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Last active June 15, 2022 12:22
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Shopify Liquid for Flow > Slack
{% assign order_num = | remove: '#' %}
{% assign order_modulo = order_num | modulo:1000 %}
{% assign customer_moments_ct = order.customerJourneySummary.momentsCount %}
{% assign note_len = order.note | size %}
{% assign billingco_len = | size %}
{% assign customer_firstvisit_refurl_len = order.customerJourneySummary.firstVisit.referrerUrl | size %}
{% assign customer_firstvisit_desc_len = order.customerJourneySummary.firstVisit.sourceDescription | size %}
{% assign customer_lastvisit_refurl_len = order.customerJourneySummary.lastVisit.referrerUrl | size %}
{% assign customer_lastvisit_desc_len = order.customerJourneySummary.lastVisit.sourceDescription | size %}
{% assign order_refurl_len = order.referrerUrl | size %}
{% assign order_refdesc_len = order.referrerDisplayText | size %}
{% assign order_billingaddresscompany_len = | size %}
{% assign order_shippingaddresscompany_len = | size %}
{% if order_modulo == 0 %}
@channel *CONGRATS ON RECEIVING OUR {{order_num}}th ORDER !!!*
{% endif %}
<{{order.legacyResourceId}}|*Order {{}}*> *PAID*
*Customer Visits:* {{customer_moments_ct}}
{% if customer_firstvisit_refurl_len > 1 %}*Customer First Visit Referrer:* {{order.customerJourneySummary.firstVisit.referrerUrl}} {% endif %}
{% if customer_firstvisit_desc_len > 1 %}*Customer First Visit Descrip:* {{order.customerJourneySummary.firstVisit.sourceDescription}} {% endif %}
{% if customer_lastvisit_refurl_len > 1 %}*Customer Last Visit Referrer:* {{order.customerJourneySummary.lastVisit.referrerUrl}} {% endif %}
{% if customer_lastvisit_desc_len > 1 %}*Customer Last Visit Descrip:* {{order.customerJourneySummary.lastVisit.sourceDescription}} {% endif %}
{% if order_refurl_len > 1 %}*Order Referrer:* {{order.referrerUrl}} {% endif %}
{% if order_refdesc_len > 1 %}*Order Referral Display:* {{order.referrerDisplayText}} {% else %}*Order Referral Display:* _direct_{% endif %}
*Line Items:* {% for lineItems_item in order.lineItems %}
_{{lineItems_item.title}}_ - {{lineItems_item.variantTitle}}{% for customAttributes_item in lineItems_item.customAttributes %}
_{{customAttributes_item.key | remove: "_" }}_: {% if customAttributes_item.key == "creationId" %}<{{customAttributes_item.value}}|{{customAttributes_item.value}}>{% elsif customAttributes_item.key == "printId" %}<{{customAttributes_item.value}}|{{customAttributes_item.value}}>{% else %}{{customAttributes_item.value}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
*Qty:* {{lineItems_item.quantity}}
{% endfor %}
*Total Paid:* {{order.totalReceivedSet.presentmentMoney.amount}} {{order.totalReceivedSet.presentmentMoney.currencyCode}}
{% if order.totalDiscountsSet.presentmentMoney.amount > 0 %}
*Discount Code:* {{order.discountCode}}
*Discount Total:* {{order.totalDiscountsSet.presentmentMoney.amount}} {{order.totalDiscountsSet.presentmentMoney.currencyCode}}
{% else %}
*No Discount.*
{% endif %}
*Ship To:* {{order.customer.displayName}}, {{}}
{{}}, {{order.shippingAddress.provinceCode}} {{}}
{% if note_len > 1 %}
>{{order.note | strip_newlines}}
{% endif %}
{% if order_shippingaddresscompany_len > 1 or order_billingaddresscompany_len > 1 %}{% if order.channelInformation.channelDefinition.handle == "online-store" %}
*This order is a corporate customer or recipient.*
{% if order_billingaddresscompany_len > 1 %}
_Purchased by:_ *{{order.customer.displayName}}* ({{}}) at *{{}}*{% endif %}{% if order_shippingaddresscompany_len > 1 %}
_Shipping to:_ *{{}}* at *{{}}*
{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
_order channel handle_: {{order.channelInformation.channelDefinition.handle}}
{% for transactions_item in order.transactions %} _payment gateway_:{{transactions_item.formattedGateway}}{% if transactions_item.formattedGateway == "Coinbase Commerce" %} @dev we got a {{transactions_item.formattedGateway}} payment. {% endif %}{% endfor %}
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