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Last active March 16, 2018 17:59
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Input elements in reagent (and react)
The basic "cursor jumping" issue: facebook/react#955
I.E. onchange events out of order: facebook/react#7027
The relevant fix in reagent: reagent-project/reagent#253

One problem is that you must update the dom value synchronously.
If you fail to do that, you'll get dropped characters, because eventually you'll get two events in a row and the second one will be based on a stale value (so the first event will get overwritten).

In contrast, no matter how long you take in the onchange handler, the browser does the right thing.

Consider this:

(defn test-component []
  (let [*value (reagent/atom "")]
    (fn []
      [:input {:value     @*value
               :on-change (fn [e]
                            (loop [n 0 t 1]
                              (if (= n 1000000)
                                (recur (inc n) (* t n))))
                            (reset! *value (-> e .-target .-value)))}])))

Although the input will lag horribly, it will be correct, no matter how much you type.

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