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Created November 22, 2018 17:43
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React Native Apollo FlatList infinite scroll
import React from 'react';
import { Text, View, SafeAreaView, FlatList, WebView, Dimensions, Button, ScrollView} from 'react-native';
import { ListItem } from 'react-native-elements';
import ApolloClient from "apollo-boost";
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import { ApolloProvider } from "react-apollo";
import { Query } from "react-apollo";
import HTML from 'react-native-render-html';
import { createAppContainer, createStackNavigator} from 'react-navigation';
const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: ""
class DetailsScreen extends React.Component {
render() {
const { navigation } = this.props;
const item = navigation.getParam('item', 'NO-ID');
return (
style={{ flex: 1}}
<HTML html={item.node.content} imagesMaxWidth={Dimensions.get('window').width -50}/>
class PostListScreen extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = {
title: 'Fedry Reader',
render() {
return (
<App navigation={this.props.navigation} />
const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator({
Home: {
screen: PostListScreen,
Details: {
screen: DetailsScreen,
}, {
initialRouteName: 'Home',
const App = ({navigation}) => (
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<ExchangeRates navigation={navigation}/>
mySeparator = () => (
height: 1,
width: '100%',
backgroundColor: "#CED0CE"
const PostsQuery = gql`
query( $cursor: String)
posts(first: 20, after: $cursor) {
edges {
node {
pageInfo {
const ExchangeRates = ({navigation}) => (
<Query query={PostsQuery} >
{({ loading, error, data, fetchMore }) => {
if (loading) return <Text>Loading...</Text>;
if (error) return <Text>Error </Text>;
return <FlatList
renderItem={({item})=><ListItem id={} title={item.node.title} titleNumberOfLines={0} subtitleNumberOfLines={10} onPress={() => {navigation.navigate('Details', {item: item})}} />}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
onEndReached={() => {
variables: { cursor: data.posts.pageInfo.endCursor },
updateQuery: (previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
const newEdges = fetchMoreResult.posts.edges;
const pageInfo = fetchMoreResult.posts.pageInfo;
// return { posts: [...previousResult.posts.edges, ...fetchMoreResult.posts.edges] };
return newEdges.length
? {
// Put the new comments at the end of the list and update `pageInfo`
// so we have the new `endCursor` and `hasNextPage` values
posts: {
__typename: previousResult.posts.__typename,
edges: [...previousResult.posts.edges, ...newEdges],
: previousResult;
export default createAppContainer(AppNavigator);
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This worked for me as well, thank you for sharing!

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Ebeldev commented Oct 2, 2019

Thanks for this. It helped me a lot. But once I reach the end of the full list (there is no more items to fetch) , I get the spinner and it never stops spinning.

Any idea?

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klaaz0r commented Jan 6, 2020

Thanks for this. It helped me a lot. But once I reach the end of the full list (there is no more items to fetch) , I get the spinner and it never stops spinning.

Any idea?

You want to include a hasNext or something simpler in your api, and don't render fetch/disable fetch more when hasNext is false, you can also include a footer when hasNext is false and inform the user they have seen it all.

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