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Last active September 26, 2020 00:20
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[Proposal] Const Reference to Temporary style-guide


We modify the style guide to disallow constant references to temporaries as a whole. This means disallowing both Case 1 and Case 2 below.


  • Case 1: Constant references to simple expression temporaries do extend the lifetime of the temporary till end of function scope:
    • a) Temporary returned by function:
    // See full example below.
    T f(const char* s) { return T(s); }
      const T& good = f("Ok");
      // use of good is ok.
    • b) Temporary constructed as simple expression:
    // See full example below.
      const T& good = T("Ok");
      // use of good is ok.
  • Case 2: Constant references to expressions that result in a reference to a temporary do not extend the lifetime of the temporary:
    • a) Temporary returned by function:
    // See full example below.
    T f(const char* s) { return T(s); }
      const T& bad = f("Bad!").Member();
      // use of bad is invalid.
    • b) Temporary constructed as simple expression:
    // See full example below.
      const T& bad = T("Bad!").Member();
      // use of bad is invalid.
  • Mesos Case:
    • In Mesos we use Future a lot. Many of our functions return Futures by value:
    class Socket {
      Future<Socket> accept();
      Future<size_t> recv(char* data, size_t size);
    • Sometimes we capture these Futures:
      const Future<Socket>& accepted = socket.accept(); // Valid c++, propose we disallow.
    • Sometimes we chain these Futures:
      socket.accept().then(lambda::bind(_accepted)); // Temporary will be valid during 'then' expression evaluation.
    • Sometimes we do both:
      const Future<Socket>& accepted = socket.accept().then(lambda::bind(_accepted)); // Dangerous! 'accepted' lifetime will not be valid till end of scope. Disallow!


  • Although Case 1 is ok, and considered a feature (, Case 2 is extremely dangerous and leads to hard to track bugs.
  • If we explicitly allow Case 1, but disallow Case 2, then my worry is that someone coming along to maintain the code later on may accidentally turn Case 1 into Case 2, without recognizing the severity of this mistake. For example:
// Original code:
const T& val = T();
std::cout << val << std::endl;
// New code:
const T& val = T().removeWhiteSpace();
std::cout << val << std::endl; // val could be corrupted since the destructor has been invoked and T's memory freed.
  • If we disallow both cases: it will be easier to catch these mistakes early on in code reviews (and avoid these painful bugs), at the same cost of introducing a new style guide rule.

Performance Implications:

Action Items:

  • Discussion on dev-list with community.
  • Remove all constant references to temporaries in code base.
  • Modify style guide with examples of bad behavior, and reasoning for the rule.

Example program:

#include <stdio.h>

class T {
  T(const char* str) : Str(str) {
    printf("+ T(%s)\n", Str);
  ~T() {
    printf("- T(%s)\n", Str);
  const T& Member() const
    return *this;
  const char* Str;

T f(const char* s) { return T(s); }

int main() {
  const T& good = T("Ok");
  const T& good_f = f("Ok function");

  const T& bad = T("Bad!").Member();
  const T& bad_f = T("Bad function!").Member();

  printf("End of function scope...\n");


+ T(Ok)
+ T(Ok function)
+ T(Bad!)
- T(Bad!)
+ T(Bad function!)
- T(Bad function!)
End of function scope...
- T(Ok function)
- T(Ok)
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chen3feng commented Sep 26, 2020

Totally agree.
Is there a compiler warning to this? Or a compiler plugin can be developed to do this check?

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