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Created January 18, 2013 17:23
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def index(page=1):
# set up the pagination params, set count later
p = Pagination(per_page=10, current_page=page)
timeline = RedisTimeline.find_paginated(p)
# pass the pagination object to the view, so a list of links can be displayed
return render_template('index.html', timeline=timeline, pagination=p)
# This is a simplified class that uses Redis
class RedisTimeline(object):
def find_paginated(self, pagination):
# self.count returns the total number of items in the timeline = self.count()
# pass in the pagination params which can be used as offset
timeline = self.find(limit=pagination.per_page, start=pagination.start)
return timeline
def find(self, limit=100, start=0):
"""ZREVRANGE foo <$OFFSET> <$OFFSET + $LIMIT - 1> will yield correct results if both OFFSET and LIMIT are assumed to be zero-based.
So 0/0 gives you the full range, then offset 10 limit 10 will give you items 11 to 20."""
ids = r.zrevrange('myrediskey', start, start + limit - 1)
# do something with ids and generate a timeline object
return timeline
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