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Created February 25, 2017 22:26
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import pika
import msgpack
import logging
import sys
from . import spark
from .app import logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MessagingException(Exception):
def open_connection(host, port, ssl):
opts = pika.ConnectionParameters(host, port, ssl=ssl)
return pika.BlockingConnection(opts)
def close_connection(conn):
if conn is not None and conn.is_open:
return True
def open_channel(conn):
channel =
return channel
def consume(channel, queue, handler):
return channel.basic_consume(handler, queue=queue, exclusive=False)
def decode(request):
"""Convert keys and values unpacked as bytes to strings."""
body = msgpack.unpackb(request)
out = dict()
for k, v in body.items():
out_k, out_v = k, v
if isinstance(k, bytes):
out_k = k.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(v, bytes):
out_v = v.decode('utf-8')
out[out_k] = out_v
return out
def make_receiver(handle, sender):
"""Produce a fuction that handles messages."""
def receiver(ch, method, properties, body):
[send(ch, result) for result in handle(ch, decode(message))]
return receiver
def encode(result):
"""Prepare a result for messaging."""
return msgpack.packb(result)
def make_sender(exchange, routing_key):
"""Produce a function that sends results via a channel."""
properties = pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2)
def sender(ch, result):
message = encode(result)
return ch.basic_publish(exchange=exchange,
return sender
def worker(host, port, ssl, queue, exchange, routing_key, handler):
"""Create and start a consumer."""
conn = open_connection(host, port, ssl)
chan = open_channel(conn)
sender = make_sender(exchange, routing_key)
receiver = make_receiver(handler, sender)
worker = consume(chan, queue, receiver).start_consuming()
return worker
except Exception as e:
def run(cfg):
"""Start a worker."""
host = cfg['rabbit-host']
port = cfg['rabbit-port'],
ssl = cfg['rabbit-ssl'])
queue = cfg['rabbit-queue']
exchange = cfg['rabbit-exchange']
key = cfg['rabbit-result-routing-key']
return worker(host, port, ssl, queue, exchange, key,
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