for x in xs:
c.setdefault(x, 0)
c[x] += 1
return c
def compose(*functions):
if not functions:
raise ValueError("Must specify functions to compose")
def composed(*args, **kwargs):
fs = list(functions)
y = fs.pop()(*args, **kwargs)
while fs:
f = fs.pop()
y = f(y)
return y
return composed
def wrap_result(wrapper):
return lambda f: wraps(f)(compose(wrapper, f))
negate = wrap_result(not_)
odd = lambda x: x % 2 == 1
even = negate(odd)
def on_items(f, d):
return compose(dict, f, caller('items'))(d)
def map_dict(f, d):
return on_items(partial(imap, f), d)
def filter_dict(p, d):
return on_items(partial(ifilter, p), d)
def map_keys(f, d):
return map_dict(lambda (k, v): (f(k), v), d)
def dichotomy(p, xs):
return ifilter(negate(p), xs), ifilter(p, xs)
get_pregnancy_lengths = partial(imap, attrgetter('prglength'))
def average(xs):
xs = list(xs)
if not xs:
return 'EMPTY'
return sum(xs) / float(len(xs))
table = survey.Pregnancies()
print 'Number of pregnancies', len(table.records)
live_births = filter(lambda record: record.outcome == 1, table.records)
print 'Live births:', len(live_births)
rest, firstborns = dichotomy(lambda record: record.birthord == 1, live_births)
[rest, firstborns] = map(compose(average, get_pregnancy_lengths), [rest, firstborns])
print 'Average pregnancy length (firstborns):', firstborns
print 'Average pregnancy length (others):', rest
print 'Difference:', timedelta(weeks=firstborns) - timedelta(weeks=rest)
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