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Last active December 7, 2015 07:39
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cURL POST Request with ofSystem from openFrameworks
string completeUpdate = "{\"requests\": [{\"method\": \"PUT\",\"path\": \"/1/classes/"+dbName+"/"+displayObjectId+"\",\"body\": "+ updateObj + "},{\"method\": \"PUT\",\"path\": \"/1/classes/"+dbName+"/"+displayObjectId+"\",\"body\": " + updateObj2 + "}]}";
string someId = "someIdString";
pushData(someId, completeUpdate);
void pushData(string someIdStr, string updateObjectStr){
cout << "updating parse. objectId: "<<someIdStr<<endl;
cout << "\tupdate object: "<<updateObjectStr<<endl;
string cmd = "curl -X POST \
-H \"X-Parse-Application-Id: QKfYTmyApplicationIdyeadCeakCmfwa\" \
-H \"X-Parse-REST-API-Key: cGN5GZgtOYuf2myRESTApiKeya1t1OaszbNB\" \
-H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \
-d '"+updateObjectStr+"' \";
ofSystem( cmd );
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Any thoughts on a GET request ?

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