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jmoy /
Created February 25, 2011 04:56
Get Wikipedia watchlist as an RSS/ATOM feed
"""Get Wikipedia watchlist as an RSS/ATOM feed
(c) Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, 2007
Usage: wikiwatch <username> <password> [format]
[format] is either 'rss' or 'atom'
import sys
import xml.sax,xml.sax.handler
jmoy /
Created February 25, 2011 04:57
Keep score for Rosenthal's centipede game
A script to keep score for a version of Rosenthal's centipede game.
The rules are:
1. There are two players.
2. At the beginning of the game the players have 1 point each.
3. The players get turns alternately.
4. On their turn a player can choose to continue (C) or stop (S).
5. If the player chooses C, 1 point is taken from their account
and 2 points are added to the other player's account.
6. If the player chooses S, the game stops.
jmoy /
Created February 25, 2011 05:00
Create Asciidoc table of MySQL database schema
Create Asciidoc table of MySQL database schema
Usage: <database> <username> [password]
If you have AsciiDoc installed you can use the following to produce a pretty HTML file of your database schema: mydb myusr | asciidoc -a toc - > schema.html
jmoy /
Created March 5, 2011 06:14
Compute the weighted median
Calculate the weighted median
(c) Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya [], 2011
Licence: GPL
import itertools as it
def ecdf(vw):
ans = []
jmoy /
Created July 23, 2013 17:03
Visualizing a 2D random walk using Python, Cairo and GTK
Random walk on two-dimensional grid
(c) Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya,
import random
import gtk,gobject,cairo
import math
jmoy /
Last active January 4, 2016 00:29
Simulate the fictitious play dynamic for the game in Shapley (1964).
Simulate the fictitious play dynamic
for the game in section 5.3 of
Shapley, Lloyd S. "Some topics in two-person games."
Advances in game theory 52 (1964): 1-29.
Author: Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya,
The author has placed this program in the public domain
%include lhs2TeX.sty
%include lhs2TeX.fmt
\title{Lazily Computing the \\Singular
Function of Bold Play}
\author{Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya}
An implementation of Norvig's spelling corrector
Author: Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya []
Must be compiled as C++14 (-std=c++1y for g++)
#include <iostream>
# Parameters
sigma = 1 #log utility
phi=1 #unitary Frisch elasticity
phi_pi = 1.5 #inflation feedback Taylor Rule
phi_y = .5/4 #output feedback Taylor Rule
theta=2/3 #Calvo parameter
rho_nu = 0.5 #autocorrelation monetary policy shock
jmoy /
Created September 19, 2015 07:13
Scrape daily wheat price data using Selenium and LXML
Download wheat price data from
Data is saved in file wheat.csv in current directory
Author: Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Ambedkar University, New Delhi,
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys