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Created December 11, 2016 21:05
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cartodb_id the_geom year energy_star_score indoor_water_use_all_water_sources_kgal property_gfa___self_reported_ft property_id address_1 department property_name longitude latitude indirect_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e direct_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e total_ghg_emissions_intensity_kgco2e_ft total_ghg_emissions_metric_tons_co2e weather_normalized_source_eui_kbtu_ft weather_normalized_site_eui_kbtu_ft source_eui_kbtu_ft site_eui_kbtu_ft water_use_all_water_sources_kgal property_name
132 0101000020E61000008B4F01309E8F5DC0B69E211CB3064140 2015 0 0 491023 3935250 100 West 1st Street LAPD Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB -118.24403 34.052341 2514.5 823.8 6.8 3338.3 215.2 90.1 218.5 90.6 2983.2 Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB
133 0101000020E610000062416150A68F5DC01903EB387E064140 2015 0 0 526680 3935254 200 North Main Street Municipal Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East -118.244526 34.050727 5415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14262.8 Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East
134 0101000020E6100000F9A92A3410905DC0E42CEC6987074140 2015 96 0 185550 3935258 221 North Figueroa Street Municipal Municipal: 1/44 Fig Plaza II -118.250989 34.05882 477.1 24.8 2.7 501.9 0 0 95.7 32.2 1702.6 Municipal: 1/44 Fig Plaza II
135 0101000020E610000000193A7650905DC0569DD5027B064140 2015 0 0 538802 3935264 630 West 5th Street LAPL Libraries: 51/100 Central Library -118.254911 34.050629 1705.5 393.2 4.2 2098.7 136.7 53.8 137.7 53.6 8069.7 Libraries: 51/100 Central Library
136 0101000020E61000001AD99596919C5DC0DDB6EF517F174140 2015 0 0 69146 3935265 6240 Sylmar Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/1 Van Nuys Police -118.446386 34.183573 770.5 266.1 15 1036.6 470.4 198 479.3 200.9 4281.2 Police Department: 9/1 Van Nuys Police
137 0101000020E61000009F4E797423A05DC01118EB1B98204140 2015 0 0 24260 3935270 10124 Balboa Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/87 Fire Station #87 -118.502164 34.254642 100.8 20.2 7.9 121 261.1 101 265.5 101.1 297.6 Fire Department: 5/87 Fire Station #87
138 0101000020E6100000710514EAE99A5DC0B7CF2A33A5054140 2015 0 0 9700 3935272 10556 West Pico Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/92 Fire Station #92 -118.420527 34.044104 33.8 0 3.7 33.8 125.7 40 132.9 42.3 226.5 Fire Department: 5/92 Fire Station #92
139 0101000020E6100000A927F38FBE9C5DC0E61F7D93A6074140 2015 0 0 11051 3935277 1090 Veteran Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/37 Fire Station #37 -118.449131 34.059771 32.7 24.8 5.8 57.5 158.9 86.3 168.4 85 584.5 Fire Department: 5/37 Fire Station #37
140 0101000020E610000091E68F696D9B5DC0933655F7C8004140 2015 0 0 13790 3935278 11970 Venice Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/62 Fire Station #62 -118.428553 34.006133 60 9.2 5 69.2 171 63 170.7 62.7 418.2 Fire Department: 5/62 Fire Station #62
141 0101000020E6100000210725CCB49A5DC0DCB930D28B224140 2015 0 0 10968 3935280 13035 Van Nuys Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/98 Fire Station #98 -118.417285 34.269892 38.4 17.3 5.1 55.7 151.5 70.5 158 70 668.9 Fire Department: 5/98 Fire Station #98
142 0101000020E6100000B0E600C11C955DC072FA7ABE660B4140 2015 0 0 21595 3935282 1333 Cole Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/27 Fire Station #27 -118.32988 34.089073 52.3 0 2.4 52.3 84.7 27 87.7 27.9 443.8 Fire Department: 5/27 Fire Station #27
143 0101000020E6100000A1410A9E428E5DC02639605793094140 2015 0 0 69357 3935284 140 North Ave 19 LAFD Fire Department: 5/401 Fire Station #401 Shops and Stores -118.222816 34.074809 373.4 108.1 6.9 481.5 224.7 93 225.6 91.4 257.9 Fire Department: 5/401 Fire Station #401 Shops and Stores
144 0101000020E61000004CF38E53749C5DC03992CB7F481B4140 2015 0 0 50250 3935285 14355 Arminta Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/81 Fire Station #81 -118.4446 34.21315 118.4 25 2.9 143.4 91.9 35.9 95.1 36.5 369.9 Fire Department: 5/81 Fire Station #81
145 0101000020E61000009026DE019E9C5DC010B3976DA7174140 2015 0 0 13500 3935287 14415 Sylvan Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/39 Fire Station #39 -118.447144 34.184797 54.7 18.9 5.5 73.6 165.9 71.6 174.3 73.1 470.3 Fire Department: 5/39 Fire Station #39
146 0101000020E610000006F4C29D0B915DC052B648DA8D044140 2015 0 0 15800 3935291 1601 South Grand Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/48 Fire Station #48 -118.266334 34.035579 32.4 11.7 4.6 44.1 141.8 61.3 146.6 62 339.9 Fire Department: 5/48 Fire Station #48
147 0101000020E6100000C45A7C0A809F5DC03902B859BC104140 2015 0 0 8550 3935293 16500 Mulholland Drive LAFD Fire Department: 5/109 Fire Station #109 -118.49219 34.130748 25.3 12.3 6.5 37.6 0 0 201.1 90.9 344.5 Fire Department: 5/109 Fire Station #109
148 0101000020E610000046D1031F838F5DC036AD1402B9084140 2015 0 0 470448 3935295 1700 Stadium Way LAFD Fire Department: 5/30 Fire Station #30 Fire Dept Admin -118.242378 34.068146 364.5 14.3 5 378.8 170.8 57.1 176.3 58.5 1682.7 Fire Department: 5/30 Fire Station #30 Fire Dept Admin
149 0101000020E6100000BF22BF7E88915DC0FBCA83F414074140 2015 0 0 15628 3935298 1819 West 7th Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/11 Fire Station #11 -118.273956 34.055327 36.7 13.9 3.2 50.7 0 0 102.7 43.9 438 Fire Department: 5/11 Fire Station #11
150 0101000020E610000004763579CA935DC03C122F4FE7044140 2015 0 0 9175 3935303 2009 South Western Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/26 Fire Station #26 -118.309233 34.038309 34 14.5 5.3 48.4 160.6 71.3 165.1 72.3 412.7 Fire Department: 5/26 Fire Station #26
151 0101000020E6100000976BD102B4955DC07D93A641D1164140 2015 0 0 21272 3935304 21050 Burbank Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/84 Fire Station #84 -118.339112 34.178261 93.8 17.6 7.3 111.4 237.7 92.4 244.9 92.5 471.5 Fire Department: 5/84 Fire Station #84
152 0101000020E6100000B5E21B0A9FA65DC0ADDA3521AD1F4140 2015 0 0 9800 3935306 21800 Marilla Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/96 Fire Station #96 -118.603457 34.247471 32.3 18.8 7.5 51.1 221.1 111.6 226.5 106.8 372.1 Fire Department: 5/96 Fire Station #96
153 0101000020E61000009ECE15A584925DC0E5F0492712064140 2015 0 0 15339 3935307 2401 West Pico Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/13 Fire Station #13 -118.289346 34.047429 56.9 13 4.6 69.9 145.8 57.1 150.9 58.7 216.6 Fire Department: 5/13 Fire Station #13
154 0101000020E61000000874266DAA8F5DC00BCF4BC5C60E4140 2015 0 0 9310 3935308 3036 Fletcher Drive LAFD Fire Department: 5/50 Fire Station #50 -118.244777 34.115441 32.7 15.2 5.9 47.8 177 79.9 183.7 82.1 331.1 Fire Department: 5/50 Fire Station #50
155 0101000020E61000004D999B6F44975DC0EE0A7DB08C114140 2015 0 0 9800 3935309 3111 Cahuenga Boulevard West LAFD Fire Department: 5/76 Fire Station #76 -118.363552 34.137106 13.3 10.6 6.5 23.9 185.7 100.8 188.5 96.2 386.2 Fire Department: 5/76 Fire Station #76
156 0101000020E61000006340F67AF7995DC02AC423F1F2024140 2015 0 0 10365 3935312 3690 Motor Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/43A Fire Station #43A -118.40573 34.023039 43.7 9.6 5.1 53.3 159.7 63.7 170.9 66.1 184.1 Fire Department: 5/43A Fire Station #43A
157 0101000020E61000007670B03731945DC02234828DEB074140 2015 0 0 9161 3935313 4029 Wilshire Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/29 Fire Station #29 -118.315504 34.061876 3.9 0 0.4 3.9 15.5 4.9 15.5 4.9 562 Fire Department: 5/29 Fire Station #29
158 0101000020E610000025CD1FD3DA8F5DC02A8F6E8445054140 2015 0 0 14285 3935315 430 East 7th Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/9 Fire Station #9 -118.247731 34.041184 31.8 23.3 3.9 55.1 116.1 61.1 112.8 56.4 548.6 Fire Department: 5/9 Fire Station #9
159 0101000020E6100000CE33F6251B965DC03BE0BA6246024140 2015 0 0 10568 3935317 4470 Coliseum Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/94 Fire Station #94 -118.345407 34.017773 66.3 21.5 10.8 87.8 328.8 142.5 347.8 143.9 535.9 Fire Department: 5/94 Fire Station #94
160 0101000020E6100000228E75711B8F5DC001BEDBBC71064140 2015 0 0 34858 3935318 450 East Temple Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/4A Fire Station #4A -118.23605 34.050346 200.4 46.3 7.9 246.7 0 0 261.4 101.8 1070.1 Fire Department: 5/4A Fire Station #4A
161 0101000020E61000004B5299620EA05DC09C6C0377A0144140 2015 0 0 15250 3935321 4960 Balboa Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/83 Fire Station #83 -118.500878 34.161147 48.6 16.9 4.3 65.5 135 59.1 137.3 57.6 440.5 Fire Department: 5/83 Fire Station #83
162 0101000020E6100000DB6CACC43C995DC0675F79909EFC4040 2015 0 0 11550 3935322 5101 Sepulveda Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/88 Fire Station #88 -118.394334 33.973589 179.6 39.9 19 219.5 626.7 253.5 630.9 244.2 850.3 Fire Department: 5/88 Fire Station #88
163 0101000020E6100000203CDA38629B5DC00CACE3F8A1FC4040 2015 0 0 15105 3935323 5451 Playa Vista Drive LAFD Fire Department: 5/67 Fire Station #67 -118.42787 33.973693 49.2 8.8 3.8 58 122.2 47.4 129.3 48.5 148 Fire Department: 5/67 Fire Station #67
164 0101000020E6100000C2DCEEE53E985DC0F38DE89E75154140 2015 0 0 16772 3935324 5320 Tujunga Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/60Fire Station #60 -118.378839 34.167652 39.7 20.8 3.6 60.5 103.3 50 110.1 50.6 476.9 Fire Department: 5/60Fire Station #60
165 0101000020E61000005E96766A2E945DC0016BD5AE090D4140 2015 0 0 32600 3935325 5769 Hollywood Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/82A Fire Station #82A -118.315333 34.101858 87 34.7 3.7 121.7 115.4 50.1 117.6 50.8 285.6 Fire Department: 5/82A Fire Station #82A
166 0101000020E61000004E5FCFD72C8C5DC02BF4C132360E4140 2015 0 0 9683 3935327 5921 North Figueroa Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/12 Fire Station #12 -118.190237 34.111029 32.6 20.2 5.5 52.8 161.2 81 163.1 78 305.8 Fire Department: 5/12 Fire Station #12
167 0101000020E610000093DBF63DEAA75DC03B394371C7174140 2015 0 0 7874 3935328 6345 Fallbrook Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/105 Fire Station #105 -118.623672 34.185774 29.7 10.8 6.6 40.6 197.4 86.4 211.5 89.6 391.7 Fire Department: 5/105 Fire Station #105
168 0101000020E6100000CE380D5185915DC0EE5BAD1397FD4040 2015 0 0 11320 3935329 6406 South Main Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/33 Fire Station #33 -118.273762 33.981173 0 21.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 490.8 Fire Department: 5/33 Fire Station #33
169 0101000020E61000008466D7BD159B5DC0BB2BBB6070FF4040 2015 0 0 7600 3935330 6751 Louise Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/100 Fire Station #100 -118.423202 33.995617 31.2 12.4 6 43.7 184.2 82.4 187.7 81 300 Fire Department: 5/100 Fire Station #100
170 0101000020E61000005FCC96AC8A975DC08C31B08EE30D4140 2015 0 0 13153 3935332 7063 Laurel Canyon Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/89 Fire Station #89 -118.367839 34.108507 57.1 16.7 5.6 73.8 176.2 73.6 182.2 73.9 1295.7 Fire Department: 5/89 Fire Station #89
171 0101000020E61000000BDB4FC6F89E5DC0F06C8FDE701B4140 2015 0 0 14760 3935335 7921 Woodley Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/90 Fire Station #90 -118.483934 34.214382 50.9 30.6 7.4 81.5 0 0 221.4 105.2 452.9 Fire Department: 5/90 Fire Station #90
172 0101000020E6100000DB847B65DE995DC0CA4FAA7D3AFA4040 2015 0 0 24759 3935337 8900 Emerson Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/5C Fire Station #5C -118.404199 33.95491 80.3 11.8 3.7 92.2 0 0 126.9 46.4 463.4 Fire Department: 5/5C Fire Station #5C
173 0101000020E61000006C79E57ADB9F5DC06281AFE8D6214140 2015 0 0 11310 3935342 10640 Petit Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/056 Granada Hill Library -118.497771 34.264371 48.3 10.9 5.4 59.2 177.2 71.7 178.1 69.1 115.9 Libraries: 51/056 Granada Hill Library
174 0101000020E61000004A253CA1D7A35DC08811C2A38D234140 2015 0 0 12700 3935345 11371 Tampa Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/067 Porter Ranch Library -118.560036 34.27776 42.7 10.6 4.3 53.4 142.1 58 142.8 56.3 396.3 Libraries: 51/067 Porter Ranch Library
175 0101000020E6100000014EEFE2FD9D5DC0DEE68D93C2064140 2015 0 0 14961 3935347 11820 San Vicente Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/016 Brentwood Library -118.468621 34.052813 45.1 4.7 4.8 49.8 158.4 58.5 165.8 58.5 69.3 Libraries: 51/016 Brentwood Library
176 0101000020E61000006556EF703B995DC0139CFA40F2224140 2015 0 0 12649 3935349 12002 Osborne Street LAPL Libraries: 51/062 Lake View Terrace Library -118.394253 34.273018 38.3 6.4 4.2 44.8 141 53.8 141.5 52.6 99.2 Libraries: 51/062 Lake View Terrace Library
177 0101000020E610000065355D4F749B5DC0145CACA8C1004140 2015 0 0 12006 3935350 12006 Venice Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/038 Mar Vista Library #38 -118.428974 34.00591 58.9 13.9 6.1 72.8 194.5 80.8 200.3 78.3 247 Libraries: 51/038 Mar Vista Library #38
178 0101000020E61000008B389D64AB995DC0B5C189E8D7184140 2015 0 0 10500 3935352 12311 Vanowen Street LAPL Libraries: 51/057 Valley Plaza Library -118.401086 34.194089 63.2 17.9 7.7 81 241.2 98.1 251.3 101.3 0 Libraries: 51/057 Valley Plaza Library
179 0101000020E6100000F8BCE2A9479C5DC0D1CE691668074140 2015 0 0 12500 3935353 1246 Glendon Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/071 Westwood Library -118.441874 34.057864 76 2.1 6.2 78.1 206.3 67.8 223.3 73.2 145.1 Libraries: 51/071 Westwood Library
180 0101000020E610000058923CD7F7905DC03CDD79E239FB4040 2015 0 0 11615 3935355 1300 North Avalon Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/010 Wilmington Library -118.265127 33.962704 46 0.5 4.3 46.4 146 47 154.9 49.9 386.6 Libraries: 51/010 Wilmington Library
181 0101000020E6100000698A00A7779B5DC09D465A2A6F214140 2015 0 0 11626 3935357 13605 Van Nuys Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/053 Pacoima Library -118.429178 34.261205 69.4 4.4 6.5 73.8 220.2 76.4 229.9 78.1 182.2 Libraries: 51/053 Pacoima Library
182 0101000020E610000015268C66659C5DC0971B0C7558134140 2015 0 0 13035 3935358 14245 Moorpark Street LAPL Libraries: 51/051 Sherman Oaks Library -118.443689 34.151137 59.7 7.4 5.5 67.1 182.8 65.8 189.3 67.9 486.9 Libraries: 51/051 Sherman Oaks Library
183 0101000020E61000000F5F268A909C5DC0DA756F45621C4140 2015 0 0 12447 3935359 14345 Roscoe Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/039 Panarama City Library -118.446322 34.221749 68.5 6.5 12.3 75 394.4 142 427.6 149.5 183.6 Libraries: 51/039 Panarama City Library
184 0101000020E6100000C9FCA36FD29C5DC05C1D007157274140 2015 0 0 12500 3935360 14561 Polk Street LAPL Libraries: 51/054 Sylmar Library -118.450344 34.307356 61.2 6.1 5.7 67.3 189.9 69.3 197.7 69.4 166.9 Libraries: 51/054 Sylmar Library
185 0101000020E6100000A4AA09A2EE935DC0E4DC26DC2B094140 2015 0 0 6503 3935361 149 North Saint Andrews Place LAPL Libraries: 51/029 Wilshire Library -118.31144 34.071651 26.3 2.6 4.6 28.8 154.3 54.7 159.9 56.1 198.4 Libraries: 51/029 Wilshire Library
186 0101000020E61000009EAA4203B1985DC0BE50C07630064140 2015 0 0 8780 3935365 1719 South Robertson Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/042 Robertson Library -118.385804 34.048354 58.7 3.7 7.1 62.4 234.2 81.9 250.2 85 14.8 Libraries: 51/042 Robertson Library
187 0101000020E6100000FE80070610A35DC0274C18CDCA184140 2015 0 0 14228 3935368 19036 Vanowen Street LAPL Libraries: 51/050 West Valley Library -118.547853 34.193689 84.6 14.1 7.2 98.7 236.3 92.2 243 90.2 316.9 Libraries: 51/050 West Valley Library
188 0101000020E6100000AB7823F3C8905DC00E4A9869FB094140 2015 0 0 12500 3935369 2011 Sunset Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/69 Edendale Library -118.262265 34.077985 64.8 1.7 6.2 66.5 214.9 70.4 220.2 72.1 229.1 Libraries: 51/69 Edendale Library
189 0101000020E6100000CAB91457958F5DC0973B33C170064140 2015 0 0 12500 3935371 203 South Los Angeles Street LAPL Libraries: 51/064 Little Tokyo Library -118.24349 34.050316 71.2 2 6.1 73.2 218.5 71.9 218.2 71.6 151.4 Libraries: 51/064 Little Tokyo Library
190 0101000020E6100000529E7939ECA55DC082BEF4F6E7204140 2015 0 0 12500 3935372 21052 Devonshire Street LAPL Libraries: 51/060 Chatsworth Library -118.592543 34.257079 58.7 2.3 4.9 61 161 54.2 173.6 57.6 142.8 Libraries: 51/060 Chatsworth Library
191 0101000020E6100000C9518028988D5DC061D9CC21A9054140 2015 0 0 9656 3935373 2200 East 1st Street LAPL Libraries: 51/001 Ben Franklin Library -118.212412 34.044224 68.6 1.1 7.2 69.7 249.3 80.9 259.4 84.1 208.9 Libraries: 51/001 Ben Franklin Library
192 0101000020E610000072DD94F25A945DC0B3EBDE8AC4FC4040 2015 0 0 10500 3935374 2205 West Florence Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/033 Hyde Park Library -118.318051 33.974748 50 0.5 4.8 50.5 163.3 52.5 173.2 55.7 176.6 Libraries: 51/033 Hyde Park Library
193 0101000020E61000009D60FF756E945DC0DA5548F949034140 2015 0 0 12342 3935375 2211 West Jefferson Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/017 Jefferson Branch Library -118.319242 34.025695 32.2 4 4 36.2 136.1 49.8 138.4 49.6 109.1 Libraries: 51/017 Jefferson Branch Library
194 0101000020E610000029486C770F905DC0BA86191A4F084140 2015 0 0 14338 3935377 23600 Victory Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/065 Platt Library -118.250944 34.064914 67.1 10.9 5.4 78 180.2 67.6 184.4 68.3 406.8 Libraries: 51/065 Platt Library
195 0101000020E61000006534F279C5935DC0406667D13BFF4040 2015 0 0 14214 3935379 24000 Western Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/68 Harbor Gateway Library -118.308928 33.994013 67.7 4.6 5.1 72.3 169.7 58.1 178.8 61 298.3 Libraries: 51/68 Harbor Gateway Library
196 0101000020E6100000F60B76C3B68D5DC0962023A0C2094140 2015 0 0 12912 3935380 2530 Workman Street LAPL Libraries: 51/002 Lincoln Heights Library -118.21428 34.076252 40 0 3.4 40 119.4 38 123.1 39.2 381.7 Libraries: 51/002 Lincoln Heights Library
197 0101000020E61000000A5EF415A4945DC08CF2CCCB61FF4040 2015 0 0 6227 3935381 2700 West 52nd Street LAPL Libraries: 51/026 Angeles Mesa Library -118.322515 33.995172 24 3.3 5.2 27.3 170.9 62.4 178 64.7 311.5 Libraries: 51/026 Angeles Mesa Library
198 0101000020E6100000F622DA8EA98C5DC0C8444AB379064140 2015 0 0 6401 3935383 2801 Wabash Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/018 Malabar Library -118.197849 34.050589 24.3 0.3 4.1 24.6 144.7 46.7 147.7 47.6 360.7 Libraries: 51/018 Malabar Library
199 0101000020E61000005F44DB31758E5DC01FDAC70A7E054140 2015 0 0 43904 3935388 361 South Anderson Street LAPL Libraries: 51/101 Library Maintenance Building -118.225903 34.042909 20.3 0 0.5 20.3 16.7 5.3 16.7 5.3 190.8 Libraries: 51/101 Library Maintenance Building
200 0101000020E610000020F0C000C2935DC0A208A9DBD9014140 2015 0 0 14748 3935389 3900 South Western Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/074 Exposition Park Library -118.308716 34.014461 122.7 4.9 8.9 127.5 309.6 103.5 316.5 105 127.1 Libraries: 51/074 Exposition Park Library
201 0101000020E6100000016DAB5967905DC05D6BEF5355004140 2015 0 0 10325 3935392 4504 South Central Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/004 Vernon Library -118.256308 34.002604 50.9 1.8 5.1 52.6 175.9 58.3 181.7 60 135.6 Libraries: 51/004 Vernon Library
202 0101000020E6100000CA349A5C8C915DC073A087DA36004140 2015 0 0 10847 3935394 4607 Main Street LAPL Libraries: 51/007 Junipero Serra Library -118.274192 34.001674 43.1 3.8 4.3 46.9 0 0 150.7 52.4 741.8 Libraries: 51/007 Junipero Serra Library
203 0101000020E610000091990B5C1E9F5DC077871403241E4140 2015 0 0 11062 3935395 16244 Nordhoff Street LAPL Libraries: 51/049 Memorial Library -118.486228 34.235474 48.6 3.3 4.9 51.8 168.2 58 172.2 58.7 92.9 Libraries: 51/049 Memorial Library
204 0101000020E610000010CD3CB9A68D5DC014EB54F99E114140 2015 0 0 12500 3935398 5027 Caspar Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/ 032 Eagle Rock Library -118.213301 34.137664 43.9 2.4 3.8 46.3 130.1 44.2 134.1 45.2 75.5 Libraries: 51/ 032 Eagle Rock Library
205 0101000020E61000009C8F6B43C58A5DC0D253E410710B4140 2015 0 0 10500 3935399 5226 Huntington Drive South LAPL Libraries: 51/021 El Sereno Library -118.16829 34.089388 39.3 5.4 4.3 44.7 141.4 52.4 145.8 52.9 125 Libraries: 51/021 El Sereno Library
206 0101000020E610000071C3EFA65B955DC0B0AD9FFEB30A4140 2015 0 0 7050 3935400 6121 Melrose Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/012 John C Fremont Library -118.333719 34.083618 36 1.3 5.3 37.3 179.5 59.9 188.3 62.3 277.4 Libraries: 51/012 John C Fremont Library
207 0101000020E6100000D8E90775919C5DC073ED0BE885174140 2015 0 0 12814 3935402 6250 Sylmar Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/023 Van Nuys Library -118.446378 34.183774 46.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343 Libraries: 51/023 Van Nuys Library
208 0101000020E6100000E55AB4006D8F5DC09F73B7EBA5074140 2015 0 0 14500 3935403 639 N Hill St LAPL Libraries: 51/063 China Town Library -118.241028 34.059751 89 6.6 6.6 95.6 224.6 78.6 231.1 79.3 384.9 Libraries: 51/063 China Town Library
209 0101000020E6100000160FEF39B0935DC0594C6C3EAE074140 2015 0 0 38949 3935405 694 South Oxford Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/003 Pio Pico Koreatown Library -118.307631 34.060005 177.2 8.2 9.3 185.4 317.1 106.1 328.7 109.8 230.4 Libraries: 51/003 Pio Pico Koreatown Library
210 0101000020E6100000B04E95EF19965DC03FC6DCB5840C4140 2015 0 0 12500 3935407 7140 Sunset Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/031 Will and Arial Durant Library -118.345333 34.0978 70 1 5.7 71 192.9 62.9 204.2 66 245.9 Libraries: 51/031 Will and Arial Durant Library
211 0101000020E6100000F486FBC8AD8C5DC098C3EE3B86034140 2015 0 0 5064 3935409 803 Spence Street LAPL Libraries: 51/019 R.L Stevenson Library -118.198107 34.027534 17.9 0.2 3.6 18.1 125.2 40.4 128.7 41.5 63.9 Libraries: 51/019 R.L Stevenson Library
212 0101000020E61000007DA7C98CB7975DC018E945ED7E1B4140 2015 0 0 13500 3935410 7935 Vineland Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/052 Sun Valley Library -118.370578 34.214811 0 3.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 248.6 Libraries: 51/052 Sun Valley Library
213 0101000020E6100000CFF4126399A15DC066FA25E2AD054140 2015 0 0 10730 3935411 861 Alma Real Drive LAPL Libraries: 51/015 Palisades Library -118.524987 34.044369 60.3 0.9 5.7 61.3 206 67.2 205.2 66.4 482.3 Libraries: 51/015 Palisades Library
214 0101000020E6100000E68F696D1A925DC033C4B12E6EF94040 2015 0 0 9636 3935414 9621 South Figueroa Street LAPL Libraries: 51/045 Mark Twain Library -118.282863 33.948675 44.8 3 5.1 47.8 164.2 56.2 177.8 60.6 85.8 Libraries: 51/045 Mark Twain Library
215 0101000020E61000008557923CD7925DC06CD097DEFE0C4140 2015 0 0 48777 3935422 4800 Hollywood Boulevard DCA Cultural Affairs: 19/4 Barnsdall Gallery -118.294387 34.101528 85.6 27.6 2.3 113.2 0 0 74.7 30.9 520.3 Cultural Affairs: 19/4 Barnsdall Gallery
216 0101000020E6100000F865304624945DC09886E12362FE4040 2015 0 0 5430 3935427 5860 South Wilton Place BSS Street Maintenance (BSS): 08/004 SouthWest District Street Maintance Yard -118.314714 33.98737 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 744.2 Street Maintenance (BSS): 08/004 SouthWest District Street Maintance Yard
217 0101000020E6100000EFFFE38409A25DC00BEC3191D2204140 2015 0 0 31815 3935430 10250 Etiwanda Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/17 Devonshire Police -118.531831 34.256426 254 112.1 11.5 366.1 357.1 163.3 358.6 158.4 914.2 Police Department: 9/17 Devonshire Police
218 0101000020E6100000D971C3EFA6925DC074E4486760064140 2015 0 0 141472 3935431 1130 South Vermont Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/68 Mid City Police -118.291439 34.049817 371.9 61 3.1 433 100.8 37.9 103.7 38.4 1241.9 Police Department: 9/68 Mid City Police
219 0101000020E6100000976BD102B4955DC07D93A641D1164140 2015 0 0 72665 3935432 11640 Burbank Boulevard LAPD Police Department: 9/12 North Hollywood Police -118.339112 34.178261 313.9 98 6.1 411.9 194.7 83.5 195.7 80.4 1728.9 Police Department: 9/12 North Hollywood Police
220 0101000020E6100000C3D32B65199E5DC0FED478E926254140 2015 0 0 61569 3935433 12001 Blucher Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/27 EVOC -118.4703 34.29025 375.8 65.1 7.2 440.9 239.6 90.4 241.8 90.3 708.6 Police Department: 9/27 EVOC
221 0101000020E6100000EAE0606F629C5DC0A27BD6355A024140 2015 0 0 32921 3935434 12312 Culver Boulevard LAPD Police Department: 9/9 Pacific Area Police -118.443508 34.018378 259.1 90 10.6 349.1 342.9 153.3 338.8 142.2 739.1 Police Department: 9/9 Pacific Area Police
222 0101000020E61000005FE4654D2C955DC0F5673F52440C4140 2015 0 0 32250 3935436 1358 Wilcox Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/4 Hollywood Police -118.330829 34.095835 242.6 89.6 12.6 332.3 399.2 173.6 401.3 170.5 609.1 Police Department: 9/4 Hollywood Police
223 0101000020E61000006DC328081E915DC095F430B43A074140 2015 0 0 138825 3935437 1401 West 6th Street LAPD Police Department: 9/90 Rampart Police -118.267458 34.056479 330.5 78.3 2.9 408.8 97.4 39.1 97.3 38.1 1950.9 Police Department: 9/90 Rampart Police
224 0101000020E61000009E60FF756E8F5DC02E71E481C8064140 2015 0 0 179000 3935441 180 North Los Angeles Street LAPD Police Department: 9/44 Metro Detention Center MDC -118.241117 34.052994 840.2 0 4.8 840.2 172.9 55.1 174.7 55.7 1904.2 Police Department: 9/44 Metro Detention Center MDC
225 0101000020E61000002B323A2009A35DC008336DFFCA184140 2015 0 0 45691 3935443 19020 Vanowen Street LAPD Police Department: 9/13 West Valley Police -118.547432 34.193695 438.5 111.6 16.6 550.1 542 219.6 544.3 215.5 2021.1 Police Department: 9/13 West Valley Police
226 0101000020E6100000CC069964E48D5DC09EB12FD978084140 2015 0 0 22400 3935444 2029 North Main Street LAPD Police Department: 9/42 Metro Bomb Squad -118.217065 34.066188 112.1 18.6 5.8 130.8 190.7 71.2 197.6 73.4 72.6 Police Department: 9/42 Metro Bomb Squad
227 0101000020E6100000077767EDB68F5DC06C06B8205B064140 2015 0 0 298000 3935448 260 South Main Street LAPD Police Department: 9/93 Police Motor transport -118.24554 34.049656 379.1 9.2 1.3 388.2 46.7 15.3 46.6 15.2 810.1 Police Department: 9/93 Police Motor transport
228 0101000020E610000075ABE7A4F78F5DC0A33EC91D360F4140 2015 0 0 42153 3935449 3353 North San Fernando Road LAPD Police Department: 9/2 Northeast Police -118.24949 34.118839 263.5 21.7 6.8 285.2 230.7 81 236.4 81.7 573.6 Police Department: 9/2 Northeast Police
229 0101000020E610000078B7B24467905DC0B08D78B29B014140 2015 0 0 39110 3935450 3400 South Central Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/6 Newton Area Police -118.256303 34.012564 329.1 81.2 10.5 410.4 343 137 345.6 136.1 1168.4 Police Department: 9/6 Newton Area Police
230 0101000020E6100000A8C821E2E6955DC0F9BD4D7FF6054140 2015 0 0 30344 3935452 4849 Venice Boulevard LAPD Police Department: 9/11 Wilshire Police -118.342217 34.046585 178.2 38.7 7.1 216.8 236.1 92.6 237.7 91.7 2199 Police Department: 9/11 Wilshire Police
231 0101000020E610000079FF1F274C985DC00F2A711DE3FA4040 2015 0 0 176336 3935454 5651 West Manchester Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/26 Recruit Training Center ARTC -118.379648 33.960056 561.6 87.7 3.7 649.2 124.3 46.9 125.1 46.1 2364.9 Police Department: 9/26 Recruit Training Center ARTC
232 0101000020E610000023624A24D19D5DC0AC6F6072A3224140 2015 0 0 47289 3935455 11030 Stranwood Avenue DAS Animal Services: 7/8 Northeast Valley Animal Sheter -118.46589 34.270613 157.5 0 3.3 157.5 116.6 37.1 120.5 38.4 1896.1 Animal Services: 7/8 Northeast Valley Animal Sheter
233 0101000020E6100000AFB5F7A92A9C5DC0554CA59F70044140 2015 0 0 23063 3935457 11361 West Pico Boulevard DAS Animal Services: 7/2 West LA Animal Care -118.440104 34.034687 128.3 71.3 8.7 199.6 260.7 131.2 262.5 122.3 1264.1 Animal Services: 7/2 West LA Animal Care
234 0101000020E6100000897C9752979C5DC04A0B9755D8184140 2015 0 0 51730 3935458 14409 Vanowen Street DAS Animal Services: 7/7 East Valley Animal Shelter -118.446736 34.194102 156.5 105.8 5.1 262.4 150.9 78 149.9 73.4 2231 Animal Services: 7/7 East Valley Animal Shelter
235 0101000020E6100000EC8D5A61FA8D5DC005A4FD0FB00A4140 2015 0 0 44500 3935461 3201 Lacy Street DAS Animal Services: 7/1 North Central Animal Shelter -118.218407 34.083498 111.6 97.3 5.5 208.8 163.2 88.9 157.8 82.5 6704.1 Animal Services: 7/1 North Central Animal Shelter
236 0101000020E610000037E15E99B7925DC0EB55647440E04040 2015 0 0 13784 3935463 957 North Gaffey Street DAS Animal Services: 7/4 Harbor Animal Care -118.292456 33.751967 104.3 47.9 11 152.2 348.9 165.1 342.6 152.6 1719.6 Animal Services: 7/4 Harbor Animal Care
237 0101000020E61000000222C495B3925DC0336C94F59BDD4040 2015 0 0 19573 3935467 1400 North Gaffey Street BOS Sanitation: 21/32 Gaffey St Yard -118.292211 33.731322 66 12.5 16.6 78.5 0 0 558.6 211 8108.5 Sanitation: 21/32 Gaffey St Yard
238 0101000020E6100000E4F736FDD99C5DC0D74D29AF95044140 2015 0 0 11267 3935468 2027 Stoner Avenue BOS Sanitation: 20/3 Western District -118.450805 34.035818 156.3 30.3 16.6 186.6 562.3 223.9 555.1 210.5 578.9 Sanitation: 20/3 Western District
239 0101000020E6100000693A3B191C8F5DC094A12AA6D20B4140 2015 0 0 17787 3935470 2335 Dorris Place BOS Sanitation: 21/1 North District Sewer Maintenance Yard -118.23609 34.092366 113 28.2 7.9 141.2 262 107.9 261.2 103.1 496.8 Sanitation: 21/1 North District Sewer Maintenance Yard
240 0101000020E6100000105B7A34D58F5DC00BCF4BC5C6F84040 2015 90 0 14391 3935476 1513 East 103rd Street Municipal Municipal: 1/7 Watts Municipal -118.247388 33.943566 30.2 4.2 2.4 34.5 82.8 30.6 81.9 29.8 38.8 Municipal: 1/7 Watts Municipal
241 0101000020E61000007768588CBA9C5DC0EF0390DAC4054140 2015 36 0 53760 3935477 1645 Corinth Avenue Municipal Municipal: 1/8 West L.A. Municipal -118.448886 34.04507 112.7 13.8 5.5 126.5 177.9 64.2 188.9 67.7 241.1 Municipal: 1/8 West L.A. Municipal
242 0101000020E6100000B2BB4049819C5DC01F2BF86D88054140 2015 45 0 36162 3935478 1828 Sawtelle Boulevard Municipal Municipal: 1/46 Sawtelle Various City -118.445391 34.043226 121.3 0 4.8 121.3 164.6 52.4 173.9 55.4 117.4 Municipal: 1/46 Sawtelle Various City
243 0101000020E6100000BB5B59A2B39C5DC09357E71890174140 2015 44 0 125179 3935484 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard Municipal Municipal: 1/96 Braude Building -118.448464 34.184085 737.8 178.6 7.3 916.4 237.9 94.8 241.5 94.8 3098.1 Municipal: 1/96 Braude Building
244 0101000020E6100000604F3BFC35945DC0E355D636C50D4140 2015 90 0 10674 3935488 7747 Foothill Boulevard Municipal Municipal: 1/4 Sunland Tujnga Municipal -118.315795 34.107581 19.9 8.2 2.6 28.2 82 38.6 82.8 36 0 Municipal: 1/4 Sunland Tujnga Municipal
245 0101000020E61000000890A163079A5DC0B1BFEC9E3C1A4140 2015 0 0 22738 3935491 12544 Saticoy Street DOT DOT: 63/25 Valley Area Parking enforcement -118.406701 34.204975 0 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 687.8 DOT: 63/25 Valley Area Parking enforcement
246 0101000020E61000002FC1A90F248F5DC0780AB952CF064140 2015 0 0 17466 3935494 444 East Commercial Street DOT DOT: 1/24A Commercial St Traffic Yard -118.236576 34.053202 18.3 8.2 1.5 26.5 0 0 47.2 20.9 3 DOT: 1/24A Commercial St Traffic Yard
247 0101000020E6100000C0F1B567969C5DC0304B3B3597174140 2015 0 0 38810 3935495 6265 Sylmar Avenue Municipal City of LA - removed properties: 63/26 Parking Facilities Division -118.44668 34.184302 28.2 0 0.7 28.2 26.3 8.4 26.3 8.4 1538.5 City of LA - removed properties: 63/26 Parking Facilities Division
248 0101000020E610000085014BAE628E5DC0FD7F9C3061044140 2015 0 0 100000 3935500 2222 East 7th Street GSD GSD Facilities: 01/037 7th Street Complex (GSD) -118.224773 34.034216 428.2 365.5 19.4 793.7 580.8 312.8 556.1 289.2 367.6 GSD Facilities: 01/037 7th Street Complex (GSD)
249 0101000020E6100000AE22A303928E5DC0B72572C119024140 2015 0 0 34424 3935501 2513 East 24th Street GSD GSD Facilities: 1/76 Central refuse equipment repair yard -118.227662 34.016411 159.8 93.7 7.4 253.5 229.6 112.2 221.8 104.8 110.2 GSD Facilities: 1/76 Central refuse equipment repair yard
250 0101000020E6100000635930F147955DC04209336DFF024140 2015 0 0 19076 3935503 3330 West 36th Street GSD GSD Facilities: 1/47 36th St Building Maintenance yard -118.332516 34.02342 35.5 2.5 7.8 38 276.2 95.6 274.9 94.1 184 GSD Facilities: 1/47 36th St Building Maintenance yard
251 0101000020E610000005BF0D315E8E5DC01EC2F869DC094140 2015 0 0 40165 3935504 401 South Avenue 19 DOT DOT: 1/39 DOT facility -118.224499 34.077039 76.5 10.3 2.2 86.9 0 0 74 26.8 0 DOT: 1/39 DOT facility
252 0101000020E6100000E978CC4065945DC00893E2E313084140 2015 0 0 6000 3935506 605 South Irving Boulevard Residence Residence: Getty House (30/3) -118.31868 34.063107 16.9 7 4 23.9 126.3 57.4 124.8 54.4 555.4 Residence: Getty House (30/3)
253 0101000020E6100000E6C8CA2F838F5DC04A29E8F692064140 2015 0 0 55800 3976343 100 North Los Angeles Street LAPD Police Department: 9/35 911 Metro Communication Dispatch -118.242382 34.05136 891.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 813 Police Department: 9/35 911 Metro Communication Dispatch
254 0101000020E610000043209738F28E5DC04EED0C535B064140 2015 0 0 118664 3991362 212 North Vignes Street Personnel Personnel Department: Personnel building #27/8/* City Personnel -118.233534 34.049662 630.9 75.7 6 706.7 201.2 72.7 205 73.3 2731.1 Personnel Department: Personnel building #27/8/* City Personnel
255 0101000020E61000003E05C078068F5DC07A8A1C226E064140 2015 100 0 20000 3991363 520 East Temple Street Personnel Personnel Department: Personnel Medical Svc Div 27/02 -118.23477 34.050236 111.5 36.6 7.4 148.2 233.7 99.1 238 98.8 113.7 Personnel Department: Personnel Medical Svc Div 27/02
256 0101000020E61000000CE71A6668925DC0CD72D9E89C0B4140 2015 0 0 30886 3991364 4550 Santa Monica Boulevard BSL Street Lighting (BSL): 12/1 Street Lighting Field HQ -118.287622 34.090726 68.8 4.3 2.4 73.1 81.6 28.1 83.3 28.3 323.1 Street Lighting (BSL): 12/1 Street Lighting Field HQ
257 0101000020E61000007573F1B73D8E5DC0C75EEFFE78054140 2015 0 0 17000 3991366 1600 East 4th Street CDD CDD: CDD 47/88 -118.222517 34.042755 65.1 2.6 4 67.7 137.8 46.6 141.6 47 649.8 CDD: CDD 47/88
132 0101000020E61000008B4F01309E8F5DC0B69E211CB3064140 2015 0 0 491023 3935250 100 West 1st Street LAPD Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB -118.24403 34.052341 2514.5 823.8 6.8 3338.3 215.2 90.1 218.5 90.6 2983.2 Police Department: 9/63 Police Administration Building PAB
133 0101000020E610000062416150A68F5DC01903EB387E064140 2015 0 0 526680 3935254 200 North Main Street Municipal Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East -118.244526 34.050727 5415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14262.8 Municipal: 1/14 City Hall East
134 0101000020E6100000F9A92A3410905DC0E42CEC6987074140 2015 96 0 185550 3935258 221 North Figueroa Street Municipal Municipal: 1/44 Fig Plaza II -118.250989 34.05882 477.1 24.8 2.7 501.9 0 0 95.7 32.2 1702.6 Municipal: 1/44 Fig Plaza II
135 0101000020E610000000193A7650905DC0569DD5027B064140 2015 0 0 538802 3935264 630 West 5th Street LAPL Libraries: 51/100 Central Library -118.254911 34.050629 1705.5 393.2 4.2 2098.7 136.7 53.8 137.7 53.6 8069.7 Libraries: 51/100 Central Library
136 0101000020E61000001AD99596919C5DC0DDB6EF517F174140 2015 0 0 69146 3935265 6240 Sylmar Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/1 Van Nuys Police -118.446386 34.183573 770.5 266.1 15 1036.6 470.4 198 479.3 200.9 4281.2 Police Department: 9/1 Van Nuys Police
137 0101000020E61000009F4E797423A05DC01118EB1B98204140 2015 0 0 24260 3935270 10124 Balboa Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/87 Fire Station #87 -118.502164 34.254642 100.8 20.2 7.9 121 261.1 101 265.5 101.1 297.6 Fire Department: 5/87 Fire Station #87
138 0101000020E6100000710514EAE99A5DC0B7CF2A33A5054140 2015 0 0 9700 3935272 10556 West Pico Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/92 Fire Station #92 -118.420527 34.044104 33.8 0 3.7 33.8 125.7 40 132.9 42.3 226.5 Fire Department: 5/92 Fire Station #92
139 0101000020E6100000A927F38FBE9C5DC0E61F7D93A6074140 2015 0 0 11051 3935277 1090 Veteran Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/37 Fire Station #37 -118.449131 34.059771 32.7 24.8 5.8 57.5 158.9 86.3 168.4 85 584.5 Fire Department: 5/37 Fire Station #37
140 0101000020E610000091E68F696D9B5DC0933655F7C8004140 2015 0 0 13790 3935278 11970 Venice Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/62 Fire Station #62 -118.428553 34.006133 60 9.2 5 69.2 171 63 170.7 62.7 418.2 Fire Department: 5/62 Fire Station #62
141 0101000020E6100000210725CCB49A5DC0DCB930D28B224140 2015 0 0 10968 3935280 13035 Van Nuys Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/98 Fire Station #98 -118.417285 34.269892 38.4 17.3 5.1 55.7 151.5 70.5 158 70 668.9 Fire Department: 5/98 Fire Station #98
142 0101000020E6100000B0E600C11C955DC072FA7ABE660B4140 2015 0 0 21595 3935282 1333 Cole Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/27 Fire Station #27 -118.32988 34.089073 52.3 0 2.4 52.3 84.7 27 87.7 27.9 443.8 Fire Department: 5/27 Fire Station #27
143 0101000020E6100000A1410A9E428E5DC02639605793094140 2015 0 0 69357 3935284 140 North Ave 19 LAFD Fire Department: 5/401 Fire Station #401 Shops and Stores -118.222816 34.074809 373.4 108.1 6.9 481.5 224.7 93 225.6 91.4 257.9 Fire Department: 5/401 Fire Station #401 Shops and Stores
144 0101000020E61000004CF38E53749C5DC03992CB7F481B4140 2015 0 0 50250 3935285 14355 Arminta Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/81 Fire Station #81 -118.4446 34.21315 118.4 25 2.9 143.4 91.9 35.9 95.1 36.5 369.9 Fire Department: 5/81 Fire Station #81
145 0101000020E61000009026DE019E9C5DC010B3976DA7174140 2015 0 0 13500 3935287 14415 Sylvan Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/39 Fire Station #39 -118.447144 34.184797 54.7 18.9 5.5 73.6 165.9 71.6 174.3 73.1 470.3 Fire Department: 5/39 Fire Station #39
146 0101000020E610000006F4C29D0B915DC052B648DA8D044140 2015 0 0 15800 3935291 1601 South Grand Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/48 Fire Station #48 -118.266334 34.035579 32.4 11.7 4.6 44.1 141.8 61.3 146.6 62 339.9 Fire Department: 5/48 Fire Station #48
147 0101000020E6100000C45A7C0A809F5DC03902B859BC104140 2015 0 0 8550 3935293 16500 Mulholland Drive LAFD Fire Department: 5/109 Fire Station #109 -118.49219 34.130748 25.3 12.3 6.5 37.6 0 0 201.1 90.9 344.5 Fire Department: 5/109 Fire Station #109
148 0101000020E610000046D1031F838F5DC036AD1402B9084140 2015 0 0 470448 3935295 1700 Stadium Way LAFD Fire Department: 5/30 Fire Station #30 Fire Dept Admin -118.242378 34.068146 364.5 14.3 5 378.8 170.8 57.1 176.3 58.5 1682.7 Fire Department: 5/30 Fire Station #30 Fire Dept Admin
149 0101000020E6100000BF22BF7E88915DC0FBCA83F414074140 2015 0 0 15628 3935298 1819 West 7th Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/11 Fire Station #11 -118.273956 34.055327 36.7 13.9 3.2 50.7 0 0 102.7 43.9 438 Fire Department: 5/11 Fire Station #11
150 0101000020E610000004763579CA935DC03C122F4FE7044140 2015 0 0 9175 3935303 2009 South Western Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/26 Fire Station #26 -118.309233 34.038309 34 14.5 5.3 48.4 160.6 71.3 165.1 72.3 412.7 Fire Department: 5/26 Fire Station #26
151 0101000020E6100000976BD102B4955DC07D93A641D1164140 2015 0 0 21272 3935304 21050 Burbank Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/84 Fire Station #84 -118.339112 34.178261 93.8 17.6 7.3 111.4 237.7 92.4 244.9 92.5 471.5 Fire Department: 5/84 Fire Station #84
152 0101000020E6100000B5E21B0A9FA65DC0ADDA3521AD1F4140 2015 0 0 9800 3935306 21800 Marilla Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/96 Fire Station #96 -118.603457 34.247471 32.3 18.8 7.5 51.1 221.1 111.6 226.5 106.8 372.1 Fire Department: 5/96 Fire Station #96
153 0101000020E61000009ECE15A584925DC0E5F0492712064140 2015 0 0 15339 3935307 2401 West Pico Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/13 Fire Station #13 -118.289346 34.047429 56.9 13 4.6 69.9 145.8 57.1 150.9 58.7 216.6 Fire Department: 5/13 Fire Station #13
154 0101000020E61000000874266DAA8F5DC00BCF4BC5C60E4140 2015 0 0 9310 3935308 3036 Fletcher Drive LAFD Fire Department: 5/50 Fire Station #50 -118.244777 34.115441 32.7 15.2 5.9 47.8 177 79.9 183.7 82.1 331.1 Fire Department: 5/50 Fire Station #50
155 0101000020E61000004D999B6F44975DC0EE0A7DB08C114140 2015 0 0 9800 3935309 3111 Cahuenga Boulevard West LAFD Fire Department: 5/76 Fire Station #76 -118.363552 34.137106 13.3 10.6 6.5 23.9 185.7 100.8 188.5 96.2 386.2 Fire Department: 5/76 Fire Station #76
156 0101000020E61000006340F67AF7995DC02AC423F1F2024140 2015 0 0 10365 3935312 3690 Motor Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/43A Fire Station #43A -118.40573 34.023039 43.7 9.6 5.1 53.3 159.7 63.7 170.9 66.1 184.1 Fire Department: 5/43A Fire Station #43A
157 0101000020E61000007670B03731945DC02234828DEB074140 2015 0 0 9161 3935313 4029 Wilshire Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/29 Fire Station #29 -118.315504 34.061876 3.9 0 0.4 3.9 15.5 4.9 15.5 4.9 562 Fire Department: 5/29 Fire Station #29
158 0101000020E610000025CD1FD3DA8F5DC02A8F6E8445054140 2015 0 0 14285 3935315 430 East 7th Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/9 Fire Station #9 -118.247731 34.041184 31.8 23.3 3.9 55.1 116.1 61.1 112.8 56.4 548.6 Fire Department: 5/9 Fire Station #9
159 0101000020E6100000CE33F6251B965DC03BE0BA6246024140 2015 0 0 10568 3935317 4470 Coliseum Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/94 Fire Station #94 -118.345407 34.017773 66.3 21.5 10.8 87.8 328.8 142.5 347.8 143.9 535.9 Fire Department: 5/94 Fire Station #94
160 0101000020E6100000228E75711B8F5DC001BEDBBC71064140 2015 0 0 34858 3935318 450 East Temple Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/4A Fire Station #4A -118.23605 34.050346 200.4 46.3 7.9 246.7 0 0 261.4 101.8 1070.1 Fire Department: 5/4A Fire Station #4A
161 0101000020E61000004B5299620EA05DC09C6C0377A0144140 2015 0 0 15250 3935321 4960 Balboa Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/83 Fire Station #83 -118.500878 34.161147 48.6 16.9 4.3 65.5 135 59.1 137.3 57.6 440.5 Fire Department: 5/83 Fire Station #83
162 0101000020E6100000DB6CACC43C995DC0675F79909EFC4040 2015 0 0 11550 3935322 5101 Sepulveda Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/88 Fire Station #88 -118.394334 33.973589 179.6 39.9 19 219.5 626.7 253.5 630.9 244.2 850.3 Fire Department: 5/88 Fire Station #88
163 0101000020E6100000203CDA38629B5DC00CACE3F8A1FC4040 2015 0 0 15105 3935323 5451 Playa Vista Drive LAFD Fire Department: 5/67 Fire Station #67 -118.42787 33.973693 49.2 8.8 3.8 58 122.2 47.4 129.3 48.5 148 Fire Department: 5/67 Fire Station #67
164 0101000020E6100000C2DCEEE53E985DC0F38DE89E75154140 2015 0 0 16772 3935324 5320 Tujunga Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/60Fire Station #60 -118.378839 34.167652 39.7 20.8 3.6 60.5 103.3 50 110.1 50.6 476.9 Fire Department: 5/60Fire Station #60
165 0101000020E61000005E96766A2E945DC0016BD5AE090D4140 2015 0 0 32600 3935325 5769 Hollywood Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/82A Fire Station #82A -118.315333 34.101858 87 34.7 3.7 121.7 115.4 50.1 117.6 50.8 285.6 Fire Department: 5/82A Fire Station #82A
166 0101000020E61000004E5FCFD72C8C5DC02BF4C132360E4140 2015 0 0 9683 3935327 5921 North Figueroa Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/12 Fire Station #12 -118.190237 34.111029 32.6 20.2 5.5 52.8 161.2 81 163.1 78 305.8 Fire Department: 5/12 Fire Station #12
167 0101000020E610000093DBF63DEAA75DC03B394371C7174140 2015 0 0 7874 3935328 6345 Fallbrook Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/105 Fire Station #105 -118.623672 34.185774 29.7 10.8 6.6 40.6 197.4 86.4 211.5 89.6 391.7 Fire Department: 5/105 Fire Station #105
168 0101000020E6100000CE380D5185915DC0EE5BAD1397FD4040 2015 0 0 11320 3935329 6406 South Main Street LAFD Fire Department: 5/33 Fire Station #33 -118.273762 33.981173 0 21.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 490.8 Fire Department: 5/33 Fire Station #33
169 0101000020E61000008466D7BD159B5DC0BB2BBB6070FF4040 2015 0 0 7600 3935330 6751 Louise Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/100 Fire Station #100 -118.423202 33.995617 31.2 12.4 6 43.7 184.2 82.4 187.7 81 300 Fire Department: 5/100 Fire Station #100
170 0101000020E61000005FCC96AC8A975DC08C31B08EE30D4140 2015 0 0 13153 3935332 7063 Laurel Canyon Boulevard LAFD Fire Department: 5/89 Fire Station #89 -118.367839 34.108507 57.1 16.7 5.6 73.8 176.2 73.6 182.2 73.9 1295.7 Fire Department: 5/89 Fire Station #89
171 0101000020E61000000BDB4FC6F89E5DC0F06C8FDE701B4140 2015 0 0 14760 3935335 7921 Woodley Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/90 Fire Station #90 -118.483934 34.214382 50.9 30.6 7.4 81.5 0 0 221.4 105.2 452.9 Fire Department: 5/90 Fire Station #90
172 0101000020E6100000DB847B65DE995DC0CA4FAA7D3AFA4040 2015 0 0 24759 3935337 8900 Emerson Avenue LAFD Fire Department: 5/5C Fire Station #5C -118.404199 33.95491 80.3 11.8 3.7 92.2 0 0 126.9 46.4 463.4 Fire Department: 5/5C Fire Station #5C
173 0101000020E61000006C79E57ADB9F5DC06281AFE8D6214140 2015 0 0 11310 3935342 10640 Petit Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/056 Granada Hill Library -118.497771 34.264371 48.3 10.9 5.4 59.2 177.2 71.7 178.1 69.1 115.9 Libraries: 51/056 Granada Hill Library
174 0101000020E61000004A253CA1D7A35DC08811C2A38D234140 2015 0 0 12700 3935345 11371 Tampa Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/067 Porter Ranch Library -118.560036 34.27776 42.7 10.6 4.3 53.4 142.1 58 142.8 56.3 396.3 Libraries: 51/067 Porter Ranch Library
175 0101000020E6100000014EEFE2FD9D5DC0DEE68D93C2064140 2015 0 0 14961 3935347 11820 San Vicente Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/016 Brentwood Library -118.468621 34.052813 45.1 4.7 4.8 49.8 158.4 58.5 165.8 58.5 69.3 Libraries: 51/016 Brentwood Library
176 0101000020E61000006556EF703B995DC0139CFA40F2224140 2015 0 0 12649 3935349 12002 Osborne Street LAPL Libraries: 51/062 Lake View Terrace Library -118.394253 34.273018 38.3 6.4 4.2 44.8 141 53.8 141.5 52.6 99.2 Libraries: 51/062 Lake View Terrace Library
177 0101000020E610000065355D4F749B5DC0145CACA8C1004140 2015 0 0 12006 3935350 12006 Venice Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/038 Mar Vista Library #38 -118.428974 34.00591 58.9 13.9 6.1 72.8 194.5 80.8 200.3 78.3 247 Libraries: 51/038 Mar Vista Library #38
178 0101000020E61000008B389D64AB995DC0B5C189E8D7184140 2015 0 0 10500 3935352 12311 Vanowen Street LAPL Libraries: 51/057 Valley Plaza Library -118.401086 34.194089 63.2 17.9 7.7 81 241.2 98.1 251.3 101.3 0 Libraries: 51/057 Valley Plaza Library
179 0101000020E6100000F8BCE2A9479C5DC0D1CE691668074140 2015 0 0 12500 3935353 1246 Glendon Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/071 Westwood Library -118.441874 34.057864 76 2.1 6.2 78.1 206.3 67.8 223.3 73.2 145.1 Libraries: 51/071 Westwood Library
180 0101000020E610000058923CD7F7905DC03CDD79E239FB4040 2015 0 0 11615 3935355 1300 North Avalon Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/010 Wilmington Library -118.265127 33.962704 46 0.5 4.3 46.4 146 47 154.9 49.9 386.6 Libraries: 51/010 Wilmington Library
181 0101000020E6100000698A00A7779B5DC09D465A2A6F214140 2015 0 0 11626 3935357 13605 Van Nuys Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/053 Pacoima Library -118.429178 34.261205 69.4 4.4 6.5 73.8 220.2 76.4 229.9 78.1 182.2 Libraries: 51/053 Pacoima Library
182 0101000020E610000015268C66659C5DC0971B0C7558134140 2015 0 0 13035 3935358 14245 Moorpark Street LAPL Libraries: 51/051 Sherman Oaks Library -118.443689 34.151137 59.7 7.4 5.5 67.1 182.8 65.8 189.3 67.9 486.9 Libraries: 51/051 Sherman Oaks Library
183 0101000020E61000000F5F268A909C5DC0DA756F45621C4140 2015 0 0 12447 3935359 14345 Roscoe Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/039 Panarama City Library -118.446322 34.221749 68.5 6.5 12.3 75 394.4 142 427.6 149.5 183.6 Libraries: 51/039 Panarama City Library
184 0101000020E6100000C9FCA36FD29C5DC05C1D007157274140 2015 0 0 12500 3935360 14561 Polk Street LAPL Libraries: 51/054 Sylmar Library -118.450344 34.307356 61.2 6.1 5.7 67.3 189.9 69.3 197.7 69.4 166.9 Libraries: 51/054 Sylmar Library
185 0101000020E6100000A4AA09A2EE935DC0E4DC26DC2B094140 2015 0 0 6503 3935361 149 North Saint Andrews Place LAPL Libraries: 51/029 Wilshire Library -118.31144 34.071651 26.3 2.6 4.6 28.8 154.3 54.7 159.9 56.1 198.4 Libraries: 51/029 Wilshire Library
186 0101000020E61000009EAA4203B1985DC0BE50C07630064140 2015 0 0 8780 3935365 1719 South Robertson Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/042 Robertson Library -118.385804 34.048354 58.7 3.7 7.1 62.4 234.2 81.9 250.2 85 14.8 Libraries: 51/042 Robertson Library
187 0101000020E6100000FE80070610A35DC0274C18CDCA184140 2015 0 0 14228 3935368 19036 Vanowen Street LAPL Libraries: 51/050 West Valley Library -118.547853 34.193689 84.6 14.1 7.2 98.7 236.3 92.2 243 90.2 316.9 Libraries: 51/050 West Valley Library
188 0101000020E6100000AB7823F3C8905DC00E4A9869FB094140 2015 0 0 12500 3935369 2011 Sunset Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/69 Edendale Library -118.262265 34.077985 64.8 1.7 6.2 66.5 214.9 70.4 220.2 72.1 229.1 Libraries: 51/69 Edendale Library
189 0101000020E6100000CAB91457958F5DC0973B33C170064140 2015 0 0 12500 3935371 203 South Los Angeles Street LAPL Libraries: 51/064 Little Tokyo Library -118.24349 34.050316 71.2 2 6.1 73.2 218.5 71.9 218.2 71.6 151.4 Libraries: 51/064 Little Tokyo Library
190 0101000020E6100000529E7939ECA55DC082BEF4F6E7204140 2015 0 0 12500 3935372 21052 Devonshire Street LAPL Libraries: 51/060 Chatsworth Library -118.592543 34.257079 58.7 2.3 4.9 61 161 54.2 173.6 57.6 142.8 Libraries: 51/060 Chatsworth Library
191 0101000020E6100000C9518028988D5DC061D9CC21A9054140 2015 0 0 9656 3935373 2200 East 1st Street LAPL Libraries: 51/001 Ben Franklin Library -118.212412 34.044224 68.6 1.1 7.2 69.7 249.3 80.9 259.4 84.1 208.9 Libraries: 51/001 Ben Franklin Library
192 0101000020E610000072DD94F25A945DC0B3EBDE8AC4FC4040 2015 0 0 10500 3935374 2205 West Florence Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/033 Hyde Park Library -118.318051 33.974748 50 0.5 4.8 50.5 163.3 52.5 173.2 55.7 176.6 Libraries: 51/033 Hyde Park Library
193 0101000020E61000009D60FF756E945DC0DA5548F949034140 2015 0 0 12342 3935375 2211 West Jefferson Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/017 Jefferson Branch Library -118.319242 34.025695 32.2 4 4 36.2 136.1 49.8 138.4 49.6 109.1 Libraries: 51/017 Jefferson Branch Library
194 0101000020E610000029486C770F905DC0BA86191A4F084140 2015 0 0 14338 3935377 23600 Victory Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/065 Platt Library -118.250944 34.064914 67.1 10.9 5.4 78 180.2 67.6 184.4 68.3 406.8 Libraries: 51/065 Platt Library
195 0101000020E61000006534F279C5935DC0406667D13BFF4040 2015 0 0 14214 3935379 24000 Western Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/68 Harbor Gateway Library -118.308928 33.994013 67.7 4.6 5.1 72.3 169.7 58.1 178.8 61 298.3 Libraries: 51/68 Harbor Gateway Library
196 0101000020E6100000F60B76C3B68D5DC0962023A0C2094140 2015 0 0 12912 3935380 2530 Workman Street LAPL Libraries: 51/002 Lincoln Heights Library -118.21428 34.076252 40 0 3.4 40 119.4 38 123.1 39.2 381.7 Libraries: 51/002 Lincoln Heights Library
197 0101000020E61000000A5EF415A4945DC08CF2CCCB61FF4040 2015 0 0 6227 3935381 2700 West 52nd Street LAPL Libraries: 51/026 Angeles Mesa Library -118.322515 33.995172 24 3.3 5.2 27.3 170.9 62.4 178 64.7 311.5 Libraries: 51/026 Angeles Mesa Library
198 0101000020E6100000F622DA8EA98C5DC0C8444AB379064140 2015 0 0 6401 3935383 2801 Wabash Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/018 Malabar Library -118.197849 34.050589 24.3 0.3 4.1 24.6 144.7 46.7 147.7 47.6 360.7 Libraries: 51/018 Malabar Library
199 0101000020E61000005F44DB31758E5DC01FDAC70A7E054140 2015 0 0 43904 3935388 361 South Anderson Street LAPL Libraries: 51/101 Library Maintenance Building -118.225903 34.042909 20.3 0 0.5 20.3 16.7 5.3 16.7 5.3 190.8 Libraries: 51/101 Library Maintenance Building
200 0101000020E610000020F0C000C2935DC0A208A9DBD9014140 2015 0 0 14748 3935389 3900 South Western Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/074 Exposition Park Library -118.308716 34.014461 122.7 4.9 8.9 127.5 309.6 103.5 316.5 105 127.1 Libraries: 51/074 Exposition Park Library
201 0101000020E6100000016DAB5967905DC05D6BEF5355004140 2015 0 0 10325 3935392 4504 South Central Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/004 Vernon Library -118.256308 34.002604 50.9 1.8 5.1 52.6 175.9 58.3 181.7 60 135.6 Libraries: 51/004 Vernon Library
202 0101000020E6100000CA349A5C8C915DC073A087DA36004140 2015 0 0 10847 3935394 4607 Main Street LAPL Libraries: 51/007 Junipero Serra Library -118.274192 34.001674 43.1 3.8 4.3 46.9 0 0 150.7 52.4 741.8 Libraries: 51/007 Junipero Serra Library
203 0101000020E610000091990B5C1E9F5DC077871403241E4140 2015 0 0 11062 3935395 16244 Nordhoff Street LAPL Libraries: 51/049 Memorial Library -118.486228 34.235474 48.6 3.3 4.9 51.8 168.2 58 172.2 58.7 92.9 Libraries: 51/049 Memorial Library
204 0101000020E610000010CD3CB9A68D5DC014EB54F99E114140 2015 0 0 12500 3935398 5027 Caspar Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/ 032 Eagle Rock Library -118.213301 34.137664 43.9 2.4 3.8 46.3 130.1 44.2 134.1 45.2 75.5 Libraries: 51/ 032 Eagle Rock Library
205 0101000020E61000009C8F6B43C58A5DC0D253E410710B4140 2015 0 0 10500 3935399 5226 Huntington Drive South LAPL Libraries: 51/021 El Sereno Library -118.16829 34.089388 39.3 5.4 4.3 44.7 141.4 52.4 145.8 52.9 125 Libraries: 51/021 El Sereno Library
206 0101000020E610000071C3EFA65B955DC0B0AD9FFEB30A4140 2015 0 0 7050 3935400 6121 Melrose Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/012 John C Fremont Library -118.333719 34.083618 36 1.3 5.3 37.3 179.5 59.9 188.3 62.3 277.4 Libraries: 51/012 John C Fremont Library
207 0101000020E6100000D8E90775919C5DC073ED0BE885174140 2015 0 0 12814 3935402 6250 Sylmar Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/023 Van Nuys Library -118.446378 34.183774 46.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343 Libraries: 51/023 Van Nuys Library
208 0101000020E6100000E55AB4006D8F5DC09F73B7EBA5074140 2015 0 0 14500 3935403 639 N Hill St LAPL Libraries: 51/063 China Town Library -118.241028 34.059751 89 6.6 6.6 95.6 224.6 78.6 231.1 79.3 384.9 Libraries: 51/063 China Town Library
209 0101000020E6100000160FEF39B0935DC0594C6C3EAE074140 2015 0 0 38949 3935405 694 South Oxford Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/003 Pio Pico Koreatown Library -118.307631 34.060005 177.2 8.2 9.3 185.4 317.1 106.1 328.7 109.8 230.4 Libraries: 51/003 Pio Pico Koreatown Library
210 0101000020E6100000B04E95EF19965DC03FC6DCB5840C4140 2015 0 0 12500 3935407 7140 Sunset Boulevard LAPL Libraries: 51/031 Will and Arial Durant Library -118.345333 34.0978 70 1 5.7 71 192.9 62.9 204.2 66 245.9 Libraries: 51/031 Will and Arial Durant Library
211 0101000020E6100000F486FBC8AD8C5DC098C3EE3B86034140 2015 0 0 5064 3935409 803 Spence Street LAPL Libraries: 51/019 R.L Stevenson Library -118.198107 34.027534 17.9 0.2 3.6 18.1 125.2 40.4 128.7 41.5 63.9 Libraries: 51/019 R.L Stevenson Library
212 0101000020E61000007DA7C98CB7975DC018E945ED7E1B4140 2015 0 0 13500 3935410 7935 Vineland Avenue LAPL Libraries: 51/052 Sun Valley Library -118.370578 34.214811 0 3.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 248.6 Libraries: 51/052 Sun Valley Library
213 0101000020E6100000CFF4126399A15DC066FA25E2AD054140 2015 0 0 10730 3935411 861 Alma Real Drive LAPL Libraries: 51/015 Palisades Library -118.524987 34.044369 60.3 0.9 5.7 61.3 206 67.2 205.2 66.4 482.3 Libraries: 51/015 Palisades Library
214 0101000020E6100000E68F696D1A925DC033C4B12E6EF94040 2015 0 0 9636 3935414 9621 South Figueroa Street LAPL Libraries: 51/045 Mark Twain Library -118.282863 33.948675 44.8 3 5.1 47.8 164.2 56.2 177.8 60.6 85.8 Libraries: 51/045 Mark Twain Library
215 0101000020E61000008557923CD7925DC06CD097DEFE0C4140 2015 0 0 48777 3935422 4800 Hollywood Boulevard DCA Cultural Affairs: 19/4 Barnsdall Gallery -118.294387 34.101528 85.6 27.6 2.3 113.2 0 0 74.7 30.9 520.3 Cultural Affairs: 19/4 Barnsdall Gallery
216 0101000020E6100000F865304624945DC09886E12362FE4040 2015 0 0 5430 3935427 5860 South Wilton Place BSS Street Maintenance (BSS): 08/004 SouthWest District Street Maintance Yard -118.314714 33.98737 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 744.2 Street Maintenance (BSS): 08/004 SouthWest District Street Maintance Yard
217 0101000020E6100000EFFFE38409A25DC00BEC3191D2204140 2015 0 0 31815 3935430 10250 Etiwanda Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/17 Devonshire Police -118.531831 34.256426 254 112.1 11.5 366.1 357.1 163.3 358.6 158.4 914.2 Police Department: 9/17 Devonshire Police
218 0101000020E6100000D971C3EFA6925DC074E4486760064140 2015 0 0 141472 3935431 1130 South Vermont Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/68 Mid City Police -118.291439 34.049817 371.9 61 3.1 433 100.8 37.9 103.7 38.4 1241.9 Police Department: 9/68 Mid City Police
219 0101000020E6100000976BD102B4955DC07D93A641D1164140 2015 0 0 72665 3935432 11640 Burbank Boulevard LAPD Police Department: 9/12 North Hollywood Police -118.339112 34.178261 313.9 98 6.1 411.9 194.7 83.5 195.7 80.4 1728.9 Police Department: 9/12 North Hollywood Police
220 0101000020E6100000C3D32B65199E5DC0FED478E926254140 2015 0 0 61569 3935433 12001 Blucher Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/27 EVOC -118.4703 34.29025 375.8 65.1 7.2 440.9 239.6 90.4 241.8 90.3 708.6 Police Department: 9/27 EVOC
221 0101000020E6100000EAE0606F629C5DC0A27BD6355A024140 2015 0 0 32921 3935434 12312 Culver Boulevard LAPD Police Department: 9/9 Pacific Area Police -118.443508 34.018378 259.1 90 10.6 349.1 342.9 153.3 338.8 142.2 739.1 Police Department: 9/9 Pacific Area Police
222 0101000020E61000005FE4654D2C955DC0F5673F52440C4140 2015 0 0 32250 3935436 1358 Wilcox Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/4 Hollywood Police -118.330829 34.095835 242.6 89.6 12.6 332.3 399.2 173.6 401.3 170.5 609.1 Police Department: 9/4 Hollywood Police
223 0101000020E61000006DC328081E915DC095F430B43A074140 2015 0 0 138825 3935437 1401 West 6th Street LAPD Police Department: 9/90 Rampart Police -118.267458 34.056479 330.5 78.3 2.9 408.8 97.4 39.1 97.3 38.1 1950.9 Police Department: 9/90 Rampart Police
224 0101000020E61000009E60FF756E8F5DC02E71E481C8064140 2015 0 0 179000 3935441 180 North Los Angeles Street LAPD Police Department: 9/44 Metro Detention Center MDC -118.241117 34.052994 840.2 0 4.8 840.2 172.9 55.1 174.7 55.7 1904.2 Police Department: 9/44 Metro Detention Center MDC
225 0101000020E61000002B323A2009A35DC008336DFFCA184140 2015 0 0 45691 3935443 19020 Vanowen Street LAPD Police Department: 9/13 West Valley Police -118.547432 34.193695 438.5 111.6 16.6 550.1 542 219.6 544.3 215.5 2021.1 Police Department: 9/13 West Valley Police
226 0101000020E6100000CC069964E48D5DC09EB12FD978084140 2015 0 0 22400 3935444 2029 North Main Street LAPD Police Department: 9/42 Metro Bomb Squad -118.217065 34.066188 112.1 18.6 5.8 130.8 190.7 71.2 197.6 73.4 72.6 Police Department: 9/42 Metro Bomb Squad
227 0101000020E6100000077767EDB68F5DC06C06B8205B064140 2015 0 0 298000 3935448 260 South Main Street LAPD Police Department: 9/93 Police Motor transport -118.24554 34.049656 379.1 9.2 1.3 388.2 46.7 15.3 46.6 15.2 810.1 Police Department: 9/93 Police Motor transport
228 0101000020E610000075ABE7A4F78F5DC0A33EC91D360F4140 2015 0 0 42153 3935449 3353 North San Fernando Road LAPD Police Department: 9/2 Northeast Police -118.24949 34.118839 263.5 21.7 6.8 285.2 230.7 81 236.4 81.7 573.6 Police Department: 9/2 Northeast Police
229 0101000020E610000078B7B24467905DC0B08D78B29B014140 2015 0 0 39110 3935450 3400 South Central Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/6 Newton Area Police -118.256303 34.012564 329.1 81.2 10.5 410.4 343 137 345.6 136.1 1168.4 Police Department: 9/6 Newton Area Police
230 0101000020E6100000A8C821E2E6955DC0F9BD4D7FF6054140 2015 0 0 30344 3935452 4849 Venice Boulevard LAPD Police Department: 9/11 Wilshire Police -118.342217 34.046585 178.2 38.7 7.1 216.8 236.1 92.6 237.7 91.7 2199 Police Department: 9/11 Wilshire Police
231 0101000020E610000079FF1F274C985DC00F2A711DE3FA4040 2015 0 0 176336 3935454 5651 West Manchester Avenue LAPD Police Department: 9/26 Recruit Training Center ARTC -118.379648 33.960056 561.6 87.7 3.7 649.2 124.3 46.9 125.1 46.1 2364.9 Police Department: 9/26 Recruit Training Center ARTC
232 0101000020E610000023624A24D19D5DC0AC6F6072A3224140 2015 0 0 47289 3935455 11030 Stranwood Avenue DAS Animal Services: 7/8 Northeast Valley Animal Sheter -118.46589 34.270613 157.5 0 3.3 157.5 116.6 37.1 120.5 38.4 1896.1 Animal Services: 7/8 Northeast Valley Animal Sheter
233 0101000020E6100000AFB5F7A92A9C5DC0554CA59F70044140 2015 0 0 23063 3935457 11361 West Pico Boulevard DAS Animal Services: 7/2 West LA Animal Care -118.440104 34.034687 128.3 71.3 8.7 199.6 260.7 131.2 262.5 122.3 1264.1 Animal Services: 7/2 West LA Animal Care
234 0101000020E6100000897C9752979C5DC04A0B9755D8184140 2015 0 0 51730 3935458 14409 Vanowen Street DAS Animal Services: 7/7 East Valley Animal Shelter -118.446736 34.194102 156.5 105.8 5.1 262.4 150.9 78 149.9 73.4 2231 Animal Services: 7/7 East Valley Animal Shelter
235 0101000020E6100000EC8D5A61FA8D5DC005A4FD0FB00A4140 2015 0 0 44500 3935461 3201 Lacy Street DAS Animal Services: 7/1 North Central Animal Shelter -118.218407 34.083498 111.6 97.3 5.5 208.8 163.2 88.9 157.8 82.5 6704.1 Animal Services: 7/1 North Central Animal Shelter
236 0101000020E610000037E15E99B7925DC0EB55647440E04040 2015 0 0 13784 3935463 957 North Gaffey Street DAS Animal Services: 7/4 Harbor Animal Care -118.292456 33.751967 104.3 47.9 11 152.2 348.9 165.1 342.6 152.6 1719.6 Animal Services: 7/4 Harbor Animal Care
237 0101000020E61000000222C495B3925DC0336C94F59BDD4040 2015 0 0 19573 3935467 1400 North Gaffey Street BOS Sanitation: 21/32 Gaffey St Yard -118.292211 33.731322 66 12.5 16.6 78.5 0 0 558.6 211 8108.5 Sanitation: 21/32 Gaffey St Yard
238 0101000020E6100000E4F736FDD99C5DC0D74D29AF95044140 2015 0 0 11267 3935468 2027 Stoner Avenue BOS Sanitation: 20/3 Western District -118.450805 34.035818 156.3 30.3 16.6 186.6 562.3 223.9 555.1 210.5 578.9 Sanitation: 20/3 Western District
239 0101000020E6100000693A3B191C8F5DC094A12AA6D20B4140 2015 0 0 17787 3935470 2335 Dorris Place BOS Sanitation: 21/1 North District Sewer Maintenance Yard -118.23609 34.092366 113 28.2 7.9 141.2 262 107.9 261.2 103.1 496.8 Sanitation: 21/1 North District Sewer Maintenance Yard
240 0101000020E6100000105B7A34D58F5DC00BCF4BC5C6F84040 2015 90 0 14391 3935476 1513 East 103rd Street Municipal Municipal: 1/7 Watts Municipal -118.247388 33.943566 30.2 4.2 2.4 34.5 82.8 30.6 81.9 29.8 38.8 Municipal: 1/7 Watts Municipal
241 0101000020E61000007768588CBA9C5DC0EF0390DAC4054140 2015 36 0 53760 3935477 1645 Corinth Avenue Municipal Municipal: 1/8 West L.A. Municipal -118.448886 34.04507 112.7 13.8 5.5 126.5 177.9 64.2 188.9 67.7 241.1 Municipal: 1/8 West L.A. Municipal
242 0101000020E6100000B2BB4049819C5DC01F2BF86D88054140 2015 45 0 36162 3935478 1828 Sawtelle Boulevard Municipal Municipal: 1/46 Sawtelle Various City -118.445391 34.043226 121.3 0 4.8 121.3 164.6 52.4 173.9 55.4 117.4 Municipal: 1/46 Sawtelle Various City
243 0101000020E6100000BB5B59A2B39C5DC09357E71890174140 2015 44 0 125179 3935484 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard Municipal Municipal: 1/96 Braude Building -118.448464 34.184085 737.8 178.6 7.3 916.4 237.9 94.8 241.5 94.8 3098.1 Municipal: 1/96 Braude Building
244 0101000020E6100000604F3BFC35945DC0E355D636C50D4140 2015 90 0 10674 3935488 7747 Foothill Boulevard Municipal Municipal: 1/4 Sunland Tujnga Municipal -118.315795 34.107581 19.9 8.2 2.6 28.2 82 38.6 82.8 36 0 Municipal: 1/4 Sunland Tujnga Municipal
245 0101000020E61000000890A163079A5DC0B1BFEC9E3C1A4140 2015 0 0 22738 3935491 12544 Saticoy Street DOT DOT: 63/25 Valley Area Parking enforcement -118.406701 34.204975 0 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 687.8 DOT: 63/25 Valley Area Parking enforcement
246 0101000020E61000002FC1A90F248F5DC0780AB952CF064140 2015 0 0 17466 3935494 444 East Commercial Street DOT DOT: 1/24A Commercial St Traffic Yard -118.236576 34.053202 18.3 8.2 1.5 26.5 0 0 47.2 20.9 3 DOT: 1/24A Commercial St Traffic Yard
247 0101000020E6100000C0F1B567969C5DC0304B3B3597174140 2015 0 0 38810 3935495 6265 Sylmar Avenue Municipal City of LA - removed properties: 63/26 Parking Facilities Division -118.44668 34.184302 28.2 0 0.7 28.2 26.3 8.4 26.3 8.4 1538.5 City of LA - removed properties: 63/26 Parking Facilities Division
248 0101000020E610000085014BAE628E5DC0FD7F9C3061044140 2015 0 0 100000 3935500 2222 East 7th Street GSD GSD Facilities: 01/037 7th Street Complex (GSD) -118.224773 34.034216 428.2 365.5 19.4 793.7 580.8 312.8 556.1 289.2 367.6 GSD Facilities: 01/037 7th Street Complex (GSD)
249 0101000020E6100000AE22A303928E5DC0B72572C119024140 2015 0 0 34424 3935501 2513 East 24th Street GSD GSD Facilities: 1/76 Central refuse equipment repair yard -118.227662 34.016411 159.8 93.7 7.4 253.5 229.6 112.2 221.8 104.8 110.2 GSD Facilities: 1/76 Central refuse equipment repair yard
250 0101000020E6100000635930F147955DC04209336DFF024140 2015 0 0 19076 3935503 3330 West 36th Street GSD GSD Facilities: 1/47 36th St Building Maintenance yard -118.332516 34.02342 35.5 2.5 7.8 38 276.2 95.6 274.9 94.1 184 GSD Facilities: 1/47 36th St Building Maintenance yard
251 0101000020E610000005BF0D315E8E5DC01EC2F869DC094140 2015 0 0 40165 3935504 401 South Avenue 19 DOT DOT: 1/39 DOT facility -118.224499 34.077039 76.5 10.3 2.2 86.9 0 0 74 26.8 0 DOT: 1/39 DOT facility
252 0101000020E6100000E978CC4065945DC00893E2E313084140 2015 0 0 6000 3935506 605 South Irving Boulevard Residence Residence: Getty House (30/3) -118.31868 34.063107 16.9 7 4 23.9 126.3 57.4 124.8 54.4 555.4 Residence: Getty House (30/3)
253 0101000020E6100000E6C8CA2F838F5DC04A29E8F692064140 2015 0 0 55800 3976343 100 North Los Angeles Street LAPD Police Department: 9/35 911 Metro Communication Dispatch -118.242382 34.05136 891.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 813 Police Department: 9/35 911 Metro Communication Dispatch
254 0101000020E610000043209738F28E5DC04EED0C535B064140 2015 0 0 118664 3991362 212 North Vignes Street Personnel Personnel Department: Personnel building #27/8/* City Personnel -118.233534 34.049662 630.9 75.7 6 706.7 201.2 72.7 205 73.3 2731.1 Personnel Department: Personnel building #27/8/* City Personnel
255 0101000020E61000003E05C078068F5DC07A8A1C226E064140 2015 100 0 20000 3991363 520 East Temple Street Personnel Personnel Department: Personnel Medical Svc Div 27/02 -118.23477 34.050236 111.5 36.6 7.4 148.2 233.7 99.1 238 98.8 113.7 Personnel Department: Personnel Medical Svc Div 27/02
256 0101000020E61000000CE71A6668925DC0CD72D9E89C0B4140 2015 0 0 30886 3991364 4550 Santa Monica Boulevard BSL Street Lighting (BSL): 12/1 Street Lighting Field HQ -118.287622 34.090726 68.8 4.3 2.4 73.1 81.6 28.1 83.3 28.3 323.1 Street Lighting (BSL): 12/1 Street Lighting Field HQ
257 0101000020E61000007573F1B73D8E5DC0C75EEFFE78054140 2015 0 0 17000 3991366 1600 East 4th Street CDD CDD: CDD 47/88 -118.222517 34.042755 65.1 2.6 4 67.7 137.8 46.6 141.6 47 649.8 CDD: CDD 47/88
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