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Created January 19, 2017 14:01
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citibike help
import requests
from import json_normalize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3 as lite
import time
from dateutil.parser import parse
import collections
r = requests.get('')
key_list = []
for station in r.json()['stationBeanList']:
for k in station.keys():
if k not in key_list:
#22 Stations 'Not In Service'
#Mean available bikes INCLUDING 'Not In Service' stations: 9.5
#Median available bikes INCLUDING 'Not In Service' stations: 7
#Mean available bikes EXCLUDING 'Not In Service' stations: 9.9
#Median available bikes EXCLUDING 'Not In Service' stations: 8
#Mean & Median both increase when we exclude 'Not In Service' stations.
df = json_normalize(r.json()['stationBeanList'])
#df2 = df[df.statusValue == 'In Service']
con = lite.connect('citi_bike.db')
cur = con.cursor()
#Create reference table to store static information
with con:
cur.execute('CREATE TABLE citibike_reference (id INT PRIMARY KEY, totalDocks INT, city TEXT, altitude INT, stAddress2 TEXT, longitude NUMERIC, postalCode TEXT, testStation TEXT, stAddress1 TEXT, stationName TEXT, landMark TEXT, latitude NUMERIC, location TEXT )')
#Reuseable SQL statement
sql = "INSERT INTO citibike_reference (id, totalDocks, city, altitude, stAddress2, longitude, postalCode, testStation, stAddress1, stationName, landMark, latitude, location) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
#For loop to populate the reference table created above with values
with con:
for station in r.json()['stationBeanList']:
#Extract 'id' column from the DataFrame and put the values into a list
station_ids = df['id'].tolist()
#Add an '_' to the front of the id number and also add the data type INT for SQLite
station_ids = ['_' + str(x) + ' INT' for x in station_ids]
#create the 'available bikes' table
with con:
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE available_bikes ( execution_time INT, " + ", ".join(station_ids) + ");")
for i in range(2):
r = requests.get('')
exec_time = parse(r.json()['executionTime'])
cur.execute('INSERT INTO available_bikes (execution_time) VALUES (?)', (exec_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'),))
#Create default dictionary to store available bikes by station
id_bikes = collections.defaultdict(int)
for station in r.json()['stationBeanList']:
id_bikes[station['id']] = station['availableBikes']
for k, v in id_bikes.items():
cur.execute("UPDATE available_bikes SET _" + str(k) + " = " + str(v) + " WHERE execution_time = " + exec_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + ";")
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