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Created December 5, 2018 00:49
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Output from Pikes on sentence: "The dog is red."
@prefix ks: <> .
<,14> ks:synset <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
<,14> a ks:ParticipationMention .
@prefix nif: <> .
@prefix xs: <> .
<,14> nif:beginIndex "11"^^xs:int ;
ks:mentionOf <> .
<,7> ks:synset <> .
<> ks:annotationOf <> .
<,7> a ks:EntityMention .
<,14> a ks:Mention .
@prefix dct: <> .
ks:NAF%20filter.null dct:title "NAF filter" .
<> ks:layer ks:layer_text .
ks:Stanford%20CoreNLP.null dct:title "Stanford CoreNLP" .
<,7> ks:mentionOf <> .
<> dct:creator ks:NAF%20filter.null .
<> ks:hasMention <,7> .
<> dct:creator ks:Stanford%20CoreNLP.null .
<,7> a ks:Mention ;
ks:sst <> .
<,14> a ks:PredicateMention .
<,7> nif:anchorOf "dog" .
<> ks:textHash "Gw31d4pzlAxB8q0KR9ZWD7" .
<> <> <,14> .
<> <> <,7> .
<> dct:identifier "" .
<,14> a ks:EntityMention .
<> a ks:Text .
<> ks:layer ks:layer_naf-filter ;
a ks:Resource , ks:NAF .
<> dct:creator "" .
<> <> <,14> .
<> dct:title "" .
<,14> nif:anchorOf "red" .
<> ks:version "v3" .
<,14> ks:sst <> ;
nif:endIndex "14"^^xs:int .
<,7> nif:endIndex "7"^^xs:int .
<> ks:hasMention <,14> .
<,7> ks:lemma "dog" .
<> dct:created "2018-12-05T01:48:10+01:00" .
<,7> nif:beginIndex "4"^^xs:int .
<> ks:annotatedWith <> ;
dct:language <> ;
a ks:Resource .
<> dct:created "2018-12-05T01:48:21.515+0100" .
@prefix sumo: <> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:SelfConnectedObject .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Physical .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
@prefix frb: <> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> frb:fe-Color-Color <> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a ks:Entity .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Organism .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Vertebrate .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Entity .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dbpedia: <> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> rdfs:seeAlso dbpedia:Dog .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> a ks:Entity .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Canine .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Object .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> a ks:Predicate .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:CorpuscularObject .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> a ks:Entity .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Agent .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
@prefix dbyago: <> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a dbyago:Dog102084071 .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
@prefix pm: <> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> a pm:fn15-color .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> a frb:frame-Color-red.a .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> rdfs:label "dog" .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Mammal .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:WarmBloodedVertebrate .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> rdfs:label "red" .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:OrganicThing .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Carnivore .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:Animal .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
@prefix sem: <> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> a sem:Event .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> {
<> <> <> .
<fact:Nlb1MhUdym0Py4Nh95qQIi> ks:expressedBy <,14> .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> {
<> a sumo:OrganicObject .
<fact:MfktDGRyRJyMNP483QDDX4> ks:expressedBy <,7> .
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