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Last active May 26, 2017 16:23
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Creates a text based table for printing out simple arrays. Extended version at
* Class TextTableCreator
* Creates a text based table for printing out simple arrays
* $table = new TextTableCreator();
* $table->setHeader( [ 'Item', 'Quantity' ] );
* $table->addRow( [ 'Bread', '1 loaf' ] )
* ->addRow( [ 'Milk', '3 pints' ] )
* ->addRow( [ 'Bananas', 'a bunch' ] )
* ->addRow( [ 'Coke', '1 can' ] )
* ->addRow( [ 'Chocolate', 'as much as you can carry' ] );
* echo $table->getTable();
* |--------------------------------------|
* | Item | Quantity |
* |======================================|
* | Bread | 1 loaf |
* |--------------------------------------|
* | Milk | 3 pints |
* |--------------------------------------|
* | Bananas | a bunch |
* |--------------------------------------|
* | Coke | 1 can |
* |--------------------------------------|
* | Chocolate | as much as you can carry |
* |--------------------------------------|
class TextTableCreator {
const TD = '|';
private $columnWidths = [];
private $header = [];
private $rows = [];
private $padding = 1;
* @param array $header
* @return $this
public function setHeader( array $header ){
$this->header = $header;
return $this;
* @param array $row
* @return $this
public function addRow( array $row ){
$this->rows[] = $row;
return $this;
* @param array[] $rows
* @return $this
public function addRows( array $rows ){
foreach( $rows as $row ){
$this->rows[] = $row;
return $this;
* @return string
public function getTable(){
$table = $this->getHeader();
foreach( $this->rows as $row ){
$table .= $this->createRowContent( $row );
$table .= PHP_EOL;
$table .= $this->createRowSplitter();
$table .= PHP_EOL;
return $table;
* @return string
private function getHeader(){
$headerString = $this->createRowSplitter();
$headerString .= PHP_EOL;
$headerString .= $this->createRowContent( $this->header );
$headerString .= PHP_EOL;
$headerString .= $this->createRowSplitter( '=' );
$headerString .= PHP_EOL;
return $headerString;
* @return array
private function getColumnWidths(){
if( empty($this->columnWidths) ){
$this->columnWidths = [];
foreach( $this->header as $content ){
$content = (string) $content;
$this->columnWidths[] = strlen( $content );
foreach( $this->rows as $row ){
foreach( $row as $column => $content ){
$length = strlen( (string) $content );
if( !isset($this->columnWidths[$column]) || $this->columnWidths[$column] < $length ){
$this->columnWidths[$column] = $length;
return $this->columnWidths;
* @param array $row
* @return string
private function createRowContent( array $row ){
$rowString = self::TD;
$columnWidths = $this->getColumnWidths();
foreach( $row as $column => $cell ){
$maxWidth = $columnWidths[$column];
$rowString .= self::createCell( $cell, $maxWidth );
$rowString .= self::TD;
return $rowString;
* @param string $char
* @return string
private function createRowSplitter( $char = '-', $includeColumns = true ){
$columnWidths = $this->getColumnWidths();
$splitter = $includeColumns ? self::TD : $char;
foreach( $columnWidths as $width ){
$totalWidth = $width + $this->padding;
for( $i=0; $i <= $totalWidth; $i++ ){
$splitter .= $char;
$splitter .= $char;
$end = $includeColumns ? self::TD : $char;
return substr($splitter, 0, -1) . $end;
* @param string $string
* @param integer $length
* @return string
private function createCell( $string, $length ){
while( strlen( $string ) < $length ){
$string .= ' ';
// add padding
for( $i=0; $i < $this->padding; $i++ ){
$string = " $string ";
return $string;
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