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Created June 13, 2012 14:21
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modificaciones csv
#@sql = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/hh_import_#{}#{rand_filename}.tsv' INTO TABLE contacts (phone) SET user_id=#{},status=#{import_type},import=1,created_at=UTC_TIMESTAMP(),updated_at=UTC_TIMESTAMP()"
#ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(@sql) if @exists_phones.length > 0 #.join adds a \n to empty arrays
@contacts = Contact.create({|phone| {:phone => phone, :status => import_type, :user_id =>, :import => 1} }
ids =
@q_contacts = QcallContact.create({|contact_id| {:qcall_contact_list_id =>, :qpriority => 10, :qcall_id =>, :contact_id => contact_id } }
) unless ids.empty?
#@sql = "INSERT INTO qcall_contacts (qcall_contact_list_id,qpriority,qcall_id,contact_id,updated_at,created_at) SELECT #{},10,#{},id,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP() FROM contacts WHERE user_id=#{} AND import=1 ORDER BY id"
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